A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 82: (2)

Chapter 82: (2)

Is this Havinel?

Since we followed the map, it should be.

Five days had passed since they set off from the Carsia Territory, and they had finally arrived at the Havinel Territory indicated on the map. According to the information on the map, Havinel Territory was a medium-sized territory with Lord Havinel as the ruling lord.

[How about putting Blackie in the pocket dimension for a while, just in case?]

Yeah, thats a good idea.

Standing in the plain where the Havinel Castle gate was visible, Kaiyan momentarily stopped and put Blackie into the pocket dimension. He could have simply ridden him in, but the issue was that the horse provided by Hoil or Barvan looked very aristocratic, and it seemed likely that if he rode such a horse to the castle gate, the guards would rush over, thinking he was a noble.

Lets go then.

With Rieka in his clothes, he approached the Havinel Castle that lay before his eyes.

Its bigger than it looked from afar.

The size of the castle was almost on par with Blatan.

For a self-owned territory, it was quite large. However, compared to Blatan, the floating population was significantly lower, with only around fifty people queuing up in front of the castle gate.

After going to the end of the line and waiting for about ten minutes, it was soon his turn. He showed the mercenary badge to the guard and easily entered the Havinel Castle.

[Kaiyan, how do you plan to find The Merchants of Lukuba now?]

Hmm I hadnt thought about that. I just assumed we could meet them in the Havinel Territory.

Wouldnt that be no different from what we did in Blatan?

As Kaiyan pondered how to find The Merchants of Lukuba, he felt a slight vibration coming from the small leather pouch hanging from his waist.

[Huh? Kaiyan, do you have a communication device?]

A communication device?

[Yes! Theres a communication device inside that pouch, and its vibrating.]

Oh, really?

In a hurry, Kaiyan opened the leather pouch and found a small bead inside that was emitting vibrations.

-Can you hear me, Kaiyan?

Is that you, Barvan?

Barvans voice came through the small bead.

His voice was both welcoming and bewildering.

-Yes, its me. Kaiyan, have you arrived in the Havinel Territory?

How did you No, more importantly, what is this communication device?

-The communication device is one of my gifts. I told Hoil to tell you to open the pouch when you got there.

Oh, thats right

To be honest, Kaiyan had forgotten about it amidst the new pocket dimension and Blackie.

-Hehe, I knew youd forget. But more importantly, if youve arrived in the Havinel Territory, have you figured out how to find The Merchants of Lukuba?

Yeah, now that you mention it, I only knew that The Merchants of Lukuba come to the Havinel Territory, but I didnt ask how to find them.

-To find The Merchants of Lukuba, you need to go to the blacksmiths forge.

The blacksmiths forge? Why suddenly a blacksmiths forge when its The Merchants of Lukuba?

-Do you think The Merchants of Lukuba are like any other merchants? Lukuba group has a secret location in each territory.

So, you mean thats the blacksmiths forge?

-Its more like one of the entrances to the location. To find them, look for a blacksmiths forge with a triangle sign. And just in case, let me emphasize this again: Never speak to anyone else about what Ive told you regarding The Merchants of Lukuba.

If Barvan was emphasizing it to this extent, it seemed that the lord of the top, an aristocrat, had an imposing presence in Menislan.

Since the members of the Marquis family seemed to be afraid of him like that.

Dont worry, I wont.

-Then Ill end the communication here. If anything happens, use this bead to communicate with me. Ive already entered the coordinates, so it should connect automatically.


Nobles sure are something.

Kaiyans thoughts and what he actually experiences are clearly different. If he had known, he would have bought a communicator or something and shared it with the old men or Bensons mercenary group. With a communicator, he could check on their well-being without having to visit them in person.

Lets go, Rieka.

[Yes, lets go! Were finally visiting The Merchants of Lukuba, which Ive been waiting for! Im really looking forward to it!]

While petting the excited Rieka, Kaiyan turned his steps towards the market alley where the blacksmiths forges were likely to be.

As they entered the market, they saw people bustling about. Kaiyan used to roam the village just as busily when he was young.

If youre an ordinary person living on the Eunasia Continent, youre probably just like them.

Thats how much the Eunasia Continent isnt a good place for commoners.

Kaiyan didnt realize it until he became a player, but after experiencing the privileges, he keenly felt how much more oppressive and harsh the life of a commoner was compared to the privileged class.

Commoners are no different from slaves.

The same slave system, which had been abolished 100 years ago by the Mareon Empire and the Sa Kingdom on the Eunasia Continent.

But was there a big difference between then and now? In fact, since the slave class disappeared, commoners, with their status, faced even stronger oppression and persecution compared to the privileged class.

[It looks like this is it! Theres a triangle drawn here!]

While Kaiyan was lost in thought, Rieka pointed her front paw towards a blacksmiths forge with a triangle sign.

It looks the same on the outside.

At first glance, it appeared to be a typical blacksmiths forge. Moreover, on the outskirts of the forge, there were people who looked like blacksmiths, busy with their swords.

If it werent for Barvans words, Kaiyan would never have thought that this place was the way to the secret location of The Merchants of Lukuba.

Lets go inside and see. Lets find out what kind of extraordinary items they sell.


I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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