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Chapter 197 Path of the Giant (4)

Chapter 197 Path of the Giant (4)

Kang Shin-hyuk accepted the temporary quest so that he could gain enough time to prepare the shackles needed to save Mirotoz from the giant. The world’s name was Сy Xenon. The time ratio with the earth was a whopping 1 to 20, as it was nearly impossible to save it from perishing. If the world were completely destroyed, he wouldn’t be able to contact the Hero Universe, however, so he wouldn’t be able to waste too much time here.

-By the way…after entering, the situation here is worse than I expected. In fact, you may have to abandon the dimensional quest here.

“Right after arriving, you’re getting excited…it really kills the street atmosphere.”

“It’s a bit like Seoul.” If modern Seoul were abandoned for about fifty years, and then a new civilization had been built on the collapsed ruins with mana, then it would be like that. A night street full of neon signs with people’s faces illuminated by a screen located on a tall building wall, with vehicles driving on a road of light above the city. However, the light was flickering unsteadily in several places on the road, and nearly a third of the buildings were collapsed. Mechanical parts and garbage were littered on the road, and the screen hanging from the building flickered periodically. Kang Shin-hyuk thought it was the very image of cyberpunk.

“Oh, what’s that?”

“… What is it? A robot?”

“Wow.” The place where Kang Shin-hyuk and Claire had been deposited was a side alley in the city, brightly illuminated by a neon sign hanging above head.

[Found two illegal entities.]

However, while they had been half-drunk on the atmosphere of the night streets, three humanoid robots made of a gray, dull metal had found them and moved to block the alley’s exit.

[Confirmed to be minorities of the ‘human’ race not registered in the database. Will commence arrest.]

[Do not resist arrest, or you will be fired upon.]

Kang Shin-hyuk and Claire exchanged a glance with each other. They were probably thinking the same thing-things were going to be very fun.

[Forcibly viewing the status of the target…cannot be viewed. Confirmed that the Gaia system has a means of resistance.]

[Raise the border.]

“The Gaia system…how can these guys view it? Their ability doesn’t seem to be that good.” Claire had never dealt with a robotic monster before, so she was looking at them with curiosity as she brandished her pistol. Kang Shin-hyuk wasn’t in a hurry himself. If the situation were urgent, they could’ve taken them out by now, but as a result of examining them with his spiritual power, he was able to tell they were about A-rank.

But the issue is if a hundred of them crawl out…’ Kang Shin-hyuk called out Onyx, who was eating in the garbage warehouse as usual.


[Checking monster occurrence.]

[Requesting permission to release.]

Onyx was confused, but then he noticed the robots aiming a muzzle at him (there was a hole in the robot’s finger), and he instinctively hid. Then, even Kang Shin-hyuk and Claire vanished as he extended his stealth to them through his [Synchronization).

[Investigating the disappearance of the subjects.]

[Detecting mana. Explore the whole area.]

[Searching…no reaction.]

[Mission failed. Withdraw.]

The robots soon left after scanning the area. Claire let out a shout as soon as they couldn’t be seen anymore.

“What is this, stealth?! You covered us completely, right?”

“It’s a great stealth skill. Is it S-rank now? At that level, we can’t get caught.” As a bonus, synchronization had been steadily upgraded, too, so he was now able to extend it to two people at the same time. This little hedgehog was gaining some terrifying abilities.


“Now, eat this.”


Onyx was angry at being called to hide them, but he quickly quieted down after receiving the failed glove Shin-hyuk had made the day before.


“This guy is so cute.


Claire laughed as Onyx’s thorns laid down so he could eat. She gently petted him, and he let out a satisfied cry. Kang Shin-hyuk shook his thoughts away as he watched the pair, now wasn’t the time to relax. They needed to confirm the current situation!

“Can you elaborate a little more about this world?”


The administrator was silent for a moment more before he continued.

– In this world, the Gaia system has been contaminated with viruses. The system cut off this world before it could spread out, and since then, it had taken on an independent dimensional structure. Jormungand has withdrawn after reaping the energy they could.

“It’s really like the prologue of a cyberpunk game…no, wait.”

-This world is maintained by a diseased system and a devastated energy source. I said it before we arrived, but there is no hope left.

Kang Shin-hyuk felt something was off as he read the message.

“The Gaia system was cut off, but how did we get here?” Until now, Kang Shin-hyuk had thought the Hero Universe was closely related to the Gaia system, but now that didn’t seem to be the case.

-Did I not explain that the Hero Universe is a system located above the Gaia system? Of course, a world equipped with the Gaia system has greater authority, but it doesn’t mean one without it cannot be accessed.

“Oh, I didn’t think it would be possible to break into a world not managed by the Gaia system. Then…wouldn’t it be possible to invade the world’s ruled by Jormungand?”

-Such a course wouldn’t be safe for members of the Hero Universe.

Claire nodded, convinced by the administrator’s explanation. However, the messages that had appeared when he signed up were ones his previous life had seen, so that he couldn’t remember them clearly.

“Is that virus okay, then? I don’t know the structure of the Gaia system, but if it is dangerous enough to need to disconnect from it, then the Hero Universe also…”

-The Hero Universe is not weak enough to allow contact with viruses.

At some point, he had cursed Tsukuyo while crying out for Gaia’s name, but now it was impossible to understand what he meant. However, the fact that the Gaia system could be contaminated was an interesting bit of information. Claire seemed especially intrigued by it.

“I didn’t know it was possible for it to be contaminated like it was a piece of computer software. It looks the administrator doesn’t want to tell me that.

-As the member invited you, I cannot help it.

“Really, this is blatant favoritism. Not like I’m different, but…” Claire’s face was shining brightly. Humans were blessed by the Gaia system to become superhumans, but there was much they didn’t know about it. It was no wonder she was excited to learn all this new information.

“Before we left, you said it would be to a world that wasn’t all that special, but this is one of the most special I’ve been to.

-There’s nothing special about it. It’s just one of countless worlds that have already lost the potential to develop.

The administrator paused to think for a moment.

-However, the information about this world hasn’t been updated since the Gaia system was shut down, so even I didn’t think it would be like this.

“Hey!” No wonder he was clearly confused upon arrival. But the fact he pushed Kang Shin-hyuk into coming despite that lack of new information meant that he thought it was safe. Even if it were a little dangerous, the extra time was worth it. Halo was his precious friend that he wanted to help, after all.

-You did a great job. They belonged to a network centered around the corrupted Gaia system, so if they were destroyed, you might’ve been tracked by all the robots in this city.

“At that level, it shouldn’t be hard to deal with them…was your information updated? Can you tell me what the level of the strongest robot in this world is?”

-Accurate measurement is difficult, but it seems to be around the SSS+ level.

At that level, it would be possible for Kang Shin-hyuk and Claire to deal with it so long as they acted carefully. He was able to fully understand why the administrator hadn’t sent him to such a good environment until now.

“How long can you keep this hiding up?”

“If you don’t use too much magic, for as long as we need.”

“really?” Claire poked Kang Shin-hyuk’s cheek as a test. She was wondering if attacking another would affect it, but Onyx’s stealth recognized it, and the hiding continued. Claire’s cheeks turned a little red as she tried to explain it.

“The act of touching…no, wait, that sounds a bit filthy.”

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Look.” Claire motioned for him to look into her eyes. He complied, and her face grew closer. Soon, their lips were touching. They remained there for a while before she pulled back with a giggle.

“It seems like that didn’t work either.”


“I don’t know, can I try one more time?”

“Kiss maniac.” Rather than refusing, he opened up his arms and hugged her. Onyx, who had finished eating the metal gloves, looked at them with a criticizing expression.

It was only five minutes later when they finally began to search for a safe place.

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