Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 626 Intermission: Evolution Selection (2)

Chapter 626 Intermission: Evolution Selection (2)

[Would you like to condense this information into its strengths and things to consider?]

"Uhhhh… yes?" Arpious replied, a bit taken aback at this new option. 

[Abyssal Sorceress]


[Shadow Manipulation: Arpious gains the ability to manipulate shadows for stealth, surprise attacks, and creating illusions.]

[Curses: Powerful curses afflict enemies with debilitating effects, weakening their defenses or hindering their abilities.]

[Enhanced Magical Abilities: Arpious's magical prowess is heightened, allowing her to cast more potent spells and harness forbidden magic.]

[Consider if: Arpious enjoys a playstyle focused on finesse, exploiting the arcane arts, and using shadows to her advantage. The Abyssal Sorceress excels in strategic and sneaky approaches, making her a formidable foe in both open combat and stealthy engagements.]

[Infernal Sovereign]


[Hellfire Attacks: Arpious gains the ability to unleash hellfire, dealing devastating damage and leaving lingering effects.]

[Demonic Pacts: Forming pacts with demonic entities grants her access to demonic allies for additional support in battle.]

[Fire Immunity: Arpious becomes immune to fire-based attacks, enhancing her survivability against fiery adversaries.]

[Consider if: Arpious prefers a more aggressive and fiery combat style, commanding the forces of hell, and reveling in the destructive power of infernal flames.]

[Lich Queen]


[Necromancy: Arpious gains control over the undead, summoning minions to fight alongside her in battle.]

[Life Absorption: The ability to absorb the life force of enemies to replenish health and prolong her existence.]

[Undeath: Arpious becomes undead, gaining immunity to certain types of attacks and potentially achieving a form of immortality.]

[Consider if: Arpious desires mastery over the forces of death, commanding legions of undead minions and embracing a more enduring, immortal existence.]

[Eldritch Sovereign]


[Reality Manipulation: Arpious gains the power to manipulate reality, altering the battlefield to her advantage.]

[Foresight: The ability to foresee events allows Arpious to plan her actions strategically and anticipate enemy movements.]

[Eldritch Aura: An unsettling aura surrounds Arpious, causing unease and potentially disrupting enemy abilities.]

[Consider if: Arpious values a more strategic and unpredictable approach, manipulating the fabric of reality to gain advantages and outsmart her foes.]

[Cursed Monarch]


[Curses: Arpious becomes a master of curses, afflicting enemies with supernatural ailments and hindering their effectiveness.]

[Supernatural Afflictions: Control the battlefield by spreading supernatural afflictions that disrupt and weaken foes.]

[Curse Immunity: Arpious gains immunity to curses and other supernatural attacks, ensuring her resilience against magical assaults.]

[Consider if: Arpious enjoys a disruptive role, debuffing enemies and controlling the flow of battle through supernatural means.]


[Celestial Tyrant]


[Divine Retribution: Arpious gains the power to invoke divine retribution, punishing those who oppose her with holy wrath.]

[Celestial Aid: The ability to call upon celestial entities for assistance in battle.]

[Healing Powers: Arpious becomes adept at healing herself and allies, providing support in the midst of combat.]

[Consider if: Arpious desires a supportive role, wielding divine powers and aiding her allies with healing abilities. The Celestial Tyrant excels in providing both offense and support on the battlefield.]

"That… can't be right? Reality Manipulation? For real?" Arpious taken aback, had to take a seat and process what she had just right. "No… it wouldn't be that easy. Surely restrictions will be placed on it… right?" 

[Requesting Information…]

[Information Granted]


"I see… can you list how many more evolutions will be after each evolution?" 

[Celestial Tyrant - 3]

[Cursed Monarch - 5]

[Eldritch Sovereign - 0]

[Lich Queen - 1]

[Infernal Sovereign - 4]

[Abyssal Sorceress - 4]

"Hmmmm… I thought so. But could there be anythiung more powerful than literally bending reality? Can I get a more in depth description on [Reality Manipulation]?" 

[Requesting Information…]


[Sovreign has stepped in]

[Information Granted]


[Reality Manipulation]

[Description: Arpious, as the Eldritch Sovereign, wields the formidable ability to manipulate reality itself, bending the fabric of existence to suit her whims. This skill allows her to reshape the battlefield, creating illusions, altering the terrain, and even distorting the perceptions of her enemies.]


[Energy Consumption: Reality manipulation is an energy-intensive skill. Each alteration to reality requires a substantial amount of Arpious's magical energy. Prolonged or frequent use can lead to rapid exhaustion and depletion of her reserves.]

[Temporal Instability: Altering reality comes with the risk of temporal instability. Sudden changes to the fabric of existence may cause temporary rifts or distortions in time, leading to unpredictable and unintended consequences.]

[Psychic Strain: The mental strain of manipulating reality is immense. Arpious experiences a heavy mental burden, potentially leading to migraines, disorientation, and, in extreme cases, temporary psychosis. Extended use may risk permanent damage to her mental faculties.]

[Backlash Effect: Reality manipulation is a double-edged sword. The alterations made to the environment can affect Arpious as well. A poorly executed manipulation may result in unintended consequences, such as injuries, sudden environmental hazards, or even summoning hostile entities.]

[Reality Balance: The delicate balance of reality requires finesse to manipulate without catastrophic consequences. Arpious must carefully consider the consequences of her actions, as reckless manipulation can lead to unintended and potentially disastrous outcomes.]

[Magical Backlash: The act of manipulating reality draws the attention of magical forces beyond the veil. If Arpious is not cautious, she may attract unwanted attention from otherworldly entities or beings sensitive to disruptions in reality, leading to confrontations or curses.]

[Limited Duration: Reality manipulations are not permanent. The alterations Arpious makes to the battlefield have a limited duration before reverting to their original state. This limitation necessitates strategic planning and precise timing to maximize the impact of her manipulations.]

"Holy shit… this thing sucks. Sure I could instantly turn the tide of the battlefield or a fight, but if there is another aspect I won't be able to defend myself. I should probably pick the one with the most potential and hope something like this will come later on," Aprious muttered, but before making her choice, she had to reaffirm that she wasn't making the wrong choice. "Give me the positives to [Reality Manipulation]." 

[Reality Manipulation]


[Illusionary Deception: Arpious can create intricate illusions that deceive enemies, making her appear in multiple locations simultaneously. This ability allows for strategic misdirection, confusing adversaries about her true position on the battlefield.]

[Terrain Distortion: Arpious can manipulate the terrain to create obstacles or barriers, providing temporary cover or hindering the movement of opponents. This skill grants her a tactical advantage by controlling the battlefield to suit her needs.]

[Perception Manipulation: The Eldritch Sovereign can alter the perception of herself and her surroundings, making it challenging for enemies to accurately gauge distances, sizes, or even the nature of their surroundings. This skill enhances her evasion and defensive capabilities.]

[Reality Pocket: Arpious can create small pockets of altered reality, providing temporary refuge or concealing objects within them. This skill allows for strategic retreats or surprise attacks, catching enemies off guard.]

[Temporal Deceleration: By slightly manipulating time within a localized area, Arpious can slow down the movement of opponents. This effect grants her an advantage in reacting to fast-paced attacks or evading oncoming threats.]

[Skill has the potential to evolve]

"It's good, but still… not as appealing as something with five potential future evolutions. Alright, I know my choice." 

[Please confirm you would like to become a Cursed Monarch]

[Yes] [No]


Arpious stood at the precipice of a profound metamorphosis, her essence entwined with the forbidden magic she sought to embrace. The ominous whispers of arcane forces resonated through the ancient chamber where the transformation would unfold. Dark energies swirled around her, and the air thickened with an intangible tension.

As she began the ritual, ethereal veils of shadow enveloped Arpious, casting an eerie silhouette that seemed to defy the laws of reality. The very fabric of her being resonated with the curses she sought to wield, and the transformation unfurled like a tapestry of malevolent threads weaving through her existence.

Crimson runes materialized on her skin, pulsating with an eldritch glow as if inscribed by unseen hands. The curses she chose to embrace manifested as ghostly tendrils, coiling around her like serpents hungry for the essence of forbidden knowledge. Her eyes gleamed with a newfound awareness, reflecting the ancient secrets that now coursed through her veins.

The very atmosphere warped around Arpious, mirroring the shift in her magical resonance. Whispers of dark incantations echoed through the chamber, a symphony of curses harmonizing with her ascending power. The forbidden magic embraced her like a lover, intertwining with her very soul and etching the mark of a Cursed Monarch upon her destiny.

As the transformation progressed, Arpious felt the weight of the curses settling upon her shoulders, both a burden and a source of empowerment. She became a living conduit for supernatural afflictions, a mistress of malevolence whose presence sent shivers through the fabric of reality.

Her physical form underwent subtle yet palpable changes. A diaphanous aura of curses enveloped her, casting an otherworldly glow that seemed to draw shadows closer. The air around her shimmered with an intangible malevolence, marking her as a harbinger of misfortune.

With each passing moment, Arpious's understanding of curses deepened. She could feel the intricate threads of fate and doom, weaving them into her magical tapestry. Her fingers, once delicate, now bore the arcane symbols of affliction, each touch capable of imparting supernatural malevolence.

The final surge of power coursed through Arpious, and the transformation reached its zenith. Her eyes, now pools of abyssal darkness, reflected the mastery of curses that lay within. She stood as the embodiment of the forbidden, a Cursed Monarch whose very existence warped the threads of destiny.

As the arcane tempest subsided, Arpious surveyed her altered form. The cursed crown upon her brow symbolized dominion over supernatural afflictions, and the mantle of malevolence draped across her shoulders spoke of a newfound sovereignty. The chamber, once bathed in eldritch energies, now bore witness to the birth of a monarch entwined with the darkest facets of magic.

With each step, Arpious felt the weight of her newfound power, a testament to the choice she had made. The curses whispered promises of dominion and the tantalizing allure of forbidden knowledge. As a Cursed Monarch, she embraced the shadows, ready to unleash a symphony of supernatural afflictions upon those who dared to challenge her reign.

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