Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 178 - Final Touches

"He says there'll only be a total of four other people coming including Jovani." Lena informed her father as she read the text that Samue had sent her.

"Did he happen to mention if one of them was the head of the Vedova Nera?" Zane asked as he wrote down the information that his daughter had given him. The princess simply shook her head in response to this question.

"He left that bit of information out and I get the feeling that that would be thanks to his cousin." She replied as she texted her fiance back. Both of them were impatient to find out who it was so they would know what to expect, but so far they hadn't been given any indication as to who the person was or if Samuel had even met them even though he had been there for almost two days.

"I'm sure that it will end up sorting itself out one way or another." was the response that her father had to this matter. He presumed that whatever it was, they would be finding out as soon as Samuel was back anyway so it didn't matter if they hadn't been told yet.

Lena didn't like it because it felt too much like information was being withheld from them again without it seeming like there was an important reason behind this decision.. If there wasn't a good explanation for it, the princess was going to have quite a problem with him when they got back.

The work she was currently doing amounted to what her father would approve of her to do beyond making phone calls to ensure that everything else was running smoothly. He had taken over quite a bit himself and directed James to handle whatever he couldn't while he was out of the office.

Julius was also taking over more with Leo as Zane didn't trust his daughter enough to not try and leave to head to work and take care of other matters if he wasn't there to keep an eye on, she happened to be just as stubborn if not more so than he was. It was a good thing in every other situation except for the current one when he wanted her to pace what she did.

Lena couldn't stand it though as she prefered to have distractions when things were bothering her rather than being left with too much free time to think about them. Doing got her somewhere, thinking just ended up stressing her out and putting her in a bad mood.

There was only so many distractions inside a house where someone wasn't the kind of person to do things for fun or have many hobbies. The princess was usually too busy to invest time into such matters. The only thing that could be considered a hobby was horse riding, but their doctor had ruled that it was still too early for her to think about getting back to that with the injury on her stomach. The bruise needed to heal a bit more before the concern of further injury could be ruled out. Lena knew that he was just trying to do his job, but it wasn't the answer that she had wanted to hear.

"You shouldn't keep looking like that so much, it's only for another day that you have to wait. The world won't end by the time he gets back and you're more than likely able to head back to work." Zane told the princess when he saw the way that she was staring at the phone. Her mood had been going through various stages of the annoyed and put out aura that was she was giving off right now.

"That is still to be determined until I am able to return to work and confirm that matter for myself." Lena replied as she set down her phone. She knew that Samuel must have been busy again as he didn't reply to her text after she had sent it.

If the other wasn't busy he would reply to what she sent relatively soon after, but if he was distracted with whatever Jovani or other people were needing him to focus on, he wouldn't reply for long stretches of time and considering how late it already was in the afternoon- it wasn't likely that he would be replying again before night which was the one point in time that Lena didn't want to spend that much time talking to him during.

She was still trying to use that time to sort out her sleep schedule before Samuel got back as he knew if she didn't, he would want to keep sharing the same space as her thinking that it would help her to feel more at ease if they were together. Which would've been the case if it wasn't for the odd way that she had been feeling anytime they shared such close proximity together in those type of situations.

If she thought too much about it, she could vaguely remember the feeling of how it felt when he had held her down the night before he left. It caused a strange sensation in her stomach that she wasn't fond of and usually made her quickly think of something else.

She didn't quite believe though that that was what love felt like. Not that she was against loving the other as she kept arguing with herself about, She just didn't like things that she couldn't easily explain or work through her mind about. Such foreign emotions fit into that category.

She knew that it was something that she could ask her father about, he probably had the best understanding of what that emotion was. She chose not though because she knew that it would require bringing up a touchy subject that they never talked about in terms of how it impacted him and his emotions over the years.

"What else do we need to have in order for the engagement party?" the princess suddenly asked, trying to think of something to shift her thoughts in another direction even though her father had already noticed that something was on her mind.

"I think that most everything has already been taken care of beyond Samuel and Jovani coming back and discussing the expectations of the Vedova Nera in relation to the engagement." Zane replied as he looked at the list of things that had been crossed out and those that still needed to be taken care of.

"It would be on rather short notice, but I think that we can accommodate any expectations that they might have." he added as he wrote something else down.

"Everything else is related to the pieces that Ryan needs to put together and picking up the rings beforehand. If the outfits are already still decided upon. I think that is everything aside from sending out the rest of the invites." Lena made a 'hm' sound when he said this.

It wouldn't be too much to handle then as long as nothing unexpected came up that needed to be changed or the Vedova Nera made some type of outlandish request that would cause things to be put off further. It would just be a lot of finishing touches that they would need to take care o. At least that would be one less thing for her to worry about.

One thing that she could focus on would be to decide what kind of gift to get Samuel. With everything that had happened, she hadn't had a chance to get him the cufflinks that she had originally wanted to. Now though she knew that she would have to think about something else instead.

She may not have known much about the Vedova Nera, but their symbol of power was one that everyone was aware of and getting cufflinks for Samuel could cause a clash with this. Not that it would create a huge problem, but everyone knew that the family symbol was the first to be worn even above gifts that were given.

For Samuel, on the side of the Red Scorpions, he already had that in the form of the ring he would be wearing which would indicate who he was associated with. It would be good enough for him Lena already knew this as he wasn't the kind of person who liked anything that was too flashy.

This would require her to take some time to think of something carefully but before the next week was up so that it would be ready by the time that the engagement party took place. She would be annoyed if Samuel was the only one who had a gift to present. Hence, she was going to have to spend some time focusing on that over other things which might provide her with enough of a distraction from the work that she was lamenting about not being able to do. At least until she figured out what to get him which would hopefully last until he got back at which point she would have other things to focus on.

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