Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 205 - Mark

"What did you do?" Samuel asked when he couldn't quite see what the princess had done. He had an inkling of an idea of what it was by her expression. He couldn't see it though to verify it.

"Nothing fatal she replied before she felt her phone buzz in her pocket indicating that she had gotten call. She figured it was going to be James as there had been a few things going on at the office that he needed her opinion on even though she was technically off. Work never really stopped.

"Hello?" She asked as he answered the phone, standing up from the futon as she did so. It just happened this call came at the right convenient time so that she could be preoccupied and away from the other before he fully realized what she had done.

"No, the board were the ones who made the final call on that so they can deal with whatever happens as a result of it." She paused for a second as she listened to what James had to say.

"If they didn't want to have extra work to do, they shouldn't have complained in the first place and just gone through with it. I have more important things going on in life right now than to deal with things they don't want to do. Just tell them to get it sorted out themselves before next week if they want to keep their jobs." The princess replied feeling slightly annoyed. Even though they were the ones who wanted to reject Marcus's proposal, they now didn't want to go through with all of the work that as required to follow through with it.

While she was busy on the phone and not pay much attention, Samuel pulled out his phone so that he could see what the other had done. It was hard to notice at first, but there was a mark near the edge of the left side of his collar bone that was light pink in color and getting darker with the passing seconds. The mark very much looked like someone had bit him.

It didn't hurt when he brushed his fingers over it, but it would certainly be more visible by tomorrow. Had Lena really bitten him simply because he had been giving her a hard time? He could only wait to ask her once she was off the phone.

At least she didn't break the skin with whatever she had done, but what exactly was he supposed to do with that mark? He wasn't even going to be able to cover it with the tie that he was going to be wearing tomorrow. In fact because of where it was, it was likely that almost everyone would be able to see it.

"What exactly is this about?" Samuel asked, pointing to the mark on his collarbone once the other was off the phone. He looked more perplexed than annoyed by it.

"It's retaliation. You didn't want to listen to me." she replied as though it explained her actions perfectly.

"You do realize that everyone is going to be able to see this tomorrow because of where it is?" He then asked, trying to gauge her reaction. He knew that she had an odd way of handling certain things that she didn't like. This was the first time that she had done something like this however.

"And you're my fiancé. Is there anything wrong with that?" She asked back as she looked at the mark. She didn't see any real problem with what she had done. It was a retaliation to the teasing and all the other things that he had been doing to her recently, but on a smaller scale that was less problematic.

"I wouldn't say that there's anything wrong with it. I would just also say that it perhaps isn't form of retaliation for such a small thing." He replied, as he brushed the mark with this hi fingers again, noticing the way that the princess watched him when he did this. It felt odd but it didn't hurt in the slightest.

"Small thing to you. To mean, it's something bigger than I'm worried about." She replied back as she turned to leave. She wasn't upset with Samuel in the slightest, but she also didn't want to give the other a chance to get any ideas since recently the teasing had been going more back and forth between them.

It was one thing for her to bit him. She wouldn't however tolerate it very well if he tried to do the same thing to her. It wasn't a position that she had been in before and didn't want to risk a situation that would only encourage the other to take things a step further than they needed to go.

She had apparently made the wrong decision to turn to leave as she had expected to be able to hear when he moved, and was taken aback slightly when she found his arms suddenly wrapped around her waist. Since when had he learned to be able to move so quietly.

"Princess, you know that isn't far though. I thought that we had gone past this point." He laughed near her ear. He wasn't annoyed though he did think that their relationship had shifted to a different point from when they had first met.

"We did, but then you started doing things that I requested you not to do. This is only a fair reaction to that." She replied nonchalantly, not wanting to give away the fact that the hair on the back of her neck was standing on end. He had certainly gotten better with a number of things since he had spent a short time with Jovani.

"By that logic then, wouldn't I be in the right to do the same to you then?" He asked, his breath near her ear as he spoke. His breath was soft as he spoke, but it still tickled her ear and made her pull away slightly.

"You wouldn't think about doing it though because you know it wouldn't go over well." She warned, knowing he probably wouldn't take her that seriously though. That was partly her fault though as she didn't actually ever do anything serious that would make him think twice about doing something like that.

"Would I though?" He mused leaning closer against her. He didn't think that he would honestly.

"If I did though we would have matching marks and it might work." He commented. However, before he actually did anything, there was a knock on the door to the room.

"I expect that the princess and her fiancé are still hiding in here?" The voice asked, it took both of them a second to realize that it belonged to Jovani. They didn't think that he was supposed to be here however?

Lena expected Samuel to know to let her go now that there was someone at the door. He didn't seem exactly intent on doing that however. She gave him a warning look, but he just smiled at her instead.

"We are." Lena replied as she moved to pull away from the other who didn't really want to stop hugging her. He might have thought twice about actually biting her with someone else on the room, but that didn't mean that he couldn't hug her. It was harmless enough.

He didn't get away with it though, as Lena elbowed his side with her left elbow when it became apparent to her that he wasn't going to be willing to let her be even though his cousin was looking to come into the room.

He couldn't hide the wince because it actually did rather hurt. He forgot at times exactly how strong the princess was as she never really was violent with him. The pain didn't stop him from snickering however at her reaction which earned him a harsh glare warning glare from her as Jovani entered the room.

Even though the two of them looked normal enough. He could tell more so because of his younger cousin that something had been going on between them. His eyes also quickly took note of the mark on Samuel's neck. He chose not to comment on it however as he turned his attention back to the princess.

"Even though I am going to be staying at the hotel for tomorrow. I thought that I would drop by and double check on any last minute things that I might be forgetting." He told her as he handed her a piece of paper, it was a list of everyone he had requested by on stand-by for security for tomorrow.

"Most everything else is already in position. Nothing left to do except for wait until tomorrow comes." She replied as she looked over at the list.

"Maybe go over anything extra with him that he should expect for tomorrow." The princess motioned to Samuel as she said this. It was something that he could do that would keep him preoccupied for a while until he stopped trying to bother her over what she did.

"There are probably a few things that need to be discussed if I won't be taking him away from you at a bad time?" the subtle undertone in Jovani's voice was missed by his cousin, but Lena picked up on it.

"I wouldn't have suggested it if you were." She replied a bit dryly, not finding amusement in the fact that he was trying to tease her.

" Right then. I will bring him back at a later point in time before dinner." He replied as he opened the door so that Samuel could follow after him.. He really did have some things that he wanted to discuss with the other in preparation for tomorrow.

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