Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 231 - Beach?

Richard ended up denying Lena's request to come over even though he was still speaking with her father. It wasn't an issue of the fact that he didn't want to discuss the matter with her, but that he knew she had just gotten engaged only the day before.

The princess also had a suspicion that her father had said something to him about the fact that she was taking days off in order to celebrate that. She didn't want this matter to cut into that time, but she also didn't want to put off dealing with it any longer than was necessary.

Richard instead agreed that he would met her at a later point next week. Which he assured her wouldn't cause problems since he hadn't set a strict meeting date with the man who wanted to make a deal with him yet. He wanted to make sure he had enough time to talk with them about everything that was going on first.

While Lena was put out about this matter, Samuel on the other hand was happy that it wouldn't impact their time together. Since she had said he could decide what they did with the days off, he had already planned a few things that he had hoped she would enjoy.

Even though she had said to him time and again fun wasn't something that she was used to having, he had noticed that there were a few things she seemed to have an affinity for. One was quiet things which is why he thought that she would enjoy watching the movies since it would just be the two of the sharing the same space and not a lot of other commotion going on except for the moving playing in the background.

The second idea he had, he didn't think that the princess would be terribly thrilled about, but it was something that he wanted to do but hadn't had a chance to enjoy for quite some time.

"You're talking about going to the beach?" His fiancé asked with a raised eyebrow as they were having dinner with everyone else.

"Yes. Before the weather gets too much colder I thought that it might be something fun that we could do." Samuel confirmed. He knew that they would have to be around a lot of people to do that, but he didn't think that it would be horrible since they would be in a rather large open space.

Julius who was the closest to the two of them heard the conversation that they were having and wanted to interject into. He knew what a cat his niece was and that she likely wouldn't enjoy spending time at a beach since it was near the ocean and the risk of getting wet in such a situation was rather high.

He could remember how fussy she would get about it the few times that they had gone as a family when she was younger. She enjoyed the sand and playing with other kids, but she hated getting wet or going near the water too much.

"That would depend on what you intend to do while we're there." She told him. Not entirely thrilled about the idea but she said he could come up with what he wanted.

"It could be anything really. Though I did think we could have a picnic while we are there." Samuel replied.

He didn't think that Ryan was set to come back the next day which meant that he could steal the kitchen again to make good for them to take. He had ideas about what he wanted to make.

"I won't say no to the idea, but there may be some things that I won't partake in." The princess told him honestly. Most things had to do with spending too much time in the water.

Though she doubted that dealing with the ocean would be worse than the water park that she had to go with her fiance and broth brother.

"I'm flexible with whatever we want to do once we get there. I just thought that it might be something fun and different to do." He explained.

Samuel had also hoped by deciding to go in the middle of the week that there would be less people around then there would be on a weekend.

"If we do go, we're taking my motorcycle because it's easier to deal with." She told as she finished the rest of her good. She hoped there would still be something good for desert even if Ryan wasn't around to take care of it.

"Can i ride drive it this time?" He asked with a mild amount of hope.

The look that the princess gave him however told him that the answer was going to be a hard no.

"Firstly, no because you have no experience driving or knowing how to control such a thing. Second, it's mine which I've put a lot of time and effort into building." She replied sharply. It was one of the few things she had the she left no one else in her family touch.

"If you want to go through the trouble of learning how to drive, it's possible with some time to look at building one of your own."

"You would do something like that?" Samuel asked. Ah there was that tone of surprise in his voice that she disliked so much.

"Of course I would if you happen to succeed in passing the test that would certify you to drive one." She replied.

"It would take some time to put together since we would be doing it from scratch." She explained.

"Wouldn't it just be easier to buy one that is already put together?" He asked curiously. He didn't see the point in going through all that trouble. Lena huffed in response to what he had said.

"It's possible to do that. It's better however to build one of your own so that everything is setup the way that you want it to be." She explained. It was the whole reason she built hers the way that she had.

She had wanted something that was faster than most that were sold on the market. She had a friend who helped her figure out the first steps to doing such a thing.

"We'll consider it in the future once all of the immediate things are taken care of.." She told him.

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