A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 4: Chapter 30: I’m Ruined!

Volume 4: Chapter 30: I’m Ruined!

Volume 4: Chapter 30: I’m Ruined!

"Hmm Hmm Hmmm."

"Can you stop with the humming?" Jack shook his head. 


"Because you've been humming the entire day." The entire morning was Keith humming. It was fine in the beginning. But it was too much as they headed to class. 

Keith laughed, "I will do this daily for the rest of your life."

"I think it's cute." Sarah smiled.

"Thank you!" Keith continued to hum as he walked. But as he entered into the classroom, 

"What's the matter?" Keith noticed there was something off with the classroom. Well, there was one spot that had a gloomy atmosphere. 

"What's wrong, Carolyn?" Keith questioned the gloomy girl. But she glared at Keith, 

"This is all your fault!" She quickly grabbed him by the neck!

"What are you doing?" The first thing he got in the morning was getting shaken by this girl.

"Why am I getting called out as well?!"

"Called out for what?" 

"Carolyn, for starters, I think you need to get off of Keith," Gabriel tried to be the middleman. And the position the two were in was something. 

Carolyn gave him a stink eye before she got off of Keith. 

"So, explain to me what's going on?"

"Apparently, there's a love triangle between you, me, and Alfia." 

Keith blinked a few times, "Wait, what?"

Love triangle? What's that supposed to mean?!

"How did this happen?" When did this love triangle form?!

"The rumor started because of the library."

"Are you kidding me?" Keith slapped himself in the head. I only tried to talk to her for a second. And it was an attempt! Where in the world did he hit on her?!

"I'm ruined!" Carolyn grabbed her head. But that caused Keith to frown,

"What do you mean you're ruined. I'm more ruined."

"I can't get married after this!" Ignoring his words, Carolyn continued to cry.  

"..." I don't know if I should feel bad or offended by her words. Like that, the two look defeated. Gabriel shook his head. Those two fools. 

While the two were defeated, Alfia's expression wasn't good either. Those girls really love to talk. Alfia grabbed her head. Seeing this, Faelyn apologized, 

"I'm sorry, Princess," If she hadn't said that, none of this would have happened. 

"It's fine. Please mind your words from now on." Alfia sighed. There was nothing they could do about it. 

She looked down at the two. Those two were having trouble as well. 


Keith was in Tennol's class. While they waited for Tennol, Keith sighed, "If you want to laugh, do it now." He could tell Jack was ready to explode any second. But Jack stated,

"If I did, you would probably punch me in the face,"


"Why aren't you denying it?! Were you really going to do that?!" Jack stepped away from him. Keith stared at him like a wolf. It seemed the rumors had been floating around like no tomorrow! Everyone in the academy should know about it now.  

It was only a day!

"You got to be kidding me?! Who would cause so much trouble?!" Keith roared. That caused the other students to stare at him. 

Tennol entered the classroom, "Today, we'll do a round-robin spar. You guys should get up into groups to fight with one another!"

"Jack! Let's do this!" Keith clutched Jack's shoulders.

"Can I not?"


"Come on!" It was Jack's turn to cry!

"We need to find the other three."

Keith thought, "Krystal, do you want to do it together?"

"..." Krystal gave him a look. Keith quipped, "I know you don't have anyone. Let's group up!"

"...Fine." Krystal sighed as she walked over. It didn't take long before two other students joined him. Like that, a group of five was formed. 

"Who wants to go first?" Keith questioned. But when that was said, all eyes were locked on him.

"Fine. I'll go first." Keith sighed as he cracked his neck,

"Who am I facing first?"

"Me," Krystal stepped up.

"What is this?"

"Get him Krystal!" Jack cheered, "Weaken him up!"

"Jack, you're up next!" Keith glared at Jack. Did you forget that I have ears?! He was asking for a fight. 

Jack quickly grabbed his mouth. 

"Don't look away from me," Krystal swung her fist. But the latter caught it in his hand,

"My bad." Like that, the two of them started to fight. They were exchanging blows left and right.  

"Woah!" Keith quickly brought his knees together, 

"Why are you kicking there?!" She was aiming to end his entire generation!

"Tch!" Krystal continued to fight with the ferociousness of a tiger!

"Chill! Why do I always get the crazy treatment?!"

"Take it seriously!" Krystal stated as she continued to swing her fist at him. But Keith continued to block and redirect all of her attacks.

Krystal swung his hand, and Keith quickly dashed in and went behind the girl. 

"You lose,"

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