Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 193 - Unexpected Lunch

Lena glared at the door once Genson left. While she was happy over the fact that he had left. She was annoyed that he hadn't been willing to give her all the information that she was looking. He shouldn't at least cause her problems since she had given him the money in cash.

This decision was partly for her benefit as well since such large transactions were hard to trace if they were taken care of in cash. If anything happened with Genson, it would be harder to trace the money back to her with the channels she used to collect it.

There were now two points though at least that she knew she would need to focus to look into things from. Jovani was partly helping to take care of the one part by looking into what family Ashton belonged to which might help uncover the reason as to why he was on their turf and who killed him.

The second part was tied into figuring out who the person Genson mentioned was. She had gotten the feeling that there was a little bit of information around that that he wasn't giving her, but there wasn't much that she could do about that since he left.

"So how best can we look into that?" Samuel asked after a few moments had passed and Lena still seemed rather focused on the fact that Genson had left.. She glanced over at him and made a huff sound.

"It won't be complicated to find out on Eve's side, she will be able to figure out from what computer and when the system was accessed to set up the program." Lena replied as she picked up the phone. She intended to call Eve right away to get the matter sorted out. She also wanted to make sure if there was a way to trace what Genson was doing following his departure.

"Who did it might be more complicated especially if the program is set to self-destruct if it is discovered. If that happens, a lot of information would go missing."

"Why don't you wait for this?" Samuel suggested as he glanced over at the door. There was something else that he was expecting to happen at that moment in time and Lena being on the phone might mess it up.

"I understand how important this is, but Eve seems like she is already doing a decent job with working through everything the best way that she can. The engagement is coming up soon also." He continued. Trying to think about way to ask her to put off the call without making her think that there was something he was trying to hide from her. He knew that she didn't enjoy surprises all that much, but he thought that this might be one that she would enjoy.

"So why don't you just wait. You can send her an email of what you want to get done and deal with it that way? It'll still get taken care of but we can focus on other matters as well."

Lena understand where her fiancé was coming from but she didn't like the idea of not taking care of something right away. More so with everything that had been going on recently.

There was too much that might end up getting put bundled together that she didn't want to deal with later. It was supposed to be a more calm time with the engagement coming. That wasn't how things were turning out though and she didn't like it.

Nonetheless, she put down the phone with a displeased sigh. She would now need to request that someone else bring her coffee since her 'personal assistant' had been short lived. She figured that was going to happen since he had obviously found someone else who would be willing to fill in the pay cut he would take by not following through with what Lena had asked.

Samuel seemed to be ahead of her because he had somehow got in contact with Clive who almost on cue had unexpectedly invited himself into the office with lunch, coffee and what appeared to be dessert. The princess gave him a suspicious look which he returned with a smile.

"I figured that you wouldn't want to go out anywhere and eat, but because you seemed stressed I thought it might be nice to have a decent lunch break here compared to the normal ones." Samuel explained as he shifted things around on the table so that there was plenty of space for the food to be put down.

"Clive was even gracious enough to go to Pluckemin Inn to get lunch and dessert." He told her as he motioned for her to come and sit down next to him so that they could eat.

"It was actually all the idea of the young sir's idea since he noticed how stressed out you have been recently. It took nothing to go and fetch." Clive replied as he put everything out and organized it since he knew where what was located.

"I think that Jovani has been a bad influence on you with all this sneaking around and doing stuff behind my back." It was said as half a joke because she really didn't know what to do with what he had done for her.

It was a kind thought since they hadn't been able to go out and eat the way that she had originally planned. Perhaps it would be something that they could figure out once the engagement complete and they got everything into a better order.

"He has only taught me a few things that come into handy in situations like this." Samuel joked back as he set out the silverware. He would have to find a way to thank Clive later for what he did.

He would've asked Clive if he wanted to join them, but there was set up to be a special occasion between him and the Princess. He hoped that it would be at least a pleasant break from everything.

He was going to next have to figure out how to convince her to take more time away from work before the engagement since there were still little things that they needed to get in order and he wanted to visit the venue that they would be using.

Maybe after the board meeting he would be able to convince her to take the rest of the week off since the party was going to take place on that Thursday. It would give them two days to go over everything before the actual party happened.

"I will have to have some word with him when he gets back before the engagement to make he doesn't keep doing this type of thing in the future." She grumbled slightly even though it was hard to keep a small smile off her face as she looked at the food.

It really was something nice that she again wasn't used to those outside of her family doing for her. It didn't detract from what was stressing her out, but it was a nice simple distraction for a short while. Unexpected for him since she had been the one to originally plan their first time eating together anywhere. It wasn't exactly the same but it was close to it as possible with everything that was going.

Plus, there was coffee and dessert. Dessert at lunch helped to make a number of things better in this situation. The caffeine would probably help her to clear her head to think better also. It might've perhaps been good to wait and think exactly the order of what things she wanted Eve to take care of anyways.

For Samuel, the board meeting would of course be the bigger deal as it was something that he hadn't deal with before. For her, it didn't take much thought to put together what she would need to bring. It was usually the other people who annoyed her.

That was something that she could deal with at a later time though. Right now it was important to focus on the food that was in front of her and enjoying lunch with her soon to be official fiancé. She would need to tell Ryan that he was in charge of setting everything up at the venue. She trusted his taste and all of that wasn't really her scene in the first place and Samuel still hadn't made it known if he had much of a preference for everything beyond the color scheme that the two of them had worked out.

At least with the event getting closer to happening, she wasn't having one of her typical bad feelings that indicated something might go wrong. She hoped that that was a good sign that despite the large number of people that would be gathered together for the event that nothing would happen to make her worry about it.

She could handle the few hours around so many people if Samuel and her family were around. In the end even if she thought that the whole thing was silly, she knew that it would be worth it.

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