100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 622 Getting Jealous?

Chapter 622  Getting Jealous?

Day Seventy…


As Cherry listened to Jane's heartfelt sentiments, a flicker of concern crossed her mind, making her wonder if Jane was thinking about her baby who died inside her womb. She reached out and gently clasped Jane's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Sis... Did you also recall the incident that resulted in the loss of your unborn child?" Cherry inquired, her voice filled with genuine worry and empathy as she probed gently into the depths of Jane's memories and emotions.

Jane's body stiffened, and a sudden wave of emotions overcame her as she heard Cherry's question about her unborn child. She found herself wondering why she had no recollection of that particular incident.

With a sorrowful gaze in her eyes, Jane turned to look at Cherry, the weight of sadness evident in her expression. She shook her head slowly and replied, "That incident is not among the memories I've managed to recover." Her voice carried a mix of disappointment and longing as she grappled with the absence of that crucial piece of her past.

"However… I–" Jane stopped mid-sentence. She didn't know how she would tell Cherry that she found the clue who might be the father of her child. The weight of her ugly past and a sense of shame held her back, making it hard to put her thoughts into words. Aside from the leader of King Stallion, she thought that several men had touched her.

Cherry fixed her gaze on Jane with anticipation, eager to hear more of her story. Unable to contain her curiosity, she blurted out the question that had been burning in her mind, "Did you manage to find out who the father of your child is?" Her curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't wait any longer to hear Jane's response.

Jane shifted her gaze away from Cherry, unable to meet her eyes directly. She feared that Cherry would pity her further if she revealed her painful and ugly past. Her humiliation ran deep, stemming from the exploitation she had endured. At that moment, she felt dirty and unworthy, and it weighed heavily on her heart.

She was in the middle of putting her emotions in check when an unexpected figure approached them. It was Stephen. He showed up and immediately pulled Jane into a tight hug. Cherry was the one who informed Stephen about their current location. Stephen had been worried about Jane because of the abduction incident last night.

Jane found herself taken aback by Stephen's sudden approach. However, her initial surprise gradually gave way to a sense of comfort as she felt the sincerity in his embrace. In moments of distress, she knew she could always rely on this man, the very person she had turned to in her most dire times of need. He was the person who listened to her troubled soul and the scars of her past.

As Stephen held her close, Jane couldn't help but reflect on the unwavering support and friendship he had offered her throughout her darkest moments, trials, and tribulations. He had been her anchor in stormy seas, a pillar of strength when her world was in turmoil. She would always cherish this friendship forever.

On the other hand, Cherry watched them, a small smile playing on her lips as she recognized the deep affection and concern etched across Stephen's face.

"Stephen…I can't breathe," Jane softly mumbled, making Stephen release her from his tight embrace.

Stephen offered a swift apology. "I'm sorry, Jane," he began, his eyes never leaving her, "I got carried away by my emotions." He nervously bit his lower lip, a testament to his genuine concern for her well-being. "What brings you here? You should be resting," he added, his worry for Jane's health evident.

Jane observed Stephen closely, searching for any signs that he might be aware of her imaginary illness. His reaction mirrored Nathan's, which heightened her suspicions. She then shifted her gaze from Stephen to Cherry, silently hoping that her friend hadn't heard about her supposed brain tumor. However, based on Cherry's reaction when they met earlier, it seemed she was still unaware of Jane's fabricated illness.

"I'm feeling better now," Jane replied to Stephen's question.

"Guys, I'll go grab us some snacks," Cherry chimed in, taking the initiative to give the two some privacy for their conversation. The two just gave her a nod.

With Cherry having left them alone, Jane felt more at ease discussing her past with Stephen. She had nothing to hide, knowing that Stephen had already heard certain aspects of her story.

"Steph, I've managed to recover some of my memories," Jane confided to him.

Stephen was taken aback when he heard this news. Jane motioned for him to join her on the bench, and as they sat down, he couldn't help but express his concern.

"How much have you remembered? Are you okay?" Stephen inquired, unable to hide his worry. He feared that Jane might be experiencing emotional distress as a result of her recovered memories.

Jane smiled faintly, trying to look brave. "You don't need to worry about me. I've endured a lot, and I plan to draw strength from my past. I'm determined to settle the score with them. However, I still need your help. I must recall the incident that led to the death of my unborn child."

"I will help you recover the rest of your memory. But how do you plan to settle the score with them? You need to undergo treatment, Jane. You were diagnosed with a brain tumor," Stephen said, his concern evident in his voice.

'Damn. here we go again with that illness. I want to beat Bam-Bam for this.' Jane thought to herself.

"Yes. I'll undergo a treatment. But please don't stop me from getting my revenge." Jane wanted to end the conversation right away about the brain tumor treatment.

"I'm surprised you didn't argue with him, and you obediently followed his words so quickly," Nathan's voice interrupted. There was a hint of jealousy in his tone as he appeared unexpectedly, his feelings clearly mixed.

Nathan hated the fact that Jane had declined his offer of assistance and that he had to resort to making a deal with her to persuade her to accept treatment. However, at the mere word from Stephen, Jane had promptly complied, leaving Nathan feeling somewhat frustrated and overshadowed.

Jane frowned as she looked at him. "Of course, I have to listen to Stephen. He is my doctor."

Nathan's expression turned sour further when he heard her last remarks. He pursed his lips in annoyance. Meanwhile, Stephen just smiled at them. "By the way, what are you doing here, Nate?" Stephen asked him.

Nathan couldn't provide an immediate response. He hesitated to confess that he had been trailing Jane because he was concerned she might engage in more reckless behavior so soon after waking from her coma. His worries compelled him to keep an eye on her and ensure her well-being. Furthermore, there was still a threat to her safety because of the King Stallion Mafia. They were still after Jane.

"I came for practice shooting," Nathan said as an alibi.

'LIAR,' Jane thought to herself as she arched her eyebrow. It was very obvious that Nathan lied. There are other famous shooting ranges in the city. And Nathan wasn't a regular client here.

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