Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 213 - How Far

Lena scowled when she saw the surprised look that was on Samuel's face.

"Don't look so surprised. I can say such things on occasion as well." She huffed as she ran her finger over the ring again. It was how she had been beginning to feel more and more and thought that there was nothing wrong with verbally expressing it. Though, the alcohol might have been responsible for her being able to say it more openly.

"So if you keep drinking more, will I get to hear you more things along those lines?" Samuel teased shaking off some of the shock he had over what the princess had just admitted to.

"Don't push your luck with me. There are a lot of other people around. I wouldn't be a fool as to say too much because of that." She replied back waving down the waiter to ask for her glass to be refilled again and motioned for Samuel's glass to be topped off. He was going to protest against this but the waiter had already grabbed it before he had the chance.

"But you know the music drowns out some of what can be heard around here and if I move closer like this, I'm sure that no one would be able to hear what you said." Samuel tried assuring her as he shifted seats so that he could sit on the corner sofa that was against the black wall.

The princess glanced at him out of the corner of her eye but didn't really acknowledge how close he was to her since the waiter was coming back with their drinks. She thanked the man and handed him a rather large tip. She knew that they weren't required to pay anything, but she felt better doing it anyways since he looked rather tired from all the people that he had been trying to accommodate.

"So what else wouldn't you say without everyone around?" Samuel asked as he leaned closer to the princess, placing his left hand on her knee. The dress covered rather far down on her legs when she was sitting, but didn't make it difficult for him to slip past the fabric and place it against her leg. Lena didn't object to this, but he could see that a shiver must've gone down her spine by the way that she moved. Perhaps because his hands were cold and her skin was rather warm from all the alcohol that she had been drinking.

He took another sip out of his glass, rubbing his thumb against her leg as he waited to see if she was going to respond to the question that he asked or not. He really did want to hear what else was going through her head that she didn't verbally convey to him.

"Do you have to keep your hand there?" She asked after a moment had passed by and he refused to move his hand from her knee was he kept looking at her expectantly. She had no chosen to say anything else and instead focused on the mug of alcohol in front of her and watching the floor where she could see her brother and Jovani messing around with the rest of the crowd.

"How about after you answer my question?" Samuel suggested as he shifted closer to her, moving his hand up her leg ever so slightly when he did this. Her father wasn't around so he knew that there was a certain amount that he would be able to get away with because of that.

He wasn't even sure though if Zane would stop anything from going on between them know that they were officially engaged. Or was anything beyond kissing and mild messing around considered off limits until after they were married? He tried to think but couldn't recall due to the amount of alcohol he had if Lena had mentioned anything to him about it before or not.

"I told you there are too many people around and I don't want to say anything else." The princess replied giving him a mild annoyed glare. She didn't like to be bugged about such things when she had already given her answer. Of course though, her fiancé had to be the persistent type of who didn't like to let things be.

"And I told you it isn't like anyone would be able to hear what we're talking about with the music and how close we are. The only people who might here would be those who come back over to the table, but they're all safe and no one that you need to worry about hearing anything." Samuel replied in a lower tone of voice as he shifted closer to the princess. He figured that if he did this and spoke closer to her ear, she would see that there wasn't anything to worry about.

Lena huffed but didn't say anything else despite the fact that Samuel had almost plastered himself completely against her side and didn't seem like he was going to move until she spoke to him again. As she watched the other to see what he was going to do, she was only vaguely aware of the way that his hand moved on her leg. She only noticed it because of the cool trail that it was leaving on her skin.

"You know that I have nothing against biting if you keep that up." The princess warned when she felt Samuel brush his nose against her neck. The close proximity was making her body react to his touches in a way that she wasn't used to.

"I'm not doing anything bad to you, plus you're not really protesting against it either." Samuel murmured as dared to gently place a kiss against the one side of her neck. It was a quick gentle touch, but enough of one to cause another shiver to go down the princess's spine.

"Plus at this point in time, I think I'm more in a position to be the one biting you not the other way around." He pointed out as he kissed her neck again.. Since the princess wasn't protesting to what he was doing, he didn't think that it could be a bad idea to see how far he could get away with taking it.

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