After Transmigrating as a Tycoon’s Wife, My Thoughts Are Heard by the Whole Family

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Ji Fei had never met this person named Jing Yu before, although he resembled Jing Yan. Judging by his demeanor, it was clear that Jing Yu was just a spoiled rich second generation with no real worth.

Ji Fei had heard about the Jing Family from Qin Xian before.

The Jing Family had done exceptionally well in business, which was largely due to their family ethos of always prioritizing the family's overall interests. Internal squabbles were relatively rare within the family. The Jing Family's tradition was that the most capable should take the lead.

The current head of the family was Jing Yu's mother, Madam Xie Lifeng.

Jing Yu's father, the second son of the Jing Family, was average in terms of ability. He was essentially a man with small personal hobbies who stood behind his strong wife, completely uninvolved in family matters. His marriage to Madam Xie was arranged by the family, who recognized that Madam Xie, working in the company, was no ordinary woman. They wanted the second son to marry her to help manage the family business in the future.

Over the years, Madam Xie had proven her capabilities, so now, within the Jing Family, she was the one who held absolute authority.

This made Ji Fei question inwardly, *"Madam Xie's only failure in life is probably having such a worthless son. No wonder she sent him to the entertainment industry, letting him mess around with projects as he pleases, while the main family business is left to Jing Yan. This family ethos is indeed quite clear in distinguishing between public and private matters."*n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Jing Yan was Jing Yu's cousin, the son of the eldest son of the Jing Family. The eldest son had passed away early, and his mother had remarried, making Jing Yan something of an 'orphan' within the Jing Family. However, from the way he was gradually taking over family affairs, it was clear that the Jing Family highly valued him and intended to groom him as the future head of the family.

Ji Fei watched from a distance as Jing Yu sat down, thinking no one could see him, and placed his hand on the girl's thigh. His repulsive manner made Ji Fei feel truly sorry for Cen Ting. How could she endure marrying such a disgusting waste of a husband, even if it was a loveless marriage? Could she even eat with such a man?

Thinking of this, Ji Fei really wanted to vent his frustration about Jing Yan.

*"Having been secretly in love for ten years, just because he was greatly cared for and cultivated by Madam Xie, his second aunt, who was willing to hand over the family business to him without any selfish motives, he felt that if he competed with his cousin for the woman his second aunt had chosen as his cousin's wife, it would be a betrayal of her kindness. He didn't want to disappoint or trouble Madam Xie, the elder he respected the most, and felt it would be ungrateful of him. That's why he's been acting like a turtle, watching the woman he loves become his cousin's wife."*

In this regard, Ji Fei truly disapproved of Jing Yan's actions. After all, it was a family alliance marriage. If Jing Yan had fought for it, he might have succeeded. After all, Cen Ting had said that she was just joining the Jing Family to maintain the cooperation between the two families. She implied that it didn't matter who she married. She didn't care, and she didn't mind.

But for the sake of gratitude, Jing Yan gave up his love for Cen Ting. Ji Fei could only think that this love wasn't worth much.

Fortunately, Cen Ting wasn't forced into the marriage, and she didn't like Jing Yan either, so this situation wasn't particularly distasteful.

What Ji Fei didn't know was that after she accidentally revealed these thoughts at home, the Qin family was very enthusiastic about urging Qin Xian to persuade Jing Yan. They hoped that Jing Yan and Cen Ting could end up together.

Since both were friends of Qin Xian, and since Cen Ting didn't care, wouldn't it be better for her to marry someone who loved her instead of a man who constantly played around with actresses? Although Cen Ting only wanted to maintain a surface marriage, marrying that problematic playboy would definitely lead to endless trouble.

Moreover, they believed that given the Jing Family's ethos, this wouldn't escalate into a major scandal. It was just that Jing Yan was letting his sense of gratitude tie his hands.

In this regard, Qin Xian shared Ji Fei's principle of not meddling in others' affairs. If it were someone like Luo Fei, who had been deceived and misled, Qin Xian would certainly step in to help his friend.

But this was Jing Yan and Cen Ting's own choice. They were both adults, and whatever future and consequences they faced were their own responsibility.

Ji Fei, for her part, was purely in a spectator mode, just enjoying the drama.

Over there, Jing Yu was still causing trouble for the staff. Ji Fei could tell that the so-called "priority consideration" was just a perfunctory gesture from the staff. Qin Corporation, which owned the entertainment company, had strict requirements for its projects. In the past, Ji Fei wouldn't have used her connections to take shortcuts, let alone others.

Moreover, Ji Fei could tell that this Miss Tech Face definitely wasn't leading lady material.

Jing Yu was trying to act like he was on good terms with Qin Xian.

*"Wow, your cousin and your fiancée are indeed friends of Qin Xian, but it seems Qin Xian has never even met you. What a big ego."*

Ji Fei chuckled to herself as she complained. After all, Qin Xian wasn't the type to enjoy socializing. He wouldn't bother getting to know someone who had no real potential to be a business partner or competitor.

But to the staff, the situation was quite tricky. Although Jing Yu seemed like a spoiled second generation, he was still a young master of the Jing Family, and there was indeed a connection through Qin Xian.

Ji Fei sympathized with the staff, knowing he was afraid of offending someone and ending up shouldering the blame. The only way out for him was to be perfunctory, as he couldn't give a definite answer.

But Jing Yu, in front of his woman, insisted on getting an answer.

Seeing the staff being pushed to the brink, Ji Fei stood up and walked directly to them. "Are you Mr. Jing?"

The sudden appearance of a naturally beautiful woman caught Jing Yu's eye, and the hand he had placed on Wan Ru's thigh stopped moving.

With such looks, and addressing him as "Mr. Jing," she must be an artist looking to curry favor.

Jing Yu had encountered many such situations, so his first thought was that she was trying to seduce him. "Oh, and who is this beautiful lady?"

He even stood up, ready to shake hands with her.

The staff, of course, immediately recognized Ji Fei. After all, they had seen Ji Fei several times before, almost makeup-free, unlike Jing Yu, who didn't recognize her.

Jing Yu just found Ji Fei vaguely familiar, but her natural, innocent appearance made him think she might be a new college student just entering the industry. He immediately put on a successful businessman's demeanor.

Ji Fei observed his reaction and directly exclaimed in surprise, "Oh, you don't recognize me? I just heard you say you're very familiar with my husband. How could you not know who I am?"

Jing Yu was stunned, and before he could react, the staff politely stood up to greet her.

"Madam, nice to meet you."

"Madam? Which madam?" Wan Ru suddenly spoke up.

The staff immediately felt a sense of relief, knowing that their Madam President, known as the judge of the entertainment industry, the queen of gossip, and the guardian of justice, wouldn't stand by and watch them suffer.

"This is our CEO's wife. How come Mr. Jing doesn't recognize her?" the staff subtly mocked.

"You're Ji Fei!" Jing Yu was shocked. He had seen Ji Fei's looks in the entertainment industry, and she was a completely different style of beauty now.

Wan Ru, on the other hand, looked Ji Fei up and down, her eyes full of disdain.

Ji Fei hadn't paid much attention to her before, but her attitude was so obvious that even her white eyes were about to roll to the sky. Knowing her identity, she was still so arrogant and ignorant. Ji Fei was immediately curious and couldn't help but check who gave her such confidence.

*"Huh? I thought she was just a female artist Jing Yu had hooked up with, but it turns out she's a past fling of Qin Xian's!"*

Qin ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​​‌‍Xian, knowing his wife was here, quickly finished his meeting and rushed over, only to hear his wife's accusation as soon as he walked in.

Qin Xian: ?

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