A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 72: (2)

Chapter 72: (2)


Behind the small door is a staircase leading down into the underground. What is surprising is that the stairs arent illuminated by torches but by small artifacts emitting a gentle light. There are dozens of them, if not more.

[Kaiyan! Can you believe someone put artifacts here? Even one would be enough, but using so many like this!]

Kaiyan agrees with Riakas words. This is beyond extravagance. Even if theyre low-grade artifacts, each one would cost at least several gold coins, and theyve used dozens of them just to light up the stairs.

Descending the stairs for about a minute, Kaiyan reaches the end. Similar to the entrance, there is a small door. The difference is that while the door above is shabby, the one below looks very luxurious.


Even without knocking on the door, it opens on its own with a sound.

[Wow who would have thought theyd be this foolish.]

I cant argue with that.

Through the open door, a dazzling interior was visible.

Its so ornate that one could mistake it for a noble mansion. In fact, its even more dazzling and overflowing with opulence than anything Kaiyan has ever seen. What surprises Kaiyan the most is the sheer scale of the place, as though they managed to create this enormous space underground.


Ah, lets go in.

Answering Salmoss call, Kaiyan closes his gaping mouth and takes a step inside. As he passes through the door and enters a familiar face appears, greeting him.

Have you come, Tarien-nim? I apologize for last time. I never imagined you would visit us as a mercenary.


Unlike before, the rich beard of his had been traded for a colder expression as Jansen forced a smile. Perhaps he didnt need to wear a mask anymore.

Well, the circumstances were different then But what about the others?

Kaiyan looked around, but aside from Jansen, he couldnt spot anyone else. The invitation indicated that several noble lords were supposed to be at this gathering.

Ah, the others will be here shortly. Since theyre all coming from distant places, its taking them some time. Please come this way.

I see

As Kaiyan took a step to follow Jansen deeper inside,

Knights? Quite a number.

Through his always-alert senses, he felt that in the direction Jansen was indicating, there were over twenty people hidden, each at the level of a knight or higher.

Of course, it could be assumed this was for contingency purposes, but pondering how he would feel if he were genuinely a noble and he discovered this fact, the answer came to him easily.

Not guarding the outside, but hiding within? This is strange.

If he were really Tarien, finding out such a fact would have ignited his anger. And even if it was for the sake of being prepared for emergencies, it would have been courteous to inform him of such matters beforehand.

Salmos, when will he arrive?

Conscious of Barvan, Kaiyan whispered to Salmos in a hushed voice.

He should be at the entrance by now.

Could it be that you and Ecrin are the only ones coming?

For the time being, but the Shadow Knights will be here shortly. It should be fine.

Shadow Knights.

He wasnt sure how strong they were, but if they were called the Shadow Knights, they must be numerous. In that case, even if there were twenty knights inside, it would still likely align with Barvans plan.

Yes, they probably did well on their own.

Barvan should understand how crucial this opportunity is; unless hes a complete fool, he must have prepared thoroughly.

Pushing aside the tangled thoughts, Kaiyan grinned at Jansen, who was looking back with a relieved expression and approached him.

Tarien, Im truly grateful for your visit. I thought Tarien-nim wouldnt come here.

What are you saying? We made a promise, and we should keep it.

Thats true. But what I promised back then wasnt with Tarien but with Mr. Kaiyan. So, I thought you wouldnt come. In the end, I brought this significant gift Puhaha!


Seeing Jansen burst into laughter, Kaiyans expression hardened.

When did that guy find out? Could he have met Tarien in the meantime? Or did he get the information from the Blatan Mercenary Guild? Its unlikely; they didnt have any reason to reject my proposal.

So how did he find out about my true identity? And a significant gift at that?

Could it be

The various jumbled thoughts in his mind gradually aligned, forming a clear picture.

Is it a lure for Bavran?

Kukuku, daring to casually mention a nobles name under the guise of a mercenary leader. Well, if its Barvan, he wont be an issue for much longer.

But why?

One lingering question remained: if he knew, why didnt he escape?

From his words, it seemed like Jansen had plans to capture Baran, but Baran wasnt coming alone. The Shadow Knights Salmos mentioned should be arriving shortly, too. How did they plan to handle them?


Oh, the protagonist has arrived.

Looking behind, he saw the ornate door shattered, and ahead of it, Baran and Ekrain stood, swords drawn.

Barvan, stepping on the broken door, slowly approached one step at a time.

Jansen, hiding in a place like this. You truly are a rat-like bastard.

Kukuku, no need to worry. After today, you wont have a reason to say that anymore.

Thats right. You wont escape my grasp today. Lets end this tiresome fight, Jansen.

Who dies, thats something we need to watch for, dont you think? Kukhaha!

Hes completely gone mad. Salmos, subdue Jansen.

When Barvan gave the order to Salmos, he unsheathed his sword. At that moment, Kaiyans senses went haywire.

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