About Your Pride and My Prejudice

Side Story Chapter 11: Sorry, Melissa

Side Story Chapter 11: Sorry, Melissa

Side Story Episode 11: Sorry, Melissa


Melissa was dreaming of fragrant feathers tickling her nose.


As she wriggled slightly, the feathers now brushed against her cheek. In her sleep, Melissa chuckled softly.

“That tickles…”

In that moment, a firm embrace enveloped her, and before she could react, her lips were captured.

With her hazy mind, she could only think, Has the owner of the feathers arrived? Am I being caught by a large bird?

But as her lips parted and a warm tongue began to gently explore her mouth, Melissa realized it was an ardent morning kiss.

Just as she was about to let herself sink back into slumber,


She jumped up like a startled squirrel. Following her shocked reaction, Allen sat up, tidying his tousled brown hair and wiping his lips with his fingertips.

“Happy birthday, sleepyhead.”

“Uh, how… ? Why are you here?”

Not able to hide her joy, Melissa exclaimed in disbelief as she pulled him into a tight embrace.

“Alan should be out at sea by now… Who are you?”

“I’m your husband.”

With a sly smile, Alan gently caressed her back. A concerned tone followed.

“What about the trade agreement?”

“It’s coming from the Empire.”

“What? That doesn’t make any sense…”

“Why doesn’t it make sense?”

He pressed his cool cheek against the top of her head and held her a little tighter. As she nestled into his chest, still trying to comprehend the situation, Melissa mumbled.

“What have you been doing all this time?”

“Preparing a gift, waiting for your birthday. And missing you with all my heart.”

“What? I thought you were the gift…”

Overwhelmed by unexpected emotions, Melissa whimpered like a child.

“So, does that mean I’m spending the day with you? All day?”

“Yes. I’ll do whatever you want.”


Unintentionally, she let out a silly sound, then covered her face with her hands and whispered.

“I already received all my gifts…”

“Not yet.”

He slowly lowered her delicate wrist and planted a sweet kiss on her lips.

Alan wasn’t the only one waiting for Melissa’s birthday. When the Flynn couple, who had spent a joyful morning together, entered the dining hall, Mrs. Kearney greeted them with a bright smile.

“Happy birthday, Melissa!”

Behind her was a beautifully set birthday table. The extravagant dishes filled the table to the brim, nearly overwhelming Melissa. Alan had brought in a small table just for the two of them…

“Wow, you really outdid yourself! Thank you so much. I don’t think I can eat it all…”

“Why is the pecan pie so huge?” Melissa added, and Mrs. Collins appeared from the back, her expression calm.

“Congratulations, Mel. I baked the pie.”


Mrs. Collins was not only someone who rarely got up early but also had long avoided kitchen chores.

Such heartfelt wishes made Melissa’s heart swell as she looked back and forth between the two women.

“Thank you, truly…”

“Oh my, you!”

As Melissa pulled both her mother and Mrs. Kearney into an embrace, the two women momentarily squirmed before bursting into laughter.

When the four finally sat down at the table, Mrs. Collins offered a prayer before the meal. The leisurely and warm lunch seeped into Melissa’s heart like the gentle breeze of a sunny day, becoming a beautiful memory that would linger.

Both Alan and Melissa indulged in the feast, their bellies round and content. Melissa was pampered by Sandra and the maids as she prepared for the afternoon. Soon, the two were in the carriage, heading to the lakeshore to enjoy a relaxed afternoon.

Although it was a mild autumn day, the breeze was quite chilly. However, the shivers that ran through Melissa weren’t due to the cold. The sound of splashing water, the peaceful songs of birds, and the distant clopping of horse hooves created a harmony more enchanting than any music.

“Did you really want to go boating this much?”

Of course, the music was completed by the delightful voice of her beloved.

“Yes… I’m so, so happy right now.”

“Then how about we come out every weekend, Melissa?”

As he diligently rowed, Alan couldn’t take his eyes off the star-like woman sitting across from him. The ribbons of her hat and her elegant autumn dress were a vivid yellow. It felt like he was dreaming of a butterfly.

For a moment, Alan paused rowing and carefully rose, removing his outer coat. He draped the cool fabric over Melissa’s delicate shoulders.

“It’s chilly.”


Melissa beamed, her dimples deepening with a radiant smile. As she looked at him, it felt as if faint bells were ringing in her ears, creating a dreamlike moment.

* * *

“You made the birthday cake yourself? Alan?”

“Yes. Go ahead, open it.”

In disbelief yet unable to hide her joy, Melissa untied the large ribbon. As she revealed the one-of-a-kind cake, she struggled to contain her laughter at the sight.

“This is…”

Melissa could barely hold back her amusement, especially seeing the serious expression on his face.

“Um, a brown… puppy?”

“That’s you, Melissa.”


Is this supposed to be my face? It’s so droopy… And these lips? Are my lips that plump? Goodness.

While pondering how to express her feelings to Alan, she noticed various scratches on his hands. Finally, a soft laugh escaped her.

“At first, I honestly wondered why you didn’t just buy a cake.”


“Thank you. I’m really happy. I can’t buy a special cake like this anywhere. And the more I look at it, the cuter it seems…”

Of course, she couldn’t express that watching him make the cake was an even better gift than the cake itself. His proud expression was simply too delightful.

New trials awaited her just moments later.

“Try it.”

“…Well, okay.”

Melissa sang her response softly, seizing the opportunity to smear cream on Alan’s cheek.

“What are you doing…?”

“Haha! You’re so cute.”

Then, without thinking, she licked the cream off her fingers.


“What’s wrong?”

“Too… haha, sweet…”

Only then did Alan recall that he had spilled a bag of sugar into the frosting. He looked a bit embarrassed, wondering how it had ended up so sugary despite his best efforts.



Melissa couldn’t hold back any longer. Seeing him, usually so composed, flustered after putting in so much effort to make the cake, was utterly endearing.

“I love you more than anything in the world!”

“Melissa, the cake!”

Just as Melissa managed to push the cake and wine bottle aside, she threw herself over Alan, wrapping her arms around his neck. At the same time, she gently licked the cream from his cheek.

“You taste like you.”

“Ha, you can’t say that right now…”

Alan’s perfectly shaped brow furrowed slightly. With a low murmur, he exercised extreme patience as he lifted Melissa off him.

“…There’s still a gift left.”


Surprised, Melissa watched as another box was presented to her. Wondering if it contained cupcakes, she lifted the lid without hesitation, revealing a pristine white quill and a beautiful notebook nestled inside.

“A pen and a notebook…”

“I intended to give you a pen made from the most exquisite feather of a rare bird, but there was an accident. I would never want to give you something so ordinary…”

“No, Alan.”

Seeing the glimmering tears in her clear brown eyes, Alan hesitated in his words.

“It’s just… so beautiful. I love it so much. I never told you, but I…”

Before he even thought about comforting her, he found himself holding her close. As he gently stroked her soft hair, Melissa’s tears began to flow again.

“I’ve been struggling because I haven’t been able to write anything new… You probably didn’t know…”

“How could I not know your heart, Melissa?”

Her breath against his neck was strangely electrifying, causing her eyelashes to flutter. Then, with his next words, she froze like ice.

“I know what’s inside you too.”

“Don’t say that…!”

She playfully slapped his broad back with her small hand, then sniffled softly against his chest. Suddenly, she grabbed his cheeks and planted gentle kisses like a young bird.

Her sweet, creamy lips whispered, “Thank you for making today the best day ever. You’re a miracle to me…”



Alan smiled as he looked into her round, glistening eyes, holding her waist.

“I have one more gift.”

“Is there still more?”

As he rang the bell on the table, a maid entered, carrying a large wooden box.

“What could this be… Wow!”

Carefully pulled from the box was a stunning satin gown, shimmering like stardust scattered across a blazing sunset. It took Melissa a moment to realize it was a dress.

“I’ve never seen such a beautiful dress…”

Entranced, Melissa stepped closer to the dress, her face glowing with innocent wonder, much like a child entering a candy store for the first time.

“But something like this for me…?”

“It suits you perfectly.”

As if he had been waiting for the moment, Alan spoke earnestly.

“No one else could wear it better. Every detail was made just for you.”

His words brought her immense joy, and she cupped her rose-colored cheeks with her hands. Thankfully, she felt no need to respond to such extravagant praise.

“My proud countess. I hope you become even more confident.”


An unexpected question made Alan pause for a moment.

“When will I wear such a beautiful dress?”


It wasn’t a difficult question, thankfully.

“How about trying it on now? I’m curious.”

“Ah… Should I? Can you help me?”

As Melissa was about to leave the bedroom with the maids, Alan casually asked, “Can’t you wear it here?”

“No, that would be… not fun.”

Alan was sure that it wouldn’t be an experience he would forget easily.

However, seeing her cheeks flush a bright red was simply too adorable, so he nodded in agreement. Her lovely lips curved into a soft smile.

It wasn’t long before Melissa returned.

“I’m wearing it. It’s not as difficult to put on as I thought…”


Alan, sitting on the bed and sipping wine, nearly dropped his glass. Even after swallowing the wine, he couldn’t find the words.

With her cheeks flushed, Melissa asked softly, “Um, can you say something?”

All Alan could think was, Did I receive a gift today? It feels like I’m the one being gifted here.

He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, Melissa.”

“Is it… strange? Does it not suit me? It feels too extravagant for me…”

The neckline was quite low… Her flustered muttering was charming.

“Not at all. I couldn’t even find the words; it’s beautiful.”

“…But why are you sorry…?”

At that moment, Alan stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her slender waist.

His long, straight fingers gently tugged at the tightly tied satin ribbon on her back.

“I’m going to take it off now.”


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