Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 408 The Empire Of The Sun Vs The Kingdom Of Demons (10)

Holes littered my torso, and even though the lightning-filled it in, it was just a temporary replacement.

"OH, BIRDY! YOU WERE THIS STRONG!? I WOULD'VE GIVEN YOU A REWARD IF YOU DISPLAYED THIS POWER!" The succubus shouted before creating tons of pink circles made of her demonic flames.

As I tried to heal my body even faster than before, Ysal gathered a large ball of sunlight in the sky, almost replicating the sun itself as it shone down on the sun-allergic things below us.

"How dare you try and take away my baby!" Ysal shouted as she then flung the ball of light at the succubus.


The sun tore through the air, eventually hitting the succubus head-on as the thing was way too big for her to actually dodge.

It even managed to crush her straight into her army below, disintegrating even more demonic soldiers than before.

"Do you want me to kill her?" Ysal asked in order to confirm that I actually didn't have any lingering feelings towards her… but why would I?

"Zeus," I muttered before swinging my arm down and creating a large bolt of lightning which struck the already fried succubus who couldn't even have a chance to catch her breath.

Her beautiful skin was burned to a crisp, and her arrogant and haughty attitude had been wiped from her face, replaced with an angered expression.

"You pieces of shit… UNDERESTIMATING ME SO MUCH!" She shouted just before the lightning bolt hit her.

But, there was no confirmation as the XP panel was nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden, I felt a chill run down my spine, and everything around me went black, causing my consciousness to fade slightly.

An intense wave of pain devoured my very being and soul, and as my mind was eaten away by the void surrounding me… I sighed.

"I've seen this too many times," I chuckled before tightening my grip so hard that my nails dug straight into the palm of my hand.

[You have broken the illusion]

The dark world around me shattered like glass, and the succubus floated in front of me, agasp at how I most likely destroyed her most powerful attack.

But, all of a sudden, she smiled and appeared right in front of me.

I just barely managed to deflect the pink sword of flames that she created, and just as I was ready to back up, I saw black veins swell from under her skin.

She cried out in pain as the black veins were begging to be released from under her tight and durable skin.


I quickly opened her status and saw her mana deplete into a negative range, and her health quickly depleted, so I knew what to do.


I cut her head off in one fell swoop, and the army of demons below me looked up in horror as their seemingly unkillable empress had fallen.

"Wait… Where is Ysal?" I muttered to myself, and all of a sudden, I heard a deathly scream come from below me.

Quickly snapping my head down, I saw my girlfriend writhing in pain while gripping her head with so much force that her fingers were literally ripping off chunks of flesh from her head.


I quickly dove down and placed my hand on her head, my frightening aura pushing everybody else away from me while the drakes all came out and proceeded to push back the army of demons.

[Art of Illusions]

I quickly showed Ysal a different illusion which slowly put her to sleep, but if I didn't find a way to completely get rid of the illusion, then she'll see it once again once she woke up.


I knew everything was going to be fine, and I knew Ysal's life wasn't in danger, but I couldn't shake the feeling that everything hadn't returned to normal.

After setting Ysal down in the infirmary, getting a few healers to try and heal my very sweaty girlfriend, I went back out onto the battlefield… and just what I had hoped to not come to life… came crashing down into my world.

"*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*..."

I doubt any of the demons could see her due to her severely injured state, but the succubus had reattached her head and was coughing up so much blood that you'd think it could fill an entire river.

Suddenly, she began to laugh as I flew over to her, ready to finish her off once more, but her laughing stopped, and she arched her body upwards.

"ARGHHHHHHHH!" She cried out in pain as a white circle slowly wrapped around her neck, searing into her skin like a branding.

I just watched from above, slowly monitoring her while smiling.

"That girl… Seriously… She could've easily broken out of the illusion when it was fresh and weak, but she decided to capture the woman… *sigh*..."

I continued to smile as I flew down next to the succubus, healed her, and then knocked her unconscious by giving her a hefty chop to the back of her neck.

"Hey, bitch… wake up," I said before kicking the succubus in her gut, snapping her eyes open and having her glare directly into my face.

It looked as if she was about to burn a hole straight through my head if she kept staring at me like that.

"Oh my, did you come crawling back to me?" The succubus asked, but now that she was a bit shaken, I could clearly see past her first-class act.

I had to admit. She was a good actress.

"Release my girlfriend from your spell," I said, and the succubus just cackled like the evil witch that she was… until she suddenly choked up and screamed with pain.

She gripped onto the bed that Ysal was currently lying on, and once the searing pain had stopped, she caught her breath and looked up at me with hateful eyes.

"What did you do to me,"

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