Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 47 Easy Breeze

Chapter 47 Easy Breeze

In the ethereal realm of the Tower, Daniel's presence was an overwhelming force of nature, a convergence of power and purpose that shook the very fabric of reality.

As he ascended to floor 177, a battleground materialized before him, a canvas upon which his might and determination would clash with the relentless forces of the Snae – serpent-like creatures adorned with intricate scale patterns that wove tales of their existence.

As the Snake slithered forward, driven by their primal instincts, 25 of them converged upon the silhouette of the young man standing before them.

The patterns of marks on their scales glistened in the ethereal light, each inscribed line telling a tale of their existence, a unique fingerprint of identity akin to that of a human.

In the Human continent, the beauty of Snae scales was highly sought after by consumers, some of whom sent requests to Guilds to amass these captivating marks.

Tailors would then painstakingly incorporate these scales into various objects, creating intricate and exquisite pieces that held both artistic and symbolic value.

However, the Snae that now confronted Daniel were not destined to preserve their scales.

Their slithering forms moved with uncanny grace, the patterns on their scales shifting and shimmering as they closed in on their target.

Their mouths opened wide, revealing venomous fangs that glistened with a deadly promise.

Yet, even as the Snae lunged forward, their hunger for the hunt evident in their crimson eyes, they were met with a force that dwarfed their own.

The silhouette of the young man emanated an aura of power, a presence that was both commanding and formidable.

As the first Snae lunged, its fangs poised to strike, the young man moved with a swiftness that defied perception.

His body became a blur of motion as he sidestepped the attack, the Snae's venomous bite narrowly missing its mark.

In response, the young man extended his hand, his palm glowing with otherworldly energy.

With a single gesture, he summoned forth a torrent of wind that spiralled into existence, a manifestation of his Djinn Weapon Equip(A).

Unlike Djinn Equip(S), the Djinn Weapon Equip(A) was a lesser form that didn't require summoning Paimon.

It allowed Daniel to manipulate Wind to a certain extent, but still, it was deadly.

The gusts of wind converged upon the encroaching Snae, forming a swirling tempest of cutting force.

The winds tore into the Snae's scaled forms, their exquisite patterns of marks offering no protection against the onslaught.

The creatures' cries were carried away by the howling tempest as their bodies disintegrated into nothingness, their existence reduced to nought but dust.

[: You have killed 25 Snae and have obtained 174k Exp (+400%) :]

[: Congratulations, you have levelled up to 177 and have earned 10 SP :]

[: The loots and monsters' cores have been transported into your inventory :]

The aftermath was destruction, a testament to the young man's unparalleled might.

The patterns of marks that once adorned the Snae's scales now littered the ground, a stark reminder of the battle that had transpired.

'It'll be much faster if I breeze it through rather than taking my sweet time' He thought.

He wanted to quickly earn all of the gains he could before returning to 'spend' some time with his mother.

Even then, he knew that obtaining more powers was more important.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Daniel moved on to the next floor where he was immediately transported upon accepting the Tower System notification, 'Do you wish to move on?'

Now, this may have never been said before but the reason why hunters or players preferred hunting in Dungeon and Towers to Danger Zone is because, unlike Danger Zone, Dungeon and Towers have a lower chance of dying.

Though Dungeons doesn't allow you to quit in the middle of a battle, Towers allowed doing so except for any unforeseen trap just like how Daniel acquired the Dark Sovereign Class.

The air around Daniel crackled with anticipation as he stepped onto the 178th floor of the Tower.

Before him, a blazing inferno awaited the Afrit, living flames that danced with an otherworldly fervour.

These beings, born of the elements and spirits, were unlike anything he had encountered before.

Twenty pairs of purplish flames converged upon him, casting an eerie glow that painted the battlefield.

The Afrit were relentless, their primal instincts driving them forward in a wave of fiery aggression.

But Daniel was no ordinary opponent.

He was a fusion of power and purpose, his determination to overcome anything in his path remains unyielding.

Instead of evading, he welcomed the searing flames that erupted from the Afrit's chests.

Lightning danced across his form, embracing the torrent of purplish fire. The two forces clashed, a symphony of destructive energy and chaotic beauty.

Lightning intertwined with flames, a deadly waltz that crackled and roared.

As the purplish flames sought to consume him, they were met with the volatile power of lightning, each force-feeding off the other's intensity.

The combination was overwhelming, a tempest of elements that bathed the battlefield in an otherworldly radiance.

With a focused breath, Daniel channelled the energies further.

His body became a conduit, a vessel for the fusion of lightning and light.

His form seemed to blur as the two forces intermingled, a living embodiment of raw power.

The ground beneath him trembled as he unleashed a surge of energy, sending shockwaves through the very air.

The Afrit's fiery onslaught met a force they couldn't contain.

The clash was cataclysmic, flames and lightning spiralling in a frenzied dance.

The Afrit cried out, their forms wracked with the sheer intensity of the collision.

And then, in a blinding burst of radiance, the battlefield was enveloped in a bluish-white blaze.

When the brilliance finally faded, the 178th floor stood silent.

The Afrit, once a formidable force, had been reduced to smouldering remnants.

The ground bore scars of the battle, a testament to the overwhelming power that had been unleashed.

[: You have killed 20 Afrit and have obtained 178k Exp (+400%) :]

[: Congratulations, you have levelled up to 178 and have earned 10 SP :]

[: The loots and monsters' cores have been transported into your inventory :]

Daniel stood at the centre of the aftermath, his breath coming in measured, controlled waves.

On the 179th floor of the Tower, Daniel's gaze fell upon the twenty-five Proa that awaited him.

Their forms blazed with intensity, and a sense of challenge emanated from their very presence.

Yet, as he stared at the monsters, a subtle smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

With a confident click of his fingers, the air around him seemed to ignite.

In an instant, hundreds of fireballs materialized in the space before him.

The orbs of intense heat hovered, suspended in the air as if awaiting his command.

In a display of power and precision, Daniel unleashed his control over the fireballs.

With a sweeping gesture, he directed the fiery onslaught toward the Proa.

The air crackled with energy as the fireballs streaked through the air, leaving trails of blazing light in their wake.




Explosions erupted across the battlefield as the fireballs made contact with the Proa.

The ferocious flames engulfed the creatures, their fiery bodies consumed by the unrelenting inferno.

The battlefield became a maelstrom of heat and chaos, the Proa's agonized cries echoing through the air.

In a matter of seconds, the onslaught ceased, and silence settled over the scorched remnants of the battlefield.

The once-formidable Proa had been obliterated without mercy, their existence reduced to smouldering embers and charred earth.

[: You have killed 25 Proa and have obtained 179k Exp(+400%) :]

[: Congratulations, you have levelled up to 178 and have earned 10 SP :]

[: The loots and monsters' cores have been transported into your inventory :]

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