Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 114 To become a Queen

114  To become a Queen

[: Daniel POV :]

Hearing the threat from them, I was prepared to kill them but I knew that these were guards who were associated with royalties.

"It's okay, Uncle Timothy. As you can see, I managed to arrive here without any harm,"

Bella assured her uncle, who served as the Captain of the Guardians.

Fortunately, they weren't foes to me as Bella revealed her presence to them.

Timothy, the Captain of the Guardians, stood there in a state of visible shock as he gazed at his niece, Bella.

Her safe and sound appearance was a stark contrast to the chaotic situation unfolding within the royal family.

His eyes widened, and his usually stern expression softened for a moment.

In the midst of political turmoil and uncertainty, seeing Bella unharmed was an unexpected relief.

The tension in his shoulders seemed to ease slightly, and he couldn't help but release a deep sigh of relief.

"We welcome the princess to her home!" Timothy and his men bowed immediately.

No matter how close they were in blood, the hierarchy of royalty always took precedence over family ties.

This implied that Bella possessed the authority to command her uncle, even for the most drastic of actions, and he would execute them willingly, driven by his unyielding loyalty and the pride associated with serving the royal family.

Bella commanded, "Raise your heads now," and the Guardians obeyed. Their expressions displayed a blend of loyalty, concern, and a touch of shame.

Timothy's deep bow was not just a sign of respect but also an expression of his profound remorse.

"Milady," he began, his voice filled with genuine regret, "forgive this worthless guardian for failing to protect you."

The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his self-blame.

It was a difficult admission for him to make, and his eyes remained downcast, avoiding Bella's gaze.

In the midst of political turmoil and uncertainty, his role as her protector weighed heavily on his conscience, and he couldn't help but feel responsible for the sufferings of his niece.

"It's alright, Uncle. I understand that you had no choice under these circumstances, which is why I brought a helper," Bellaexplained with a hint of pride.

Bella nodded, understanding the difficult position Timothy had been placed in.

"It's alright, Uncle. I realize you had no choice under these circumstances, which is why I brought some assistance."

Timothy inquired, "May I know who this young man is and how he came to your aid, Princess?"

Bella introduced me with a smile, saying, "This is Daniel, and he's been a tremendous help during my escape. He possesses extraordinary abilities, and I believe he can aid us in these troubled times."

Bella introduced me as if I were her boyfriend, but when Timothy tried to delve into my soul for information, he encountered an unexpected backlash.

There's no way anyone could easily probe my stats provided that he or she is stronger than me by a large margin.

But for someone like him, he's not in any way stronger than me.

'Hmpf, let's see what you're trying to hide and what secrets you used to win over my niece,'

Timothy thought, displaying his overprotective nature, reminiscent of her father's.

His skill did function, but the moment he delved into my soul, he found himself transported into a realm teeming with thousands of terrifying shadowy figures.

'W-What in the world is this...!?' Timothy's soul trembled as he encountered the horrifying visage of a dragon, djinns, and Demonia that lay within my existence which regarded him menacingly.

The dragon, representing my soul, and the djinn beside it exhaled a gust of wind that caused Timothy's soul to quiver before he hastily withdrew his skill.

He was left in awe and fear of my formidable power, though a glimmer of hope flickered within him, thinking that I might be the solution to the impending crisis of war.

"He's indeed powerful," Timothy acknowledged with a nod, bringing a smile to Bella's face.

"I know, right? I didn't know he could eliminate ten men with just a click of his finger," she said, sounding as though she had accomplished the feat herself.

However, Timothy had a different perspective.

'I'm afraid he's more powerful than that. Just the size of his soul could trample cities. Geez, how did you find such a terrifying existence, my niece?'

Timothy wondered, reflecting on the magnitude of Daniel's power.

"Uncle, how's the situation now? Is it...possible to visit my father?" Bella inquired her desire to see her ailing father evident.

"Sigh, milady, the timing isn't right. His Majesty's eldest brother, Jake, is currently ruling as the king on a temporary basis. With your father bedridden, he is attempting to consolidate as much power as possible,"

Timothy explained with clenched teeth. He couldn't comprehend how his majesty eldest brother had stooped so low as to plot against his own siblings.

"He's gathering forces while taking advantage of this situation to assert his authority. If he succeeds, who knows what the future holds for this continent?''

''Perhaps, even the other continent might seize this opportunity to invade," Timothy elaborated.

Bellagritted her teeth, unable to comprehend the allure of the throne.

"Princess, I understand that times are tough, but this is also the moment when your subjects need you the most. It's a time to prove your worthiness for the throne,"

"Which is why, you should all of your factions as his majesty would soon sit on the throne''

"But wouldn't Uncle Jake's forceful succession and overrule cause civil war amongst us?"

She questioned and was worried about the future.

Knowing what would happen in the future, I decided to remain silent.

It's a future where the original player failed to complete the quest, thus, it's a result that wasn't a happy ending.

"That's exactly what the Eldest Brother wants. By causing a civil war, he can remove the factions that go against his rule, and people who refuse to worship him"

"Princess, I know the time it's now hard, but the continent needs you''

Timothy advised. His words resonated with her, but she remained sceptical.

"Can I really be the queen of the Human Continent?"

"Yes, you can. All you need is some help, and you have someone right beside you," Timothy gestured towards me, emphasizing my importance.

[: You have completed the 2nd Chain Quest and have obtained 1 S Rank Skill Book :]

[: The 3rd Chain Quest has been activated: Destroy the False King faction(EX). Do you wish to accept it? Reward(Ex)? :]

''Alright...'' Bella seemed reluctantly to leave but she had no choice since the situation didn't allow 04:11

them to have a peaceful reunion.

I couldn't resist the lure of these quests. While I could obliterate the faction myself, I was uncertain of their true strength.

After all, I wasn't the one who had accepted the quest in the future and I didn't personally experience how powerful the factions are.

"Bella, I think what your uncle says is right," I stated.

Bella turned her head toward me, her ears perked up, which I found rather endearing.

Once I had her attention, I began explaining, "The continent needs you, not someone unworthy."

My words might have been seen as an insult to Jake, and it could have cost me my life since he's royalty, but I didn't care.

"B-But I don't think I'm worthy as well," Bella responded with a noticeable lack of confidence.

"I know it must have been hard, shouldering the weight of an entire country on your shoulders, and trust me when I say that I know how it feels," I assured her.

"But," I paused, "the continent needs you," I emphasized, fully aware that failing this quest could spell the end for the entire continent.

She was still unconvinced, her eyes reflecting her uncertainty.

"B-But I'm just not confident enough to be the queen this continent needs," Bella admitted softly in a whisper.

I knew she needed more than words to find her confidence. Leaning closer to her, I gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Bella, you don't have to do this alone. I'll be right by your side every step of the way''

''You have the potential, and I believe in you."

Her eyes met mine, and I could see a glimmer of hope and a flicker of pinkish emotions.

"Thank you...Daniel" She muttered.

''With you at least by my side, I think I could be what the continent needs'' She seemed to have gained a new source of confidence and I didn't mind being her pillar of support until the quests ended.

Timothy's face darkened with concern as he suddenly interrupted the conversation.

His voice held a sense of urgency as he addressed Bella.

"Milady, I'm sorry, but you'll have to get as far away from here as possible," he urged, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of the situation. "The factions belonging to Jake are making their way over here."

''Alright...'' Bella seemed reluctantly to leave but she had no choice since the situation didn't allow them to have a peaceful reunion.

''Young man, please protect Bella as much as you can'' This time he wasn't speaking out because of the hierarchy, but because of the love he had for her as her uncle, and I couldn't help but respect him.

''Will do'' I replied before taking Bella in my hands as we disappeared and the last thoughts of Timothy echoed.

'I hope when you return Bella, you'll become an outstanding queen' He gazed with a warmth smile to where we had disappeared.


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