Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 220 - Odd Feeling

Lena woke up the next morning feeling off and she knew that it wasn't just because of all the alcohol she had drank. It was because of everything that had gone one between her and Samuel. Not exactly how she intended to end the night, but there was nothing for her to complain about.

Her dress hadn't been ruined. It was discarded to the night stand on the left side of the room and had been replaced by a bathrobe at some point in night. Which point it was, she couldn't quite remember but wouldn't complain as it was rather fluffy and comfortable.

Her fiancé was still asleep next to her but that didn't stop her from getting up and out of the bed. She figured he would still sleep for a while longer as he wasn't as used to alcohol as she was and there was no real reason for him to be up early since they didn't have anything planned for the day.

The princess wanted to take a shower however. Her head hurt and her body ached not in the same bad way her head did however. Still, she knew though that a shower would be a great deal of help.

On her way to the bathroom which was located across from the bed and hear the door, she didn't miss the two glasses of water, each with a pair of what looked to be pain killers next to it. Lena's glass was the only one that had a note underneath it.

'I hope you enjoyed the gift. You can thank me for it later.' -J

Reading the thing made her scowl even as she popped the painkillers in her mouth and drained half the glass of water. Of course it was his fault and she would kill him for it later if she had the chance.

Her desire to kill the older cousin only increased when entered the bathroom and took off the robe after she had started running the water. There was hardly a inch of her body that hadn't been covered by Samuel. Some of the marks had even made it up to his neck which she was certain that she had cussed him out at least three different times for attempting to bite her there.

Running her hand over some of the marks, she sighed when she noticed most of the abuse had been concentrated on or around her chest. He had at least to listen to her but it was rather hard with the position that they had found themselves in.

The one thing she could be thankful of was that the tie that had been used to hold her wrists hadn't left any noticeable marks.

She didn't care so much if her family noticed what had happened. She was more concerned that others either above her or potential enemies would notice the marks and treat it as though she was being unprofessional about everything.

Even in the mafia world there was standard for a man and another for a woman. Even if it was unspoken, people were still held to it and treated a certain way if they didn't follow it.

There was nothing that could be done about it now however she concluded as she stepped into the shower. She would just use makeup or figure out another way to cover the marks and hope that no one noticed.

She knew there was going to be blood as soon as she started washing off but didn't pay much attention the dark pink colored water as her mind was focused on other things.

She didn't know what time it was, but figured she should update her father and Clive as soon as she had gotten out.

One or both of them would be worried if there was no reply after a certain even though they were both aware of the level of alcohol that had been consumed.

She stayed in the shower until almost all the warm water had run out. It was enough to help her body relax and work out some of the aches she was feeling. The ache in her lower back was the only one she knew would take a while to workout.

It was only after she had gotten out and was drying off that she noticed the two outfits that had been set aside for her and Samuel.

Jovani really had thought everything through when he offered to get them a hotel room.

She had just been too wasted to notice what he had been saying on the phone while they were driving over.

Next time she wouldn't be so quick to take him up on such an offer if he was going to try and scheme the same thing again.

Stepping out of the shower, she made sure to leave the door cracked as to not wake up Samuel who was still wrapped up in the blankets.

This also meant that she had to be certain to be quiet as she fumbled around on her side of the bed for her phone. She needed that to contact her father.

She managed to locate it without waking the other up but waited to check it until she had stepped out of the room on the off chance it would make a notification sound when she unlocked it.

Looking at it, she was surprised to see that ur was only half past ten in the morning. She had been expecting it to be far later than that. Still, she had missed a few texts from her father which she quickly replied to and moved to message Clive next.

At least with how early it still was, she would still be able to get coffee and breakfast which she was certain would help her headache immensely. She would just ask for something that had extra caffeine.

Lena was rather thankful that the breakfast buffet area was mostly cleared out. It meant that she didn't have to worry about being around too many people after the night that she had.

The coffee was a welcoming warm relief even if it didn't taste nearly as good as what she was used to Ryan making for her. It couldn't be helped since what was served at hotels was usually mass brewed which removed some of the rich flavor.

"Fancy seeing you here for breakfast. I had presumed you wouldn't be up yet for a while longer." Hearing Jovani's voice coming from her right side brought her annoyance back again.

"I thought that I was going to be getting a chance to dine in peace this morning without having to deal with you again so soon." The princess replied back.

"And I thought that the morning after was supposed to help put you in a better mood." He teased back as he took the seat across from her with his own tray of breakfast.

It was evident that he had gotten up not that long ago himself but his reasons for being up late where of a different nature from Lena's.

"I was in a much better mood until I had to see you again." She snipped back, as she took another drink of her coffee before turning her attention to the porridge and toast she had dished up. She had wanted to eat something else, but knew her stomach would need something lighter until her hangover was completely gone.

"Oh how you wound me after everything I did for you last night. I thought for certain you would appreciate me a little more after that." There was a hint of hurt in his voice but as far as the other could tell by the expression on his face he was only put the act on.

"After everything you do? You mean pushing something to happen between me and Sammy-boy with the room you set us up? I'm not sure that's exactly something to thank you for considering the underhanded method you used to get things to go further." She replied.

"You mean the aphrodisiac? Well that wasn't entirely me. The staff asked about it when they were getting everything together for the room and I thought that it might add a nice touch to the chemistry that was already going on between the two of you." he replied, a proud little smirk on his lips as he started to eat his own breakfast.

"You should know that you shouldn't offer or give things that aren't asked for. That wasn't exactly how I intended things to end last night." She told. Did she regret it? Absolutely not. She had just hoped to have a better handle on the strange emotions she was feeling before anything happened between her and Samuel.

She wasn't entirely to blame however for the way things proceeded. Jovani had a part to play in everything and her fiancé wasn't that eager to stop once they had started things in the room again.. The situation could only be left for what it was and let everything else move on around it.

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