Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 256 We'll See

Zane didn't think that there was any reason for them to stop the car. Everything had been checked before they left and he hadn't seen anyone following them or anything of the sort that seemed suspicious. He only agreed to have Clive stop for the time being because Lena was the one who made the request.

She hardly ever did anything like that and whenever she had in the past, there was good reason to listen to what she said or requested. The worst inconvenience would be that he would have to purchase another plane ticket at the last minute.

"Clive have you found anything that could there to be a cause for concern?" the mafia boss asked as he lit up a cigarette. It was one of the few things that he could do while waiting. Leo had already gotten his phone out to send a few texts and check through a number of other things.

Like his father, he didn't think that there was any reason for them to stop but who was he to deny the request his older sister made out of concern for their safety.

"No sir. I have yet to find anything out. It seems though that the Vedova Nera are involved and are ensuring that everything is equally safe on their end." The driver replied as he went through his phone. Romeo was giving him updates as the other man could.

"Does the airport happen to fall into their territory? I thought that it still existed on neutral ground." Zane mused as he let out a puff of cigarette smoke as he looked out the window to see the other traffic racing past.

"No, that is actually something that has changed more recently. It seems as though they have been working for some time now to expand their territory even further than before." Leo was the one who answered this question.

"It is nothing that will affect our territory not that it matters much anyway since our families are entwined, but it seems that it has been a plan to increase their strength and deal with some of the smaller groups that have been causing some problems in recent times." He continued as he put his phone down.

"Us being in an agreement like the current one with them certainly can't hurt us considering they're rising to be the second most powerful family." The mafia boss hummed in response to what his son said.

"You have a good point there though I'm not sure that I would call them the second most powerful family. There's still one more lurking around. You wouldn't hear about them all that often but that has nothing to do with their power waning." Leo gave the other a confused look when he said this.

"The next time that you get a chance to come back home, I will better explain it to you since it is something that both you and your sister are going to have to deal with." He assured the other.

"Sir, it would seem as though there has been some commotion at one of the checkpoints to the airport." Clive informed them cutting off the conversation that they were having.

"Jovani is taking care of it right now." He updated as he looked at his phone again.

"Is this something that is going to take a while to fix before we can leave?" Zane asked. It seemed that his daughter hadn't been wrong to request that they stop for the time being. He always wondered where she got that sixth sense from since he knew it wasn't his.

"There is not ETA on how long it will take. With there being a number of civilians and other people around, it might take them quite some time." He replied. Clive figured that the best way to get the questions answered was to call the other man himself and allow Zane to speak with him.

"No point in calling him right now, just let him take care of what he needs to and we can make our way over there to see what is going on for ourselves." Zane saw no reason to continue sticking around where they were at. He hated out-of-the-way areas like the one that Clive had stopped them at. He understood the point of them but they were far too secluded for his taste.

"If you wish sir." The drive gave a nod of his head before he started the car up again. It would troublesome to get back onto the main road with all of the traffic passing by but it was certainly something that he was capable of.

"Are you sure that it is a good idea for us to be heading over there already? It doesn't sound like it has been that long since they started to deal with whatever this problem is?" Leo pointed out. Despite his role, he preferred if at all possible to stay out of trouble and any area where there was a risk for violence.

"I am certain that it isn't anything that we cannot handle should the situation come down to it. If Jovani's men are already there, it also isn't like we won't have any kind of protection." Zane pointed out.

"It's better than just sitting here anyways. Besides that, it will still take us longer to reach the airport and by the time we get there, most everything will likely have been taken care of." He didn't think that there was any reason to doubt the efficiency of the men that Jovani had working for him. People like him didn't get as far as they did working with unreliable people.

"If you're sure about that. I don't think that Lena will be pleased to hear that we're already back on the road before everything is resolved." Leo remarked as he decided to text his sister to let her know what was going.

In the span of a few seconds though, the unexpected happened not long after Clive had managed to get them back on the main road towards the interstate.

A shot rang out and the car swerved harshly to the right as the driver suddenly lost control of it.

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