Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 202 - Photos

When the next day rolled around after the more positive day at work had taken place, She mildly regretted her decision to agree to take more time off than she had thought was necessary for the engagement event when photos were brought up by Clarice.

Marcus hadn't even written back after the email Lena sent which she felt might've been a good sign that she wouldn't have to worry about dealing with him before the engagement party. If anything did come up though, it would be up to the board to smooth anything out until she got back.

The princess had never been a big fan of pictures, but Clarice insisted that it was necessary as there wouldn't be much time to get photos of the whole family together during the actual event with so many people there. She just knew that someone or other would end up photo bombing them whether it was on accident or purposely and that would never do.

She didn't understand why this would've been that big of a deal since many members within the mafia had had to deal with that kind of thing in the past. Most of them just ended up taking photos after the event or during other moments in time if they wanted to have family photos.

Clarice however insisted as she had the feeling that it would be the only chance to get Lena to be willing to take photos in something different from the casual or strictly stuffy business clothes that she usually wore.

Plus, she was really the only one who had a problem with getting the photos taken. Since the majority of the family had already taken off time in preparation for the event, there was nothing keeping them from doing such a thing prior to the event taking place.

Out of everyone, Samuel was perhaps the most enthusiastic about it since everyone would be together for the photo, including his mother. He would've liked if Jovani and the others on his side of the family would've been able to be there for the photos as well.

His cousin however had to be away until the actual day of the event due to some unexpected business. Business which the princess hoped wouldn't run longer than when the event was supposed to take place as she didn't want to have to deal with things being shifted off ever so slightly because he wouldn't be able to be there.

It didn't matter to her either way if could show up or not. Jovani however did need to attend due to the other announcement that they would be making that night. He needed to be the one to do it since he had been taking care of the family so to speak before Samuel had been appointed to the position. It was going to be taken as a handing off of sorts to the rest of the families and it needed to be done right if they were going to respect the decision.

"Did you really have to say anything about taking photos?" Lena asked, her previously good mood slightly dampened by the other woman who was helping to make sure she would look perfect for the photos.

"Of course I did. You know as well as I do that if your mother was still around this was something that she would want to have happen as well." Clarice replied as she powdered her friend's face after trying to fix her hair so that it was styled perfectly to match her dress.

"Even if that is the reason why you don't want to do it, sometimes it's a good way to honor the memory of someone by doing something you know that they would want to have happen. Besides, you'll get a preview as to how to expect most everyone to look tomorrow anyways. If you have any last minute problems, you can take this time to address them." Her friend pointed out as she moved the princess's head so that the light would shine on the part of her face that she needed to.

"I already have an idea of how everyone will look due to past event's like this." The princess replied, speaking shortly as she knew the other would be messing her lips soon as she still needed to outline and apply lipstick.

"Even that charming fiancé of yours? I didn't think that you would've already gotten to see the full effect of what he would look like in his outfit." Her friend teased. The princess wondered how it was that everyone else at times seemed much more pleased about the whole event than she was.

That wasn't to say that she didn't want to be engaged to Samuel. She did. It was just taking her longer to process how she felt about everything and determine if she was making a right decision through everything that was going on.

"You know if you keep looking like that, your forehead is going to remain permanently wrinkled." She scolded as she poked the line that had formed on the princess's forehead from how hard she was thinking about everything.

"It'll happen anyways with all the stress that I have been under recently. No sense in worrying about something that will be unavoidable." The princess sighed. When did she really have time to worry about such things anyways around trying to run a business and trying to make sure that a potential sociopath wasn't going to do anything to her and her family?

"Maybe with Samuel around over time you'll stop doing it so much if I can get him to remind you about it when I'm not here." Clarice mused as she helped Lena to stand up so that she could see what she looked like in the mirror.

They had put everything together in the sunroom because it was one of places in the house with the best amount of light and easiest to have everything out and together while everyone else was getting ready as well.

The one thing that Lena could say was that she had always disliked looking at herself in the mirror anytime that she had to use make up and dress up beyond business casual.

The image that was reflected back in the mirror looked too much like her mother that it made her uncomfortable. She had always been told when she was young that she would grow up to be just as beautiful as her which back then she felt proud of hearing. It was one of the highest compliments in her mind.

After everything that had happened however, anytime she looked at herself in the mirror like this, it just ended up hurting her heart because she didn't like the fact that the person who was looking back at her in the mirror looked too much like someone she would never get the chance to see again.

The princess frowned but didn't get a chance to say anything before her friend turned her away from the mirror.

"Don't be so sour. You look stunning and should be proud of that. We need to head out before everyone wonders if you're going to show or not." Clarice said she pushed the other woman towards the door.

As Clarice had predicted, everyone was already ready and waiting. No one in her family said much about how she looked, but the smile on Samuel's face said a lot even though she wasn't going to return it.

Lena was fair too self-conscious about the way that she looked and how the photo was going to be taken that she didn't even say anything when he grabbed her hand and lead her to the front.

If her mother had still been alive, she and Zane would've been standing right behind Lena and Samuel. Instead, Julius took the spot as her uncle and second closest family member with Leo to Zane's right and Julius's wife and two daughters to his left with Zoe standing in front of Lisa since she was shorter.

The few other family members who were there were aligned behind them leaving Clarice and Clive to take the photos.

They had chosen to do it in the front living space of the estate as it had the most space to fit everyone and create a good photo.

Once everyone was settled, they took the first round of photos which Lena thought would be the only one as she was already ready for it to be over with.

However, Samuel discreetly indicated that he wanted to do another shot which Clarice caught on to first and prepped everyone for it saying one more for good luck.

This photo was different from the others in that at the last second, Samuel leaned down and over so that he could kiss Lena on the cheek. Of course the camera would go off right at the moment her cheeks were tinted pink from the unexpected action.

The princess couldn't get upset however, because it turned out to be a good photo, it even caught Leo grinning widely from the unexpected action. Even her father looked rather pleased compared to his usual indifferent expression.

Even though she knew it would never be able to find it's way her on her office work desk for a number reasons.. She did end up requesting a copy for her home office she could keep framed where it would be safe.

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