Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 32: Hobbies.

Case 32: Hobbies.



As Kierra stared into the distance scene, she suddenly remembered. There was a time when she would be atop a mountain, watching the sunset like this. If there were a discrepancy, it would be that before, she had someone to watch with her, and a twilight with four differently colored suns was undoubtedly something else.

Nevertheless, she found this frame of time to be fascinating, almost magical.

Not only did the scenery please her, but it also provoked a multitude of thoughts, more than she would typically have. Even back in her old world, she would find herself staring out of the window whenever it was this time.

For one, it helped her with creating incarnations quite a lot. Often, the archwizard found herself inventing new magic, and it was those times that she would come up with chants, even if she didn't necessarily need to use them.

It was fun, simple as that.

She wasn't a wordsmith, yet when she cast a spell, it always sounded otherworldly in the ears of others. Kierra called this the 'big magic equals cool' theory. However, she would still be made fun of for her cringe lines sometimes by a few.


Maybe this much reminiscing was enough. 

As Kierra stood up, she looked at the soft orange sky once again. The road forward, she could feel, would be filled with exciting adventures. She was sure she would make beautiful memories in this world.

At those times... perhaps she would want to record them and share them with the people of her old world later. Rub it in their faces.


With those silly thoughts floating in her head, Kierra turned around and left the mountain.

Once back at White Lotus, she and her disciples continued to train, spending time like usual. In this period, Kierra also saw the qi slowly adapting to her body. Maybe it would soon be time for her to cultivate again.

A few days quickly passed, and when Kierra was on a light stroll with her pets in tow, a disciple of White Lotus came to her.

''Someone is searching for you at the front gate, Master Kierra.''

''I see.''

For some reason, Kierra's official title across White Lotus had become 'Master,' not that she was complaining.

Nevertheless, Kierra came to the front gate shortly after. There, a woman in white greeted her.


Abbess Mie Xieren waved with a soft smile.

''Mie Xieren.''

Kierra nodded in response.

''I apologize if I took too long. I had to take care of the work relating to the unorthodox sects.''

''Not a problem. Come in.''

As she and the abbess made their way to Crimson Tower, Kierra couldn't help but notice something about this woman. The way she dressed had become milder, and her demeanor was also friendlier.

Maybe this was her preference in the first place.

As a result, however, it also made her seem less cold, which stopped her from intimidating others when they met eyes. It was a good thing, Kierra thought.

When the two reached their destination—floor one hundred of Crimson Tower V2.0—they could see the usual members training. Some honed their mana, some practiced their casting, and some simply rested.

''Now.'' Kierra turned to Mie Xieren. ''You need to be familiar with this place.''

So, Kierra started introducing the members of the group. As the abbess's visit had been announced a few days before, there were no surprises. After introducing everyone and their positions to Mie Xieren, Kierra moved on to explain the available facilities and her plan to help Mie find some hobbies.

''What do you think?'' Kierra proudly asked.

''...Are you just going to gloss over that?'' Mie Xieren pointed to a certain white-haired woman who had orbs of wind, ice, and lightning swirling around her body.

''Yes.'' Kierra replied. ''It is information only allowed for insiders.''

''Hah... I see you are trying to temp me.''

''Who knows.''

''...Anyway, I would like to begin right away.''


As Kierra had promised, the two then proceeded to go through numerous hobbies together.

During the morning, they went to the top of the tower to try out some instruments and try drawing the scenery around them.

''Kierra... you're good at this. Playing an instrument.''

''You are just bad.''


When it was lunchtime, they tried to make their own meal with the ingredients they had gathered in the wilderness.

''Grilled fish... simple yet exquisitely delicious. I love it, Kierra.''

''Bleh. This is garbage.''


At noon, the two visited the library to read some entertaining fiction pieces. Mie Xieren chose one of each genre to try, and she didn't like them all that much.

''...They are too predictable.''

Stories of heroes defeating evils, fated romance, and such didn't seem interesting to the abbess. She saw many of the same in real life anyway. Seeing this scene, Kierra pulled out a book from her space storage.

''Read this.''

''Mistress Of The Evil Forest.'' Mie Xieren read the title out loud. ''This is...''

''It's one of the books I found in a space capsule. The story is entertaining enough.''

''Space... capsule?''

Just like that, the two of them spent the whole afternoon crunching through novels in silence. At sunset, Mie Xieren finally finished the first book of the series.

''Hm... there are quite a lot of mysteries in this.'' She commented.''

''You don't want the author to spell everything out beforehand,'' Kierra replied.

''...I was about to say I like it.''

To this, the archwizard just shrugged.

Then, noticing the sky turning dark, the two left the library. While taking a stroll around the sect, Kierra opened her mouth.

''How was today so far?'' She asked.

''Mhm...'' Mie Xieren pondered. ''It was enjoyable, but nothing I would consider passion had come up just yet.''

''I see. If so, tell me what you are usually attracted to.''

Kierra finally thought that this might be too much to go through blindly.

''Attracted to... maybe... that?''

Silence fell as Mie Xieren suddenly pointed at Kierra's face. Realizing her mistake after a whole five seconds, she hurriedly corrected herself.

''W-What I mean is makeup...!'' She said awkwardly. ''I never had a chance to do it properly, so...''

''...I see. Let us try it, then.''

Ignoring the awkwardness as she had always done, Kierra led Mie Xieren onto the mountain she frequented. Here, at the top, they could see a lit White Lotus city in its entirety under the sea of stars above. 

The stars were so bright that they didn't need additional lighting for doing makeup, not that Kierra needed it in the first place.

Nevertheless, Kierra pulled out her makeup tools and began to do the abbess's face lightly. Considering her demeanor today, Kierra thought it would only be right if she did this.

Meanwhile, the one being worked on was rather nervous. Not only was this the first time she would do makeup, but seeing Kierra in her full glory this close made her restless.

Although the archwizard might seem distant and blunt at first, she knew Kierra was a good person, from her actions right now to the memories of her conversing with the little Mie Xieren. 

And when the opponent was this stunning, who in their right mind would not feel a thing?


After the makeup was done, Kierra held a mirror before Mie Xieren's face. Looking at her own face, the abbess was shocked. The slight touches were able to soften her face quite a lot; she seemed like a different person!

''I like this!'' She exclaimed.

''Is that so,'' Kierra responded with a rare, soft smile.


''What's wrong?''

Mie Xieren stared blankly at Kierra. Although today's program felt like a bully was walking her through hobbies, it was enjoyable nonetheless. She had done these at least once before, but this time was different. There was someone accompanying her.

This elated sensation in her heart... perhaps, this was happiness. Mie Xieren smiled. She smiled heartily, hugging her chest. She wanted to remember this feeling in her heart so as not to forget it in the future.

''Ah, that's right.'' Kierra straightened her back. ''We have a sleepover night with everyone tonight. Do you want to join?''

In the heat of the moment, Mie Xieren agreed right away.


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