Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 280 He Should Leave Too

"Well princess, you know that you're the one who gets to call all the shots right now. For this instance, I will allow my resources to become your own for you to use as you need." Jovani told her catching her off guard slightly, or at least if the shift in emotion in her eyes was any indication.

"Most of them are watching over the men right now as it is so it wouldn't be that much trouble for them to do anything you wish or take them to wherever you prefer for them to be held."

Lena was going to need to think about what exactly it was she wanted to do before she decided.

"Where are they keeping them right now?"

"A little way away from here. I Have a place near the airport. Usually what one would call a safe house, but for now I have turned it into a place for them to be held until we decide what to do. I would think that it is about an hour's drive from here." She hummed in response to his answer as she looked back over at Clive and then to the door.

"Keep them there for now, we can work on moving them to come tomorrow. I don't think that there is much else that can be done here for tonight, but I don't think that anyone should be leaving."

"I would agree with you on that princess, except that I do need to go for a little bit. Alonso will be staying here and anyone else you contact and think should be around, but there are a few other things that I need to take care of myself."

He glanced at his blood-covered watch. One of them he was actually already late to.

"That's fine. Just keep him posted on whatever is going on and don't do anything that will add an extra problem that needs to be taken care of any top of everything." Jovani let out a small laugh in response to her words.

"I Hardly think that is something you need to be worrying yourself about princess. I'm not so much of a troublemaker as to create an additional problem on top of what we are already dealing with." He informed her as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

​ "If anything should happen that creates any extra problems, I will hardly be due to anything that I have caused. You could just simply say that I am working on sorting out a few things to make sure that everything else around here will keep running smoothly." He explained.

"Besides, the only thing that you should really be focusing on right now is watching out for your family and making sure that your uncle is able to get here safely. That would be one more problem on our hands that we don't need if something were to happen to him."

Lena couldn't deny that he had a good point with that. She did need to get in contact with Julius though before he found out what happened through a third party and wonders why he wasn't informed about the situation sooner.

"Right. Well, you can take Richard with you on the way out. I know that you don't like him that much, but I also don't think that there is any reason for him to be staying here tonight." Jovani made a noise of protest in response to what the princess asked. She gave him a hard stare in response, however.

"I am just asking you to get him to leave with you. It's not like you have to spend any more time around him once you two exit the hospital. Just suck it up for five minutes." She ordered.

"Very well Princess. Just know that if anything does end up happening between the two of us, I will hold you solely responsible if he says anything that I can't ignore." He told he before he opened the door to leave the room before resuming the texting on his phone.

Lena rolled her eyes once he had left the room.

She didn't quite understand how someone as well put together and calculated Jovani was most of the time could become so obstinate and irrational when it came to something as small as the request she was making.

It wasn't like Richard was going to do anything to him. Not to mention the fact that whatever happened between them seemed to be from some years in the past. No reason to hold on to such a thing if there was no proof to support the claims that he was making.

The princess knew better perhaps than almost anyone else how hard it could be to try and not hate someone you felt was responsible for wronging you despite the fact that all evidence pointed to the fact that it wasn't their fault.

IT took her years to learn it and she was younger than the Vedova Nera boss. There was no reason why he should struggle to pick it up sooner than she had.

"You stay here and rest, for now, I will make sure that whoever is responsible for this is taken care of in the best possible way." She assured Clive even though she didn't think that the other could hear her in his unconscious state.

It was an assurance and promise mixed into one. Even if Clive wasn't able to hear her say it, it didn't change the fact that she intended to follow through with it. She would be certain to make sure that everyone who was responsible for causing the situation got what they deserved.

That included whoever the person hiding behind the shadows who was responsible for this was all well. She might not have known who they were yet, but there was little that would stop her from finding out.

If the men that they currently held in custody weren't going to be willing to tell her, she would find whoever else she had and force them to give up the information.

She didn't know when her uncle was going to be back, but he would be a most welcoming asset in assisting with making sure things went the way that she wanted them to.

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