Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 289 You Know, I Don't Like You

Alonso sighed. He didn't want to have to leave the hospital again. Except to be with Jovani to keep an eye on the other. The task requested of him though put him elsewhere. Around someone he would rather avoid.Any order from the Vedova Near man was an order he had to follow though.

"You think that everyone will be safe here for now?" He didn't know Romeo that well but the man seemed reliable.

"No one is going to be leaving tonight. Why do you ask?" The other guard sipped his coffee. He despite how he dested the pitch black liquid, he knew it would keep him awake. An energy drink would've been his first choice but the hospital needed to restock them.

"Because I need to leave in order to run an errand. I should be back before morning. I don't want to leave however if you think anything could go wrong." The somber, stalky guard remained quiet for a moment. Lost in thought while staring at the hospital room door.

"If anything does go wrong, it's nothing you'd be able to help control. Just make sure you watch yourself and who you're around." Alonso understood well enough what the other meant.

"Don't worry, I will make sure to be careful of that. Even if there isn't anything I can do, update me about any changes. I would be the best person to update Jovani." Romeo nodded his head.

"Don't offense to anything. I rather like your boss and appreciate what he's done, I don't fully trust his capabilities though." Alonso offered the other a lop-sided smile.

I don't take any offense to that. A lot of people feel that way about him before really getting to know him. He's not exactly a typical Mafia boss either. What he lacks in abilities though, he makes up with for spirit. I won't say anything to him but everyone in here is in good hands with him around." That was something Alonso would be willing to stake his life on.

He waved the other off as he turned around. No way would Jovani allow anyone in the room to be harmed so long as he had a say in the matter. He'd sooner risk himself than allow for anything to happen to his family. Jovani's spirit was exactly what made people like Alonso want to give so much back to the man. In fact, it was the only reason the right-hand man was even willing to do the task he was asked. Anyone else, he would've refused right away.

Tonight though, Alonso would suck it up though and do what needed to be done. He'd keep the meeting short and sweet but get what he needed from the other. Jovani didn't need to direct him to know what the Vedova Nera boss would be looking for. The car ride would at least be short and sweet.

In fact, it ended up being much too short for the other man. He didn't have enough time to mentally prepare himself for the man he was about to face. Alonso slowed the car as he approached the location. Not too many people were out to take notice of him. He intended to keep it that way as well. Shifting off the main road to find a parking space that would provide enough cover. He didn't have to think to know the man would already be aware of his arrival.

"Only for you would I be willing to do something as foolish as this." Alonso grumbled under his breath, taking the key out of the ignition before placing it into his pocket. This was much closer to a suicide-style mission than he would've liked for it to have been. That didn't stop him from standing as tall as possible upon exiting the vehicle.

Keeping his eyes staring straight ahead, he ignored the few looks thrown his way. The less attention he gave to them, the less they would do to him. He needed to avoid causing as much extra trouble as possible.

"Isn't this a sight for sore eyes? I thought that the last time you were here, you said you wouldn't be coming back." Alonso didn't bother knocking as the threw the room door open. The man didn't take his attention away from the wine glass in his hands. Lounging on the sofa without a care in the world.

The room was dull light and musty. The smell a sign that the room hadn't been cleaned in quite some time. Especially if the yellowing of the walls was anything to go by. It didn't seem as though the man had changed much since Alonso last saw him. Pity he couldn't have found out the other died some time ago rather than sitting in front of him alive and well.

"And I very much meant what I said back then. If something hadn't changed recently, I wouldn't be standing in front of you right now."

"Aww, did the little put have to come back to get help with his tail tucked between his legs?" The man cooed, finally looking up at the other, a mocking smirk plastered on his lips. It took almost all of Alonso's strength to not pull his gun and shoot the other. Even touching his gun at the current moment in time would likely seal his death. For now, he would just have to hold back.

"I didn't come back here looking for help with my tail tucked between my legs. The only reason that I have come back is to fulfill a request by my boss. He's the one who's looking for you, not me. This request is one that I would advise you not reject either." Alonso managed to maintain a straight face as he spoke despite the other not seeming to take him seriously.

"Your boss? Are you still trying to hide behind someone else when you make these requests? That is so very much like you Alonso. Why don't you just come out straight and tell me what you need? We have both known each other long enough that there is no need for such things between us."

"You should know that I truly don't like you. Not even a small amount. If it wasn't for a request by my boss, I would choose to never see your face again." Alonso spat out the harsh words.

"If you really are wanting to take this job and have work for once, I suggest you hurry up and answer. I don't have all day to waste on this matter, Cain." Cain tsked at the other before tossing the rest of his drink back.

"That is now way to be speaking to an old friend. Since it does seem like you're in a rush though. I will go ahead and play along with you this once. Tell me what your 'boss' wants and I will see if I can make it happen." Refilling his glass, he looked back up at the other.

"Don't just stay standing there, sit down here and drink with me. You should know that being stiff is no way to go about finishing a business transaction." Alonso sighed deeply at the other's words.

He knew Cain was right but, the man wasn't someone he'd normally be caught dead drinking with. Another part of his sanity, he'd have to give up for Jovani? It would seem so even if it just for a little while.

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