A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 81: (2)

Chapter 81: (2)

Leaving Barvan behind without saying anything, Kaiyan picked up Rieka and walked out of the room. Hoil was waiting for him.

Are we leaving now?

Yes, we need to. Weve been resting and delaying our tasks long enough; now we must move quickly.

I see Barvan mentioned that youre going to the Merchants of Lukuba? Here, take this.

Hoil handed me a rolled-up piece of paper and a small leather pouch.

Whats this?

The paper is a map. If you unfold it, youll see the route to the Havinel territory marked on it, so you wont get lost. And the pouch is a gift from Lord Barvan. Open it on your way.

Yes, thank you. It seems like Ive received a generous gift.

If it was a map depicting the Havinel territory, located five days away, it must be an incredibly valuable map. Nobles were indeed generous.

After tucking the map into his bag, Kaiyan attached the small leather pouch to his waist as Hoil gestured.

Follow me. Ill give you some good advice.

Following Hoil, they left the quiet mansion, which was probably quiet because of the late hour, and headed to the stable located on one side of the garden.

When they arrived at the stable, Hoil skillfully opened the door and came out with a healthy-looking horse with black fur.

This one doesnt have an owner yet, so it doesnt have a name. You can name it on your journey. Oh, by the way, you do know how to ride, right?

Im not great at it, but I can ride.

When traveling with the Banson Mercenary Corps, Bisel had taught him how to ride just in case. He never thought hed use that skill like this, though.

Hoil handed over the reins of the black horse.

But why the rush to leave?

Kaiyan was surprised.

Kukuk, do you know why the mansion is so quiet right now?

Yes? Probably because its late?

Lady Hujak couldnt contain her anger and has already killed five servants. Thanks to that, the atmosphere inside the mansion has hit rock bottom.

Thats terrible.

He didnt feel good knowing that those people died because of him. Of course, even if he could go back in time, he would still act the same way.

Right now, Lady Hujak has summoned the Obian Knights, who are in another city. Theyre probably planning to come and kill you. If Lord Marquis was here, such a thing wouldnt have happened Unfortunately, Lord Marquis is currently in the capital, so theres no one to stop it.

Obian Knights Are they stronger than the Marshal Knights?

Hoil warned Kaiyan to be cautious, but in his current state, stronger than before, Kaiyan actually felt like challenging the Obian Knights. Intense battles fought with ones life on the line would make him even stronger.

But I cant harm Barvan.

The Obian Knights summoned by Lady Hujak would undoubtedly be the knights of the Carsia family, and killing them would only cause trouble for Barvan. After all, Kaiyan was here as a guest of the Carsia family.

Well, whatever happens, its fine now. Should we go?

Yes, lets go. Ive already informed the guards inside and out, so they should have the doors open. It pains me to send you off at this late hour.

Hoil patted Kaiyans shoulder as if genuinely sorry.

Its alright. Then, lets I will be on my way.

Kaiyan mounted the horse, careful not to startle it. Contrary to his appearance, the horse seemed surprisingly gentle, standing still without any fuss.

Hes likable.

After patting the horse once, Kaiyan was about to depart when Hoil seemed to recall something and grabbed his arm.

I didnt mention this before, but even though your skills are good, be cautious of assassins. You never know how Lady Hujak will react if she finds out youve left.

Assassins That sounds interesting. Dont worry. Assassins and I dont get along.



Ignoring Hoils questions, Kaiyan pulled the reins, and the horse, which had been waiting quietly, quickly leaped forward.

Assassins are easier to deal with than knights.

What could be so terrifying about assassins?

Were they stronger? No. They couldnt be stronger than knights who used aura and conventional swordsmanship. So, why did Hoil, who knew my abilities, warn me about assassins?

Perhaps its because they strike when the enemy is off guard.

No one can remain on high alert all the time, no matter how strong they are. I know this better than anyone from living in a monster-infested territory.

Assassins target that moment. When the opponent is most relaxed or at their weakest. But to me, its a laughable story.

Unless theyre stronger than me, they cant escape my senses.

The moment an assassin is detected by my ever-active senses, their life turns to mere scraps of paper. Assassins seeking me out are just another source of experience points for me.

**** ****

As Kaiyan passed through the outer gate and left the Carsia Castle, the enraged Lady Hujak, who had belatedly learned of this, was venting her anger at Barvan.

How dare! Did you just let that scoundrel Jansens killer go so easily?

Please refrain from speaking recklessly. I am the heir of the Carsia family.

Humph! Are you so eager for the heirs position? To the extent of killing your only brother?

Barvan felt his anger boiling inside him at Lady Hujaks audacity, but he calmed his heart, thinking of Jansen, who was already dead.

If you have nothing more to say, I will take my leave.

As Barvan turned to leave the room, Lady Hujak, in a fit of madness, threatened him with a fiery gaze.

That vermins name was Kaiyan, wasnt it? I will kill that wretch no matter what.

It is true that I killed Jansen.

Yes, but since I cant kill you, shouldnt I at least kill him in your place?

Lady Hujak glared at Barvan with madness in her eyes.

He is not someone you can kill.

Hoho, it seems youve gone mad, just like that vermin. Dont you know that killing commoners is easier than having a cup of tea?

Barvan, realizing that he couldnt reason with the crazed Lady Hujak, shook his head and left the room.


Hoil, who had been waiting outside the room, quickly approached Barvan at his call.

Did you deliver my gift to him?

Of course.

Thats a relief. I hope that gift will be of help to him.

Hes quite skilled, so even if its not, there shouldnt be any issues.

Barvan was aware that Lady Hujak would take some action in her rage, so he had already thought of a way to help Kaiyan, and he entrusted it to Hoil.

Kaiyan, well meet again soon.

A smile formed on Barvans lips as he took his next steps.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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