Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 271 Time Of My Life Or.... NOT

Jovani sighed after the phone call had ended. He had hoped that he had been speaking low enough that no one else in the ambulance would have been able to hear what he said. If they did, that would just make things even more complicated for him.

He understood what Alonso was saying to him and he knew what he had to do since he was the person who was there. That didn't exactly mean that he wanted to do it thought.

He ran a hand through his hair with a light sigh which caught the attention of one of the men in the ambulance with him. Was it abnormal for him to be stressed out considering the current circumstances?  He stared back at the other who eventually averted his gaze back to the patient.

At least Zane was still alive at the current moment in time. He needed it to stay that way for a while longer until they got to the hospital where he could be properly taken care of.

"Do you have any water that I can borrow?" He asked without moving from his current position. The man gave him an odd look before pointing to a cooler.

"There should still be some drinks in there." The medic replied.

Jovani just stared at him again when he said this.

"I was hoping that maybe you would be willing to get it for me so that I don't accidentally mess anything up?" He suggested. It was located rather close to where everything was hooked up and he didn't want to be the reason why anything bad happened.

"Can you do it for him since you're closer?" The medic asked the other man who was standing almost next to the cooler.

"No, I am asking you to be the one who does it." Jovani repeated firmly. The other looked annoyed by what he was asking.

"Why? I thought that you didn't want anything to be messed up. Having him get it makes the most sense to avoid that happening."

"Yes it does. Except for in the case when I'm making the wrong bet and he's the wrong to ask." The Vedova Nera boss replied.

He shifted his shirt so that he could brush his hand over the gun that was holstered in his pants.

"Now, are you going to do what I ask or are we going to have a problem here." A tense silence fell over them as the medic struggled with the request that he had been given.

He didn't understand why the other couldn't be the person to do it since he was sitting there next to the cooler. Why did he have to go to the extra trouble?

"Fine." He sighed as he stood up carefully from the seat and began to move over to the cooler.

"Is there something particular you would like?" He asked shortly. Jovani took a second before he replied.

"Water is fine if it is the only thing available, but I will take anything that's red as well." He replied as he kept his eyes on the other man who was sitting in front of the cooler.

He seemed like a rather calm and composed person despite looking young. Perhaps a little too calm for someone in his position.

"Is this good?" He asked as he pulled out a red Gatorade from the cooler. Jovani nodded his head in approval.

"That will do for now. Thanks." He replied as he reached his hand out so that he could take it from the other once he was close enough.

He made sure to not remove his hand from the gun even after he had taken the drink.

He was very thankful to finally have something to aid his parched throat. He had gone too long without being able to drink anything and he could really feel it after all the stress he had been under.

"Now do me a favor and get down." He ordered as he capped the now empty bottle.

"What?" The medic asked confused just as he was getting ready to sit back down.

He didn't have a chance to repeat himself as a shot echoed out in the ambulance.

This was exactly the kind of thing that Jovani had been trying to avoid.

Alonso wasn't sure if his boss had meant to put the phone away without ending the call or if it was an accident. Whatever the case, it allowed him to be able to hear everything that was going on.

Without seeing, it didn't exactly sound like things were going well. He swore under his breath as he checked the nav. He was still a few minutes out from being able to reach where the ambulance was.

He didn't have that kind of time to be taking however which meant that he was going to have to find his own shortcut to get there quicker.

Why did he have to get paired with such a stubborn human who had a bad habit of just doing off the cuff and doing things on his own rather than waiting for other people to get there for him?

He was going to be certain to give Jovani a severe scolding once everything was said and done. That was so long as the other managed to survive whatever was going on.

The gunshot he heard told him that there was something a little more serious going on than what he had been expecting.

Firing a gun in such a tightly enclosed space was not something that Jovani would choose to do on accident or purpose. There were too many risks involved with that that the other man didn't like taking.

Not wanting to end the call, he pulled out his second work phone so that he could call for some back up. This all was going to take a lot more people involved than he had expected it to.

He had originally thought that they would have all been able to meet up at the hospital. It seemed though that unexpected things kept happening that were causing a change of plans that he needed to adapt to.

"Romeo, sorry to bother you again, but it seems like once again things are changing. We're all good right now, but we need a few extra hands here to help out." He had expected the other to reply right away, but there was silence on the other end of the phone that was unusual for the other.

"Where exactly is here?" Alonso's brow furrowed at the unexpected voice on the other end of the phone.

"Samuel, what are you doing with this phone?" He asked.

"I didn't think that you were supposed to be part of these things." He heard a soft chuckle on the other end of the phone in response to this question.

"Technically I am not, but Romeo left a little while ago to go take care of some things and left this phone behind." The other explained.

"What other things?" Alonso demanded. He knew that he hadn't given the other man any orders about what he needed to do or what to expect next. That was the whole reason that he was currently calling.

"Something to do with the hospital and making sure that everything was properly secured there. He didn't tell me exactly what was going on. I just heard bits and pieces." Samuel replied.

How much more inconvenient could things get?

"I see. Well, do you know if there is anything way to get in touch with him directly?" Alonso asked. He really didn't have the extra time to be wasting on such things.

"If you know anyone else there around the hospital or inside, they can probably connect you with him." He suggested.

Samuel probably wouldn't have known this, but there had to be an extra phone involved somewhere. There almost always was.

"Thank you. What are you doing though? I hope you're not trying to get yourself involved in anything you shouldn't be. You know that Jovani wouldn't be thrilled about that." There was another pause on the other end of the phone after he had said this.

"That isn't something you need to worry about right now. I am not currently going anywhere or do anything. Just keeping an eye on the princess until she wakes up." he replied.

Ah, that would explain why the other was talking a lower tone of voice than normal.

"Good, I don't want you to move from doing that until everything as been taken care of. I need to go now though as there are still other things to take care of." He didn't want to be rude and hang up on the other so quickly but there really were other calls that he needed to make.

So much for this being the time of his life even though Jovani had promised him that things would be starting to get easier now. Life never seemed to want to get easier for him no matter how much time passed.

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