Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 291 Understatement Of The Century

Lena's idea of speed and the other man's seemed to be somewhat different. Certainly, the princess did enjoy flying down the freeway on her motorcycle. The feeling of the wind brushing against the body was absolutely amazing. That same feeling though couldn't be recreated in a car. Not even with the windows rolled down.

Lena didn't open her mouth to tell the other to slow down. Due to how late it was, the road happened to be fairly empty which decreased the risk of a crash. Not to mention the driver seemed to know how to drive well at such high speeds.

"Do you know where we're going? It might be a little hard to tell with how dark it is." Lena glanced over at the man without fully taking her eyes off the window.

"I Have a general idea though the dark does make it hard. I am not sure why you want to go this way. Earlier you said our destination was more east of here." Lena bit down on the tip of the pipe. It would need to be refilled again soon.

"That's because as I told you before, we are going about things a different way. There is someone else I think we need to go speak with first."

"Someone whose name you haven't bothered to impart to me yet." Lena pointed out, shifting her seat to cross her legs. At least his car had enough space for her to do so comfortably.

"They're someone you're not familiar with. I doubt that their name would mean anything to you." Jovani's hands tightened on the steering wheel as his put pressed further down on the gas peddle. The car lurched slightly before speeding up even faster than before.

"How does the speed suit you though. Do you think we will make it there in plenty of time?" Half-past one in the morning reflected back on the car's clock.

"I think we will. Even if you don't go any faster than this. For the speed, I can't say I really care for it. Nothing compared to riding on a motorcycle. Far more enjoyable compared to this."

"I haven't rid one of those in a few years. Perhaps something I might need to change after this. What about Sammy? I bet he's fairly good at it. Though perhaps not quite so fond of the same level of speed as we are." The princess raised an eyebrow in response to his comment.

"My motorcycle is solely for me to drive. I don't allow anyone else to touch it unless they are a passenger. I highly doubt whatever you ride is comparable to my own."

"Perhaps only because I haven't touched my own in a few years." Jovani chuckled. Reaching his hand out to take the pipe.

"You do always seems to have good taste though. Maybe something I can get a look at later on."

"The pipe is out. I need to take care of relighting it again." The other retracted his hand in response to this.

"Would you do that in the car?" The answer to his question came hardly seconds after it passed his lips. The princess had done it plenty of times in the past to know what she was doing. Even the speed wouldn't stop her hands from being steady as she poured the powder. A little bit was all it took.

"You sure you want to take another hit? You already have a lot of other things mixed around in your system." Lena didn't hand it back over right away. Instead, taking the first few puffs for herself. No matter how much she took though, it would likely not be enough for what was going on.

"Of course. It has been a few hours since I've had anything else. Most of it wearing off now and I need something extra to keep the pain away."

"Funny you say that." The princess mused as she handed over the pipe.

"Considering you seem to have no problem using that arm. I wonder if you're just saying that to get me to hand it over." Jovani paused for a second before a smirk flittered across his lips.

"You really think that I would do something like that? I am rather offended you wouldn't believe me to be more straightforward."

"Straight forward is a word that suits Sammy far better than it does you. Though, our encounter wouldn't be so amusing if you were more serious about yourself."

Glancing out the passenger window, a silver car following not too far behind them caught the princess's attention.

"Serious? I always take everything I do very seriously. I just might not come across as the most serious person you've dealt with."

"Understatement of the centaury. I could believe that after this last hour stuck in the car with you. I had honestly thought though that the conversation would go a little differently."

"Differently how? Considering the circumstances, I think it's as best as can be expected. You don't ever come across as an open book, Princess. I can't imagine our conversations being anything but shallow." Jovani passed the pipe back to her again.

"Shallow? I would more say, impersonal. You and I don't exactly get along after what you did to Samuel. Though you've started to grow on me, that wouldn't stop me from smacking you again."

"Because someone like you dear princess is hard to resist? Such an interesting person taking such a liking to my younger cousin. It certainly is something interesting to watch."

"You think so? Outside family support has never mattered much to me. You can think what you like and it wouldn't change my impression." Lena took another deep breath, inhaling the fumes from the pipe. Following this, she snuffed the thing out.

"I think though it's about time we changed courses on this, don't you agree." The sound of a trigger clicking cut through the silence in the car.

"I do enjoy playing games every now and again. I can't say though that this is the right time for it. I suggest you consider pulling over before you end up with more than just a sore arm."

Both knew that the Princess meant the threat. But, that didn't stop the driver from continuing at the same speed as before.

"You really think that is a wise move considering the positions? I would reconsider if I was in your place."

"If you wanted me to reconsider, you should have thought about that far before now. Don't think you can get away with anything by underestimating me now."

"Very well then." The driver's hands went up as he suddenly slammed on the breaks. The rapid move jerked the car harder than both of them had anticipated as the vehicle swerved before it began to spin out.

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