A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 105: (2)

Chapter 105: (2)

Banson also knew that meddling in noble affairs rarely led to a good outcome. Moreover, he had nearly died before coming here due to a guy named Jansen, saved only by Kaiyan. Because of that, as they approached their destination, he couldnt help but feel a subtle unease.

Haha, I guess I cant tell you that. However what I can tell you is that we will deliver the promised 2,000 gold, and you wont suffer any harm.

In that case Haha!

But already enticed by the prospect of a substantial sum of money, he couldnt afford to give up the quest now, despite his doubts. Furthermore, it had been a 3,000 gold commission, and apart from a few monster attacks, nothing worrisome had happened.

As Banson put aside his suspicions and turned his head, Verium, who had been laughing as he looked at Banson, stopped smiling and whispered softly.

Hehe! We can finally return. I never thought the Marianne Empire would become this lax.

**** ****

Rieka, did we really find the right path?

[Um Im not sure. If we did, there shouldnt be anything like this here. There was no such marking on the map.]

A forest should be around here, at least

While he had thought they were on the right track until an hour ago when he looked at the massive mountain in front of them, he began to wonder if they had lost their way.

Suddenly, a mountain. And its a rocky one at that.

[Could we have been scammed? That magicians expression was weird.]

Looking at the towering rocky mountain in front of them, a sense of dread washed over him. Even if they had lost their way, he would have preferred a regular mountain, as he could have used titles to find their way.

But despite being a rocky mountain, there was not a single tree in sight.

Hmm The map definitely didnt show any rocky mountains Look here, theres not a single mountain symbol on the road from the center to the east.

[So um! Could it be this one?]

Rieka pointed to a part of the map with a symbol that somewhat resembled a rounded rock. It seemed a bit odd to mark it as a mountain, but if it was indicating a rocky mountain, he could reluctantly accept it and move on.

Then, if we cross here, well be in Lumbanium Territory. Once we reach the summit

He slightly raised his head and looked at the mountains peak. It appeared quite high, almost on par with Panielun Fortress when seen from a distance.

At a glance, youll be able to see the territory.

[Alright, lets go quickly! Im curious about what the territory looks like!]


At Riekas urging, he put away the map and began walking toward the rocky mountain.

Utilizing his overflowing stamina, they ascended the mountain quickly for about ten minutes. Gradually, the ground leveled out, and what had seemed high at first began to look closer.

Hup! The summit is flatter than I expected.

[Its fascinating! A mountain made entirely of pure rock. Ive never seen a place like this before!]

A few minutes later, they were able to reach the relatively spacious summit, and when they looked around, there was still no sign of any grass.

Typically, even on a rocky mountain, there would be small trees or plants, but here, there were none.

Whats more, that wont be important. The Lumbanium territory it must be over there.

I want to go see it first!

Eager to see what Lumbanium looked like, Rieka emerged from Kaiyans pouch and quickly moved towards the opposite peak using her short front legs.

Watching her, Kaiyan couldnt help but smile and opened a portal to retrieve his horse.

Blackie, when else would you have climbed to the mountaintop? Lets take a good look this time.


As if the steep slope behind the high mountain peak scared him, Blackie glanced in that direction and then rushed towards Rieka.

Well, maybe I should go too.

As Kaiyan strolled along, taking in the surroundings and heading towards the opposite peak, he suddenly heard his name being called by Rieka, who had gone ahead.

Why are you here already? Havent you seen enough?

No, its not that! The city is on fire!

On fire?

Yes! Its burning fiercely! Enormously!

Baffled, Kaiyan quickly moved towards the opposite side and looked down.

Indeed. Lumbanium is burning, just as Rieka said. Not just a part of the city, but the entire city.

Even from this high summit, he could feel the faint heat emanating from the raging flames.

Could it really happen? Even if its a small city, the entire city is on fire. Theres no way a war broke out it couldnt possibly have happened.

For a moment, he wondered if a war with another country had suddenly erupted, but he realized that this area was closer to the central border region. Even if a war had broken out, it would have taken several months for the army to penetrate this far. Besides, when he arrived with Linda in the imperial city, no one had mentioned a war.

So, whats the reason

Dont you think we should go see for ourselves? Seeing the city burning like that, it seems like a lot of people may have died

Yeah, youre right. I need to see it with my own eyes to understand whats happening.

Listening to Riekas words brought him back to his senses. Instead of standing here and watching the city burn, it was the right thing to do to hurry down and try to save at least one person.

He quickly placed Blackie back into the dimension and embraced Rieka. With determination, he leaped off the rocky mountain and descended rapidly. As the city drew closer, he could vividly see how dire the situation was.

The city gate seemed to have melted from the intense heat, leaving only charred remnants. People were scrambling out through a small opening in the gate.

Who could have done this?

Seeing the entire city ablaze, Kaiyan couldnt fathom why anyone would do such a thing. He felt a surge of anger within him, the memory of his own destroyed hometown overlaying with the image of Lumbanium.

Whoever it is

As the memory of his burning hometown and the sight of Lumbanium merged in his mind, an intense anger welled up from within him.

I wont let them get away with this.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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