As A Trash Collector, I Collected A Imperial Jade Seal

Chapter 773 - 773: Can’t be measured by money

Chapter 773 - 773: Can’t be measured by money

Translator: 549690339

Can’t be measured by money

Liang Zihan suddenly shouted excitedly, “I found it! The inscription here mentioned a hint!”

Feng Luo turned around and stared at the ancient book in Liang Zihan’s hand. “Tell me quickly, how do we solve this puzzle?”

Liang Zihan excitedly pointed at the handwriting in the book and explained, “This is a map that shows the path to the treasure. We need to follow the map to find clues.”

Zhao Jiang was full of anticipation after hearing that.” Then let’s start searching according to the clues on the map!”

The three of them began to follow the guidance of the ancient book, passing through the ruins, stone carvings, and broken pillars. They carefully observed every detail, trying to solve the mystery hidden in the temple.

Suddenly, in a corner, Luo Feng found a strange symbol. “This is a symbol not mentioned on the map. “He frowned and thought.

Liang Zihan looked at Luo Feng.” Maybe this is a trap?”

“If it’s a trap, how should we deal with it?” Zhao Jiang asked nervously.”

Luo Feng took a deep breath, his expression firm. “No matter how many difficulties and traps lie ahead, I will continue forward. Luo Feng shifted his gaze away from the strange symbols and focused on a door in the deepest part of the temple. This door was integrated with the surrounding stone walls without the slightest gap. It was impossible to see what treasure was hidden inside.

“This door is the final checkpoint. “Feng Luo said, his tone revealing a hint of excitement and nervousness.

Liang Zihan followed closely behind him and approached the door to observe carefully. He carefully touched the lines on the door and gently tapped each part with his fingers. Suddenly, he stopped, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“I found it!” Liang Zihan said excitedly,” There’s a faint reflection on this door.”

Zhao Jiang also joined in the observation, rubbing the faint reflection with his hand. He let his finger slide over the protruding words and suddenly pressed down hard.

After a crisp crack, the entire door began to move slowly. Luo Feng, Liang Zihan, and Zhao Jiang immediately took a few steps back to avoid being caught by the door.

The door opened silently, and what greeted their eyes was a spacious and deep hall. The walls and floor were inlaid with gorgeous gemstones, emitting an alluring glow. However, the most eye-catching thing was the huge treasure chest in the middle of the hall. It was engraved with complicated and ancient symbols.

“We finally found the location of the treasure! “Luo Feng muttered excitedly.

The three of them walked into the hall and started discussing the treasure chest. They tried to solve the puzzle of the symbols, but every attempt ended in failure.

“This looks like the final mechanism.”Liang Zihan frowned.” We need more clues.”

Luo Feng looked around but did not find any other clues. However, just as they were feeling helpless, Luo Feng suddenly noticed a huge painting on the wall. The painting depicted a mysterious and powerful mage, and behind her was a huge device similar to a treasure chest.

“Perhaps this painting can give us some inspiration.”Luo Feng turned to Zhao Jiang and Liang Zihan.” Let’s study it together.’”‘

The three of them gathered in front of the painting and carefully observed every detail. They noticed that the mage in the painting was holding a strange staff. There was a device similar to the symbol on the treasure chest on the top of the staff.

“Maybe this device is the key.” Liang Zihan pointed at the magic staff in the

Magician’s hand and said,” I think we need to find a similar magic staff.”

Zhao Jiang nodded.” Then let’s search the temple. Maybe we’ll find something.””

Luo Feng began to search around for a staff that looked similar to the one in the painting. Just as he was about to give up, his gaze fell on a stone platform. There was an ancient staff on the stone platform, and the top of it was equipped with the same symbol as the treasure chest.

“I found it!” Luo Feng said excitedly.

The three of them hurriedly returned to the hall and inserted their staffs into the device above the treasure chest. Then, countless lights flashed around the treasure chest, and dense and complicated rune patterns appeared.

“Looks like we did the right thing!” Liang Zihan said happily.

Craftsman Zhao gripped the silversmith badge on his chest tightly and smiled proudly and confidently.

The treasure chest finally opened slowly, emitting a dazzling light. It was filled with precious treasures and ancient documents.

“We succeeded!” Luo Feng said excitedly. Luo Feng and the others excitedly put the treasures they had obtained into their bags and prepared to leave the temple. They talked to each other on the way back.

“This is really exciting! We actually found the treasure! “Liang Zihan said excitedly.

“Yes, we finally solved all the mysteries. “Zhao Jiang said happily.

Luo Feng was immersed in his own thoughts. He understood that this trip not only meant a huge commission, but more importantly, he had learned a lot of stories and history behind the treasure. To an experienced appraiser, the value of this treasure could not be measured by money.

[PS: I’ve updated 5000 words for everyone today. The author only went to bed at 2 0’clock.

The author had worked so hard, but there was nothing he could do about it. Grandma’s diabetes was getting worse, and she had to take medicine to lower her blood sugar. How many hundreds? Because the test was inconvenient, he had to buy a blood sugar meter, which cost a few hundred yuan. It was really too difficult. One old and one young, living in this heartless world. Please vote for us.

Sigh. In fact, everyone knew that this book was a flop, but the author still disregarded his life and continued to update thousands of words every day. If he wasn’t in a hurry to get money, then what was he?

Cry, cry, cry, cry! I feel terrible. Can everyone give me some recommendation votes and some tips? The author really needs them. Thank you. Dear little cuties, give me a special gift!

As for this book, everyone can rest assured. It will continue to be written in a very enjoyable manner. There won’t be any other uncomfortable plots. Everyone believes in the author. The author can still do it. Your recommendation tickets, your monthly votes, your tips, if you can give the author, you can give him a tip. Thank you. Your support is my motivation. I am really grateful to you. For your support during this period of time, the author will continue to write well. After all, your recommendation votes will be refreshed every day. If you don’t vote, it will be a waste. Therefore, everyone should vote for me. I thank everyone! Also, the author needs tips. If you vote for the author, the author will remember you. Everyone’s support is what the author needs! Finally, thank you, everyone.. Thank you so much!]

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