100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 638 [Bonus chapter]Two DNA Results

Chapter 638  [Bonus chapter]Two DNA Results

Day Seventy-One…


[ At Zhou Hospital… ]

As Hanabi and Cherry stepped through the revolving glass doors, they were immediately enveloped in the bustling atmosphere of the Zhou Hospital. They were tasked to collect the DNA Test result and pass it over to Jane.

Hanabi and Cherry navigated through the maze of bustling corridors, where medical professionals in white coats hurriedly moved from one patient room to another. They immediately checked the hospital bulletin board where they could see informational signs, providing directions to various departments, clinics, and specialized units.

After getting the information needed, the duo took the lift, proceeding to Dr. Zhou's office. He was the one who facilitated Jane's request for the DNA Test. However, upon reaching the office, they found it unoccupied. The two ladies decided to take a seat on the sofa, patiently awaiting Dr. Zhou's arrival.

It did not take long before an unexpected figure walked into the office. Instead of Dr. Zhou, Stephen was the one who entered the room. The sudden encounter left both Hanabi and Stephen surprised, as they hadn't anticipated crossing paths again in this manner.

"You?!" exclaimed Hanabi and Stephen simultaneously, their voices filled with astonishment. They pointed at each other, their faces reflecting the disbelief of recognizing someone they hadn't expected to see.

Cherry, on the other hand, shifted her gaze back and forth between Hanabi and Stephen. With a hint of amusement, she inquired, "Have you two met before?"

Stephen and Hanabi exchanged nods in acknowledgment of Cherry's question, their gazes briefly locking with a mix of recognition and curiosity.

Their voices overlapped as they both spoke, explaining their previous encounters.

Stephen: "She is—"

Hanabi: "He is—"

Both of them momentarily paused, giving chance for the other to speak first.

"Ladies first," Stephen said with a friendly smile.

Hanabi, her eyes fixed on Stephen, began, her voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and humor, "He's the guy who accidentally hit me with his car." She couldn't help but smirk at the memory.

Stephen, on the other hand, had a sheepish smile as he admitted, "And she's the patient who managed to escape from my care." His tone held a touch of self-deprecating humor, acknowledging the irony of the situation.

Cherry, sensing the potential for an intriguing backstory, couldn't contain a soft giggle. Her eyes sparkled with amusement. "Well, well, what a small world," she remarked with a hint of playful irony.

She then gestured towards the two, introducing them, "Doc Stephen, this is Hanabi, Jane's childhood friend. Hanabi, meet Doc Stephen, Jane's psychologist and dear friend."

Stephen extended a hand toward Hanabi with a warm smile, attempting to mend the awkwardness that had inadvertently woven itself into their meeting. "Pleasure to formally meet you, Hanabi," he said, his tone sincere.

Knowing that Stephen was a good friend of Jane, Hanabi held a positive impression of him. She welcomed his extended hand and gave it a firm shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well," she replied in her neutral tone.

"Given that you're here at our hospital now, why not consider having a comprehensive physical examination?" Stephen suggested, his concern for Hanabi evident in his words. He continued, "After you left without notice last time, I couldn't determine the extent of any potential injuries I inflicted in you."

"I hope you're feeling well after the accident," Stephen added.

"You don't need to worry about me. I'm perfectly fine," Hanabi gracefully declined Stephen's offer once more, her polite tone concealing any discomfort she might have felt about the suggestion.

Stephen's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but inquire, "By the way, what brings both of you here? Are you here for a consultation with my father?"

Cherry promptly answered him. "Sis Jane sent us to retrieve the results of the DNA test. We submitted the specimens last night to your father."

At the mention of Jane's name, Stephen's eyes lit up. It was clear that Jane held a special place in his heart, and her involvement in this situation added an unexpected layer of significance to their meeting.

"Whose DNA have you conducted tests on at this facility?" Stephen inquired, his tone a blend of professional curiosity and genuine interest. His question hung in the air, evoking the sense that there might be more to the story than met the eye, a hidden web of connections waiting to be unraveled since Jane was involved.

Cherry and Hanabi exchanged glances with one another. "I'm sorry. Doc Stephen. We can't reveal the identity of the owners of the specimen. If you really want to know, you have to ask our Sis."

Stephen held a deep respect for privacy and confidentiality, which led him to refrain from pressing further with his questions. However, this unexpected encounter stirred memories of a similar request made by Abigail. She had also asked him for a favor: to conduct a DNA test using samples she had provided.

Up until this point, he had not shared the results with Abigail, an oversight on his part. It had slipped his mind because Abigail had lost some of her memories, including her request for the DNA test.

"Abigail also requested me the same thing. I'll just get the result. Could you please hand it over to her?" Stephen asked the two ladies.

"Sure thing." Cherry responded with a smile.

Stephen said goodbye for a moment to retrieve the DNA result requested by Abigail. But little did he know, Jane was the one who made that request when her soul was still inside Abigail's body. Those were DNA samples of Vincent and Ethan.

Meanwhile, Dr. Zhou eventually arrived at his office, meeting Hanabi and Cherry. His disappointment was evident as he had anticipated seeing Jane. Dr. Zhou had been quietly contemplating the possibility of Jane becoming his future daughter-in-law, largely due to her connection with his son, Stephen.

"How's Jane?" Dr. Zhou asked the two ladies as he passed the document over to Cherry.

"She couldn't make it due to a family gathering, Dr. Zhou," Cherry explained. "But rest assured, Sis Jane is on the mend and feeling better."

However, a flicker of concern briefly crossed Dr. Zhou's eyes. He had diagnosed Jane with a brain tumor, so he was keenly aware of her health struggles and the potential deterioration of her condition.

"Okay. Please tell her to visit me regularly. I remain her doctor, and it's my utmost priority to monitor and ensure her well-being." His words conveyed not only his dedication but also his genuine concern for Jane's health and recovery.

"Of course, Dr. Zhou," Cherry replied with a nod, acknowledging his request. "We'll make sure to convey your message to her, and we appreciate your continued care for her health."

A few minutes later, Stephen returned, holding a brown envelope that contained the result of another DNA test. "Could you please ensure Abigail receives it?" Stephen said before handing the document over to Cherry.

"Yes, Doc. We will give this to her," Cherry reassured him.

Hanabi and Cherry wasted no time, quickly making their way back to the Hiroshi Villa. Jane had meticulously planned to unveil this profound truth to Nathan, armed with the irrefutable evidence they now possessed.

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