Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 31 When Morality Fails, So Does the Law

Chapter 31 When Morality Fails, So Does the Law

With a sigh of relief, Wang Yun clung to a speeding sedan, taking a brief moment to catch his breath and scan his surroundings to assess the landscape. But his respite was short-lived. Within two minutes, the distinctive roar of motorcycle engines filled the air again.

Wang Yun glanced over his shoulder to find ten motorcycles closing in on him at high speed.

Sticky as gum, he muttered, a frown settling on his face.

By now, he surmised that he must be under surveillance. In this age, the streets were teeming with cameras, making it all too easy to track someone. As long as he remained within the scope of these surveillance systems, evading capture would be impossible.

It was clear to him, he needed to find an area devoid of cameras.

As the motorcycles drew ever closer, Wang Yun had no choice but to spring into action again. The advantages of the motorcycles were overwhelming, their agility was barely second to that of his own skateboard.

With a laser-like focus on the road ahead, Wang Yun weaved through traffic, effortlessly overtaking one car after another he constantly pulled himself forward. His audacious moves left many drivers cursing or exclaiming in disbelief.

His skateboard zipped through the lanes as he kept a keen eye on the road conditions, all while searching for a place to take cover. Meanwhile, cars constantly honked at him.

Continuing to speed forward, Wang Yun skillfully maneuvered through the maze of cars, maintaining a significant gap between himself and the pursuing officers. Even Chen Minghao, the closest among them, was a good fifty meters away. Despite this distance, eluding them entirely remained a challenge.

Just then, a cacophony of honking echoed from up ahead.

Wang Yun cast his eyes forward and saw a lavish wedding procession occupying the two lanes. The convoy was moving at a snails pace, with vehicles at the front and rear capturing the event on camera. As a result, a traffic jam was forming ahead.

Unbelievable! So because you have a fleet of luxury cars, you think its fine to hog two lanes for a wedding? an angry driver up ahead exclaimed.

With a fleet comprising more than a dozen Rolls-Royces and supercars, the wedding procession was undeniably grand.

However, Wang Yun saw an opportunity where others saw inconvenience. His eyes sparkled at the sight.

This could be my chance, he thought.

The wedding convoy was causing a bottleneck, but there was still enough space between the cars for him to dart through, a feat far more challenging for the pursuing motorcycles.

Seizing the opportunity to widen the gap and give them the slip, Wang Yun swiftly navigated through the crevices of the cars, making his way right into the middle of the wedding convoy.

Hey, hey, kid! What are you doing? a young man perched atop one of the photography vehicles shouted as he saw Wang Yun brazenly infiltrate the procession.

Kid, are you asking for trouble? Dont you see were filming here?

What in the world do you think youre doing?

An eruption of indignant voices burst from the photography car.

Caught off guard by the sudden uproar, Wang Yun hesitated for a moment before executing a quick tail-brake, coming to an abrupt halt.

Wang Yun turned his head to locate the source of the angry yelling. The car from which it originated was a part of the slow-moving wedding convoy, traveling at a pace of 30 kilometers per hour, and it had now pulled up alongside him.

Are you asking for trouble? Do you think this is a skateboarding park? The young man in the car shouted at Wang Yun once again.


Excuse me?

Who the heck owns this self-important wedding convoy? Clearly, youre the ones crawling along!

How dare this uncivilized wedding procession insult our big brother?

The abrupt halt by Wang Yun left the livestream viewers briefly taken aback. However, a torrent of indignant comments soon flooded the screen.

Its their wedding, a joyous occasion, its understandable if theyre driving slowly.

Meanwhile, some Zen-like viewers in the livestream calmly remarked, holding their own prayer beads, that it was a day of celebration and some understanding could be extended.


At that moment, Wang Yun broke into a smile. One foot on his skateboard and the other on the ground, he accelerated toward the convoy, his gaze fixated on a Ferrari supercar.

You dare come back? Get lost! The young photographers face shifted in color as he yelled out upon seeing Wang Yuns re-entry.

However, in the next second, he watched as Wang Yun stepped on his board, leaped into the air, and with a resounding thud, landed firmly on the car. Gaining his balance, he accelerated again.

The photographer was left dumbfounded, while Wang Yun just kept on going. Sliding down from the hood of the expensive car, he ramped up his speed and vaulted onto the second supercar.


Holy smokes!

If youre throwing morals out the window, then dont blame me, your big brother, or ignoring the law!

Hahaha, I cant even Is this how Big Brother responds?

Of all the people to provoke, you had to pick on our stand-up citizen from Nancheng*?

Im dying. This is too satisfying. Hats off to you, big brother.

I hereby declare Big Brother as the countrys number one skateboarder! This is so cool. How bewildered must this wedding convoy be?

Wow, the budget is on fire! The budget is burning!

Inside the livestream, as viewers watched Wang Yun skate over supercar after supercar, their excitement reached a fever pitch. They were so pumped that they felt like high-fiving each other through the screen.


The banging sounds echoed as Wang Yun jumped from one car to another.

Are you insane? Youre asking for it!

In that instant, the drivers of the luxurious convoy were flabbergasted when they saw their prized supercars being used as stepping stones for a skateboard.

They immediately hit the brakes, shouting in a mixture of disbelief and outrage.

Wang Yuns eyes remained locked on his path ahead as he continued to leap from one supercar to another. He executed a rapid spin and descended from the right side, quickly followed by a jump onto a nearby Rolls Royce with his skateboard.

This five-star citizen sure knows how to break the mold!


*Nancheng could be translated as South District or Southern District. Think of it like one of the boroughs in New York City. Chinese cities are massive and packed with people, kinda like how NYC is a big, bustling place made up of smaller, unique parts. Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island. Each ones got its own vibe and community. Well, thats pretty much the same deal with big Chinese cities. Theyre split into districts that are almost like mini-cities themselves.

Chaoyang where Wang Yun got reported by a good samaritan? Thats a similar setup to Nancheng. Although, Im not sure if they refer to the same thing.

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