Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 94 The Gathering of Leaders

Chapter 94 The Gathering of Leaders

Liam's words resonated with an air of persuasion and charm as if he were weaving a captivating spell over his attentive audience.

"To achieve our ambitions, dreams, and goals," he continued, "we will need each other's unwavering support to turn this vision into a reality''

''So, my fellow friends, what do you say? Shall we usher in a new era?''

''An age like none before it? A fresh chapter in time where the Unison Government stands as the sole authority from this moment onward?"

His enchanting rhetoric seemed to cast a spell on the assembled leaders, drawing them into his compelling vision.

However, it was crucial to remember that the Presidents of countries like the United States, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, and Australia were not to be underestimated.

They were seasoned diplomats, adept at navigating such high-stakes situations.

Indeed, the seasoned leaders were not inclined to dismiss the ambitious plans of a 10-year-old without a compelling, rational basis.

Each decision they made carried substantial weight, and they meticulously calculated the potential outcomes.

If they were to entertain the prospect of aligning with Liam, the only acceptable result would be unequivocal success.

Furthermore, these leaders harboured their egos and national pride, making it challenging to contemplate lowering themselves or compromising their sovereignty.

If Fantasia's resources were made available to all, they questioned the necessity of uniting and sharing their riches.

Ultimately, their decision to join the Unison Government was not driven by blind faith in a child's dreams.

It was a pragmatic choice, born from a collective understanding that refraining from action could inflict greater harm than collaboration.

In the not-so-distant past, the greatest existential threat a nation could face was the spectre of a nuclear bomb.

However, thanks to international treaties like the one on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, the world had narrowly averted a catastrophic calamity.

Nevertheless, the potential danger still lurked in the shadows.

Applying a similar philosophy, the world's leaders recognized the futility of trying to ban their citizens from entering Fantasia, realizing it was an impossible task from the outset.

Instead, they chose a different path, cooperation.

Their visionary solution was to unite and create a coalition of the world's most influential leaders, a new breed of statesmen poised to lead humanity into a new era.

The leaders reasoned that rather than allowing individual nations to amass unchecked power and become potential threats, it was wiser to pool their resources and knowledge to confront any emerging dangers.

They posed a question to themselves and their peers, wouldn't it be more effective to tackle future challenges with three united hands rather than one, thereby ensuring the safety and prosperity of their nations and the world at large?

It was a concept born out of pragmatism, shared responsibility, and a collective vision for a harmonious future.

Ultimately, the official justification for the formation of this unified government was to achieve a delicate balance in the global power structure.

They were determined to employ every resource at their disposal to respond swiftly and decisively to any emerging threat detected on their radar.

As Liam passionately articulated the dawn of this new age, the assembled leaders erupted into spirited cheers.

The prospect of witnessing and actively participating in the birth of a new era filled them with a unique sense of excitement and anticipation.

After all, the opportunity to personally partake in such a profound transformation was exceedingly rare, if not entirely nonexistent.

It was a momentous occasion that resonated deeply with each of them, transcending national boundaries and self-interest in the pursuit of a shared vision.

"With that, let us use this opportunity to forge new, formal relationships with one another, and let us take this celebration as the beginning of discussions regarding our future plans,"

Liam declared, bowing slightly as he initiated the first official activity of the newly formed Unison Government.

"Ah, Mr. Liam, that was a splendid speech, especially for someone attending their first formal event," a distinguished Asian woman complimented him as he stepped down from the platform.

"Miss Xue, I appreciate your kind words. While I may be the president of a smaller nation, it doesn't mean I lack the courage to deliver a noteworthy speech,"

Liam replied with a smile, engaging in conversation with Han Xue, the Matriarch and President of China.

Their exchange marked the beginning of deeper connections and conversations that would shape the future of their united endeavour.

"Well, considering it's your debut at such a grand soirée, I'd give it a solid 7 out of 10. You still have room for improvement,"

President William Jones of the United States complimented with a friendly tone.

"Ah, I appreciate both of your compliments, and I'm genuinely grateful for your participation in the Unison,"

Liam responded graciously. He extended his hand for a handshake, which both William Jones and Han Xue accepted with warm smiles.

The remaining presidents from the countries that had pledged their allegiance to the Unison Government approached Liam.

They engaged him in conversation, eager to learn more about him and discuss the ambitious plans they had for their unified future.

The room buzzed with discussions, alliances, and aspirations as these influential leaders began to navigate the complexities of their newfound collaboration.

The conversations among these world leaders primarily revolved around the intricate technologies powering Fantasia and how they might reverse-engineer and replicate them.

They delved into discussions about how best to harness the vast resources concealed within the realms of Fantasia.

However, their understanding of Modern Fantasia was painfully limited compared to Daniel's profound knowledge.

If only they were aware of the boundless potential and nearly limitless resources hidden within Fantasia, the concept of the Unison Government might never have materialized in the first place.

Their collective failure lay in their inability, or perhaps their unwillingness, to comprehend the immeasurable possibilities that existed beyond the boundaries of the human continent.

The uncharted territories held potentials that were, quite literally, dozens of times greater than anything they could conceive within their limited understanding.

Liam's speech continued to captivate the attention of the elite gathering. He spoke with unwavering confidence, his words infused with grandeur and ambition.

"Without a doubt, I'm confident that in the future, we, humanity, will no longer be confined to mere dreams of traversing the passages of stars''

''In fact, I dare to declare that this dream will become our reality." Liam raised his wine glass high, a symbolic gesture inviting the guests to join in the celebration.

"Cheers to our Unison Government!" He exclaimed, his voice resonating with conviction.

Those in proximity eagerly followed suit, raising their glasses and echoing his sentiment with enthusiastic cheers that reverberated throughout the grand assembly.

""Cheers to the Unison Government""

Behind the fa?ade of cheers and smiles worn by the Presidents of Countries, powerful organizations, sponsors, and other influential groups lay concealed ambitions and personal agendas of a darker nature.

While the outcome of this unison remained uncertain, it was undeniable that a profound transformation was on the horizon, one that could either usher in an era of unparalleled prosperity or unleash untold suffering upon the world.

The ambitions and desires of these influential figures would undoubtedly shape the course of events.

Amidst the grandeur and intrigue of the gathering, the Head of the Jaguar Organization and the Head of the Kail family engaged in a hushed and meaningful conversation about the future.

Despite Cecilia's less-than-respectful behaviour towards her fiancé's family, their discussion hinted at profound implications for the unfolding events.

"Haha, it's been a long time since I've seen you, Jason. When was the last time we had a conversation like this?"

Michael inquired, his tone carrying the warmth of an old friend reunited.

James, a smile gracing his face, responded, "Oh, I think it must have been ages since we had a proper conversation. How about we take this time to reminisce and share some memories?"

With an air of camaraderie, Michael delved into the conversation.

"So, how has it been for you since assuming the position of Head of the Family?" He inquired, genuinely interested in James' experiences and challenges in his role.

James let out a sigh, his expression growing somewhat solemn.

"Sigh, all I can say is that it's a rather demanding role, being the Head of the Family. It's not a position where anyone should take it lightly," he replied, acknowledging the weight of his responsibilities.

Michael nodded in understanding, sympathy etched on his features.

"Indeed, it's a role that comes with its own set of challenges and troubles," he agreed.

With a hint of curiosity, James turned the conversation toward Michael.

"Still, I could ask the same thing about you. Did things go the way you expected them to?" he inquired, interested in Michael's experiences and reflections as a leader.

As their conversation continued, Michael and James delved into more personal matters and shared their thoughts on various aspects of their lives.

James leaned in slightly, his tone more confidential.

"You know, Michael, being in a position like this often comes with sacrifices. I've missed out on so much time with my family, especially my daughter, Cecilia''

''She's grown into a remarkable young woman, but I've not been there as much as I'd have liked."

Michael nodded, understanding the sentiment.

"Family is important, no doubt about it. I can relate; my own family has its share of complications and challenges. Balancing personal life with our roles can be a tricky task."

They both exchanged a knowing look, recognizing the common struggles that came with their high-stakes positions.

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