Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 104: The Centennial Beasts Festival (4)

Chapter 104: The Centennial Beasts Festival (4)

“…Why are you here?”

It was a face he hadn’t seen in a very long time. Poacher Valus, a former comrade of Ronan’s in the punishment unit, and a low-ranking member of Kaliborro, one of the continent’s leading poaching organizations.

In the past, Ronan had deceived him into a fake contract by pretending to be a dark magician and Cita as a demon’s messenger. Valus, who was completely deceived, became a spy and regularly reported information about Kaliborro.

That had been Ronan’s last memory of Valus. The scattered puzzle pieces in his mind had fallen into place. Poachers and a festival where rare mythical creatures gathered in one place. Ronan, who had grasped the situation, opened his eyes wide.

“This bastard. After sparing your life, are you back to being a poacher?”

“No, it’s not like that. Please…”

“Explain. Be brief and clear.”


Ronan released the grip on Valus’s hair that he had been holding. Valus, struggling like a newborn calf, got to his feet. After taking a few deep breaths, he began to speak.

“This time, Kaliborro is planning a major operation… Their goal is to steal the rare mythical creatures, including the Doppelgangers, before the Centennial Beasts Festival begins. I’ve been assigned to the operation as well.”

“Why on earth would an organization the size of Kaliborro, which must have plenty of money, crawl all the way to Philleon to carry out this operation?”

“It’s an operation with symbolic significance. The organization’s prestige has been on the rise lately.”

Valus explained further. Since its establishment, Kaliborro had been facing unprecedented difficulties. Several branches within the Imperial territory had been destroyed one after the other, and the power of the Imperial Anti-Poaching Unit had been doubled. Ronan, who was carefully analyzing the situation, nodded his head.

‘The future has changed.’

Originally, it was an organization that would have thrived until the end of the world. It seemed that the snowball effect initiated by Valus’s espionage activities was steadily gaining momentum.

“The money and the other mythical creatures are just a bonus. The most important thing is to penetrate Philleon’s security and steal the Doppelgangers, which are extremely rare and unique. The organization’s goal is to let the entire continent know that Kaliborro is still thriving.”

“Well, it’s something that anyone other than your organization can even dream of.”

Ronan nodded slowly. If it wasn’t a poaching organization of Kaliborro’s caliber, they wouldn’t even dare to think about it. Suddenly, a question crossed his mind.

“Wait a minute, weren’t just you a scaredy-cat when I met you? But now you’ve been deployed on such an important operation?”

“That’s… I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I earned recognition.”


“Yes. I worked hard to avoid being caught as a spy… but it seems like the higher-ups viewed it favorably.”

Valus scratched his cheek as if he was embarrassed. In other words, he had been promoted because he had diligently performed the organization’s tasks to maintain his cover as a spy.

“So it became possible to steal more and more high-quality information as time went on. It’s not an exaggeration to say that all documents from the Volcanto branch pass through me.”

“I can’t believe it.”

Ronan chuckled. He had never imagined that this guy, who used to talk big and swagger around in his previous life, had such a talent. Valus had shown his skills in document work and reconnaissance, and that had led him to be involved in the current doppelganger heist operation.

“I infiltrated in advance to gather information and copy the key. It wasn’t an easy task since Varen had it on him at all times. But I managed to do it.”

Valus’s mission was to disguise himself as a student and gather information about the Centennial Beasts Festival and the Doppelgangers. He had infiltrated Philleon about a month ago, which precisely coincided with the day when Lakota had disappeared. Ronan asked.

“Now that I think about it, where did the real Lakota go? Did you kill him?”

“Our side kidnapped him and took him with us. Don’t worry, he’s still alive and well.”

Valus revealed that they hadn’t killed Lakota and explained where he was being held. Ronan let out a relieved sigh. As long as he wasn’t dead, he could rescue him.

“Then why did you release the Doppelgangers? What do you mean there’s no time?”

“I released them to prevent any casualties. I didn’t know that everyone, including Varen, would be on guard there. If I hadn’t released the Doppelgangers at that moment, another organization member in the area would have triggered the Explosion Scroll planted there and taken the Doppelgangers.”

“Damn it, there was another poacher there?”

“Yes. That’s why I said we don’t have much time.”

Valus mentioned that there were other poachers who had infiltrated Philleon besides himself. Considering that Philleon’s security had been breached, it seemed like it was a very thoroughly prepared operation. Ronan spat on the ground and muttered curses.

“God dammit. This damn academy never has a quiet day.”

“I have no face left. You said you were Ronan.”

Valus abruptly knelt on the ground. His sudden action made Ronan furrow his brow.

“What are you doing now?”

“I know this is a shameless and unexpected request, but please stop Kaliborro.”

“I’d do it even if you didn’t ask… but why all of a sudden?”

“After meeting you, I realized how terrible poaching is. If the Doppelganger falls into the organization’s hands first, the cruelty we’ve been trying to reduce will spread like wildfire.”

Valus’s voice was mixed with sobs as he spoke. He truly despised Kaliborro’s actions. Through his espionage activities, he had witnessed many horrifying scenes. Ronan, who was watching the scene, answered indifferently.

“You must have another reason besides that.”

“I’m ashamed to make such a request, but… I want to leave the organization. Please help me.”

“That’s right. It’s good to be honest.”

Ronan chuckled. Valus had reached a point where he could no longer extricate himself. If the operation succeeded, he would continue to endure hellish days, and if it failed and he returned alone, there was a high possibility that he would be held accountable.

‘He’s been quite useful.’

From the beginning, he had no intention of killing his former comrade. Moreover, Valus had shown remarkable performance during his time as a spy. He was a talented individual, and it was the right decision to bring him back before he made a mistake. Ronan, who had made up his mind, nodded his head.

“Now that you understand, you can get up… huh?”

Ronan raised an eyebrow. He suddenly felt a presence from behind. Although there was no sound, he could sense it. With a wry smile, Ronan muttered to himself, as if speaking to himself,

“It seems we’ve been away for too long.”


“Well, I’ve had a feeling something was off since we were in the Assembly Hall. It kept bothering me. Seeing how they hide their presence so well, they must be pretty skilled.”

“What… Huh?!”

Suddenly, Valus’s eyes widened. He shouted, pointing behind Ronan.

“Behind, behind you!”

“I know.”

Ronan drew his sword and swiftly turned around.


A smooth blade cut through the air, and a dagger-wielding hand dropped to the ground.


Ronan, having fully turned around, adjusted his grip on the sword. A man in full body armor was holding his severed wrist.

It was the guard who had been giving Ronan strange looks in the Assembly Hall. Blood was gushing from the clean cut. Bloodshot eyes were shining through the thin slits of the helmet.

“Va-Valus… you traitorous bastard!”


“It’s you after all, you disgusting poacher.”

For a moment, Ronan’s arm disappeared from sight. An invisible sword strike was aimed at the guard.


His armor-covered left arm and both ankles were cut, leaving red lines. The severed armor revealed a spurt of blood as the tendons were sliced. The guard, who had been struggling, let out a piercing scream and fell to his knees.


“If you’re going to cry, do it in there.”

Ronan grabbed the guard’s arm and threw him into range of the Silent spell. The guard, who fell like a frog, screamed again. The building was of a substantial size, but a soundproof barrier made of mana prevented any disturbances from reaching the outside.

“Shout as much as you like in there, okay? But it’s getting annoying, so let’s finish this quickly.”



Ronan knocked the guard down and stood on top of his chest. He grabbed the guard by the throat, and thrusted the tip of his sword into the slit of the helmet.

“Uuukkk.. N-nooo! Not my eyes! Please…”

“Sure. But you can’t even walk on your own now. How frustrating it must be not to see what’s in front of you.”

With the tip of his sword pointing at the guard’s eye, it was dangerously close to causing severe damage. Any slight movement could easily puncture the cornea. Ronan tapped the guard’s helmet like he was knocking.

“Throw up everything you know. How many people are there and where are they?”

About ten minutes later, Roan returned to the Assembly Hall, leaving Valus behind. It was his job to remove the blood stains and hide the incapacitated guard.

‘I need to hurry.’

It had been about ten minutes. The Assembly Hall was empty, likely because everyone had left to search for the Doppelgangers. Only Adeshan remained, waiting for Ronan. She sensed his presence and waved her hand happily.

“Ah, you’re here Ronan. Where is the kid you went with?”

“He fell into the toilet and is taking a shower. It might take a while.”

“Huh? Fell into the toilet…?”

“Sunbae, could you spare a moment?”

Ronan led Adeshan to a corner and shared the story he had heard from Valus and the disguised poachers. As the conversation progressed, Adeshan’s eyes grew wider.

“Po-Poachers from Kaliborro? They’re in Philleon now?”

“Yes. It’s not a big deal, it’s something we can handle ourselves. Do you have a pen and a piece of paper?”

“I do, but what do you need them for?”

Ronan didn’t answer. He took the notebook and tore seven sheets of paper from it. He quickly scribbled different pieces of information about the current situation and the locations where the poachers were active. After putting the pen down, Ronan spoke.

“This should be enough… Subae, can you control crows now?”


“Yes, please summon seven of them. Make sure they’re sharp.”

Although it was an unfamiliar language to those who didn’t understand, the expression on their faces was serious. Adeshan opened the window and leaned out, feeling the clear and cool night air with the full moon casting its light on the correctional facility.

Shortly after scanning the surroundings, they noticed crows perched on the roof of the building, dozing off. She extended her slender finger and spoke.

“Come here.”

The Shadow Mana spread forward. The crows, roused from their slumber, flapped their wings and flew toward her.

In a matter of seconds, seven crows entered the Assembly Hall. The pupils of the crows lined up before Adeshan were tinged with ash gray. Ronan spoke in admiration.

“You’ve grown significantly. It feels like just yesterday you were playing with mice.”

“Thanks to you. So, what do I do now?”

“Tie this to their legs. Can you give them orders for where to go?”

Adeshan nodded. Ronan and she tied the prepared notes to the crows’ ankles.

“All right. Now I’ll tell you who to deliver these to. First, Varen and Navirose, and then…”

Ronan listed the seven people to deliver the notes to. Adeshan’s eyes widened. She asked with a voice mixed with surprise.

“Th-these are Karibolo poachers, right? They must all be skilled. Are you sure it’ll be okay?”

“Well, we’ll need to have them under control to use them later. But this one guy, Arondale…”

Ronan pursed his lips. There were a total of eight poachers who had currently infiltrated Philleon. Based on Valus’s description the others seemed manageable to some extent, but there was one person that bothered Ronan.

“Well, what can we do? Let’s just hope that guy runs into Professor Navirose or Varen.”

“It certainly doesn’t seem like a worthy opponent we can easily handle. Why would a warrior of Vakar be involved in poaching activities…?”

“There’s nothing money can’t do.”

Once again, Valus’s words of warning about the Karibolo’s executives who masterminded the plan echoed in his mind.

Arondale, one of the Three Great Beasts. He was a warrior who had reached the level of Aura awakening, and was known to have massacred the entire Wolf Tribe with his bare hands. Ronan spoke.

“Let’s get going for now. We don’t have much time.”


Ronan and Adeshan left the Assembly Hall. Simultaneously, the seven crows flew out of the window. They had about five hours until sunrise, and their goal was to find the Doppelgangers and root out the poachers before the Beast Festival began.

“Finding the Doppelgangers is the top priority. Have you found anything yet?”

“I did find the mana of a Doppelganger in the Assembly Hall. It’s faint and intermittent, but…”

Adeshan mentioned that she had detected the mana of one Doppelganger. Ronan clapped his hands in satisfaction. It was akin to finding the criminal’s footprint.

“It’s over there. It went up and down this tree.”

“I found something too. Judging by the broken branches, it seems like it transformed into something big.”

Ronan and Adeshan tracked the Doppelgangers with their senses stretched to the maximum. The empty campus resembled a deserted village, with all of its residents gone. Only the footsteps of the two could be heard on the deserted streets.

“Damn it, how far did it go?”

Ronan grumbled as he followed the trail. They had walked almost far enough to cross the entire campus grounds, but the Doppelganger still hadn’t appeared.

After about twenty more minutes of walking, both of them came to a halt simultaneously. The trail of the Doppelganger ended in front of the northern forest.

“There’s a lot going on… Let’s go in quickly, Sunbae.”

“Uh, yes. I have to go in. Alright.”

Adeshan’s complexion had turned pale. Her gaze remained fixed on the dark, foreboding forest. It seemed she was frightened of the darkness, as she had been earlier. Ronan reached out his hand.

“Want to hold my hand?”

“H-Hold your hand?”

“Honestly, it’s pretty scary. Among the guys with fur and all, there are too many freaks. Let’s just catch them quickly.”


Adeshan hesitated but took Ronan’s hand. Her hand, surprisingly rough for her age, was covered in calluses. Beyond the rough palm, warmth seeped through. Her blushing ears seemed to be trying to say something.


Suddenly, footsteps were heard from behind. It was a completely different sound from human footsteps, a deep and resonant voice.

Both of them turned their heads in the direction of the sound. At that moment, a massive reptile was standing there, salivating.



The gap between the head and the ground seemed to be over 5 meters. Its red and sleek scales were the size of an adult’s hand. The long, thick pair of horns on its head were not much different from a Dragon’s. Ronan laughed when he saw the monstrous appearance. A Dragon without wings. It was a Drake.

[Note: A Drake is a mythological creature similar to a Dragon but without any wings.]

“I guess that’s it, right?”


“No one would fall in love with something like that, so it must be the Omega.”

There was no way it was a real Drake. Even more than the Manticore, a Drake was not the type of monster that anyone could domesticate or tame. Ronan grasped the hilt of his sword.

“It’s a fake.”

The Drake stood motionless as Ronan attempted to draw his sword. Suddenly, the entire body of the Drake began to bubble like foam. Startled, Adeshan took a step back.


“Yeah, it’s been a while since I last saw you.”

The bubbling Drake was slowly transforming into a human form. Ronan slowly pulled the hilt of his sword.

‘…Calm down.’

He desperately suppressed his emotions. He didn’t trust himself enough to pass by the sudden appearance of Ahaiyute without striking it at least once, even if he knew it was just the Doppelganger.


Finally, the fully transformed Doppelganger landed on the ground.


However, it wasn’t Ahaiyute that appeared, but instead a big man stood there expressionless. Ronan made eye contact with his man and froze. Adeshan’s eyes widened.


The man’s face looked exactly like Ronan’s, although it was somewhat matured. However, he was quite different from the current Ronan. His height had reached nearly 190 centimeters, and he wore an Imperial Military uniform that had been torn to pieces. A trembling voice came out from between Adeshan’s lips.

“Why… why does it look like that?”

Ronan couldn’t bring himself to look directly at it. The term “severely injured” didn’t even begin to describe the sight of the man. Crimson blood oozing from where his military uniform had been torn. The sword he clutched in his hand horribly shattered.

But the most horrifying sight were the black masses scattered all over his body. Seven masses were gnawing at various parts of the man’s body like mold. The man, who had been groaning in agony, turned his gaze toward Ronan and spoke.

-I couldn’t protect anything.


Ronan, who had been standing blankly, slowly took a step back. At that moment, the man turned his back and started running away. The man ran at an incredible speed and disappeared into the dark forest in an instant.

“Damn it, stop!”


Ronan belatedly came to his senses and ran behind the man. After a moment of hesitation, Adeshan followed him with her eyes tightly shut.


The strong night wind swept over the edge of the forest. Under the waving branches, three sets of footsteps echoed.

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