Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 191 - Time's Up

It took a bit of work, but Samuel managed to work with Jovani to find the mafia group that he was referring to. Sending the photo over to his cousin helped even though it wasn't the best quality.

The tattoo wasn't a perfect replica of the symbol which was a modified hazard. Except unlike the normal hazard sign color, this was done in black and had only had the skull but not the crossbones with it.  Since it fell in with their territory more than the Red Scorpions, Jovani agreed to have Hector and Alonso look into it since they were good at collecting information and knowing where the other groups were most active.

He couldn't give an exact time frame when he would have the information back as to whether Ashton belonged to their group or not since it was hard to get information from of the smaller families who were good at keeping their mouths shut and staying out of the way when they wanted to.

If he did belong to the group that they thought he did, the next question would be what was he doing in the exact opposite side of Jersey from where his family controlled and was the business official or unofficial?

Lena didn't like all the unanswered questions that surrounded that. Part of her wanted to think that it could be related to whatever Marcus was scheming since he would know what groups lived on that side of Jersey enough to call them to come to the opposite for something.

Which then brought up the question of who killed Ashton? Was it someone if who was working with Marcus, was it his only family because he betrayed them or was it because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time since it wasn't his turf?

All of it was going to end up giving the princess a headache if she didn't start getting answers soon. More of a headache then even Genson was giving her with his roundabout on getting the results that she was asking for. It seemed like Eve had been the better choice to go with from the start.

There wasn't technically much that she could to Genson though beyond letting him go early and giving him only half of the pay that she had promised. Partly because he had been semi-useful with certain things that she needed from him, and partly because she wanted to reduce the risk of retaliation if she refused to give him any money at all.

It wasn't like he had enough power on his own to do anything, she was mostly concerned about the people that he worked with and what they might be capable of. Otherwise, she would have probably risked disposing of him in a way that no one would be able to find him again,

People would be most likely to trace it back to her though if something liked that happened. She was ninety percent certain that he hadn't kept his mouth shut even after signing the NDA before starting.

Lena had even differed to her father in this matter since he had a bit more experience working with Genson than she had from the past. His line of thought had been similar to her own- it would be easier to get rid of him because he was a nuisance but there would be too many risks behind doing something like that.

It would be rather difficult for Mafia to hire Mafia to do something like this when it was already obvious where he had been hanging around. Hence, the reason for kicking him out and just giving him enough of the money for him to be content.

Once that as done, they would then work on slowly black listing him through the families that they worked with. Most of them wouldn't dare to hire someone that they knew the Red Scorpions didn't approve of. There was no question as to who they would prefer to stay working with in the long run.

Samuel didn't really have an opinion on the matter as he was still learning all the nuances of such things and didn't quite understand the more intricate parts of how something like this worked. It certainly wasn't as straight forward as when a typically legal company fires an employee for being problematic.

This was more like a complicated game of chess from what he understand where one wrong move could put someone in a rather disadvantageous position. That didn't mean though that he wouldn't be learning through all of the observations that he was doing and what Jovani was teaching him. He would just need a few weeks if not two or three months before he would be comfortable making his own decisions in such situations.

When the third day rolled around, it was obvious Genson was putting off meeting with the princess for as long as possible since he likely already had an idea of the kind of conversation that they would be having.

When he did finally come to her office, he wasn't expecting to see the briefcase sitting on the floor near her desk. She didn't look thrilled, but he had an idea that inside of it was something that help to make his day better than the one that he currently had been having.

Marcus wasn't an easy person to work with and it was getting harder by the day for him to handle the unstable, eccentric human who was impatient for him to do more than he was capable of. Genson had a decent set of skills but that didn't mean he was a magician that could solve all the problems and give the answers that his other client was looking for. He needed more time for what he was doing.

"Time is up so you better have some good information for me or you can take this briefcase and leave." The princess told him in a rather cold tone of voice.

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