Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 364 World Out Of Order

The Templar Paladin was a form that emphasized using a purging power of Light or the Holy Element with the power of Ancient Source.

Branze created it by allowing his power as a Steel to surge out.

Kyros did the same and allowed his power of Mysterion to unleash a unique form of Light energy. Mysterion was the concealing and unveiling of things. And with that, Kyros began to absorb and release the energy of the Brimstone Beast.

The power of the sword and the cloak of the armor of Kyros that gave him darkness that could move and change forms had become a raiment of white. And even the Blood Sword ability had transformed from a vampiric power that could feed on blood into an angelic source that could harness light.

Brimstone was earth, fire, and light. But the three elements could not be absorbed separately, as they were all one. Yet, despite the insanity of absorbing them into his body, Kyros continued to allow the energy to seep in.

Kyros slew a group of beasts with one slash and quickly jump back to retreat.

The numerous beast made strong attacks and missed as Kyros fled. If not for Kyros's quick speed and Pronto, he would have died. Kyros expertly determined the last moment when he could flee and did so at that moment to complete the slashes and attacks he made.

His body was in pain as the heat was burning inside of him.

The attempt to devour the brimstone beasts and their energy with the Myster Experience System created a burning pain right inside of his bones.

But Kyros did not stop and made another rushing attack to create a wider slash at the Captain-level beasts.


The heads of another group were sliced off as he charged back in, and this time, he used the power of True Cut and created a Force Slash.

Pain surged all over Kyros's body.

But Kyros bore the pain and was waiting for his body to regenerate and turn the energy into his own to heal him.

"Damn it! Even after absorbing the essence of all those dragons, giant beasts, vampires, that shaman, and even that necromancer, the damage of Brimstone is still too much for me to make a recovery!" Kyros cursed.

"You're insane! Why are you eating Brimstone that purges all of creation?!" Calaminus shouted.

"Yo, Calaminus. Glad you woke up!"

"What are you doing?!"

"What do you think I'm doing?! I'm trying to recreate the Code or Corruption that makes this Yggdrassil remain!"


"I already have the Celestial Code. I have both Corruption and Code in me. And the numerous powers that my bloodline carries either through birth or by the blessings of these Gods and Fallen ought to be enough for me to create a Code. But, Calaminus, you understand where we are now! All Codes and Corruption are dying out. I need to either save the Codes' source that allows the existence of this world that is out of order and merge with it to be the new source!"

"Don't tell me?! So you're trying to create the Code that stabilizes planets?!"

"Yes! The Celestial Code creates the outer portions of the planet. In this world, my death would have left the power of the Celestial Code in Midlands, where I died. And because the Celestial Code of Daradiel remains here, the Planesworld remains as one of the many worlds that have not been destroyed yet. The Celestial Code defines the outer shell of the Celestial bodies, and so, this planet has remained. Somewhere here should be the power that defines the Core! And if I study it by the time I see it, we would surely die! So I have to experiment now!"

"And you're trying to study the Corruption of Prometheus even without any blessing?! Your powers of Charm cannot call upon a Corruption it doesn't understand!"

"We'll talk later. I can't concentrate like this! The burning powers are so strong that it's distorting my auto-battle set in my Soul Console!" Kyros answered as he charged back.

With the entry of Kyros and his team in the battle had provided the time for more of the archers to get into position.

The four of them held back a small area of brimstone beasts by making wide-scale attacks and tried to push back the areas directly in front of where some of the archers were.

A few archers provided direct support and attacked the enemies near those fighting at the front. Except for Kyros, who was fighting deeper within the ranks and was surrounded, the rest was able to fight and defeat the monster in front of them as the archers provided support and shot down those moving at the sides so that they would not be surrounded.

But the three at the front were slowly becoming more and more exhausted.

Fighting the Brimstone Beasts was constantly harming them even if they were not being hit or struck by any attack. The longer they were exposed to the Brimstone beasts, the more they felt a powerful burning heat that grew more and more even though they were not directly touching the beasts.

Mechiel was being drained. She was using her blood to create wide attacks to pierce them as the blood on her body would transform into spikes to stab those that tried to attach her at the side.

But the blood she was using would be drained, and Mechiel was running out of blood.

Lea's fist, legs, and tails were starting to show burns as her strong physical form was starting to show burns.

Listrel remained untouched save for the heat that her skin felt. But she was running out of Force Energy from the constant use.

The first one to fall from trying to defend was Mechiel. Her body had numerous wounds, and her blood wings and even her arms were burnt, and she had to run back and retreat.

"Pull back! I can't hold!" Mechiel shouted.

The platoon of elves saw that she had fallen and was about to retreat, but suddenly the lady ordered back.

"Don't retreat! Reinforcement is here! Cover Lord Miracle's ally!"

The archers stopped retreating and kept shooting, but many of their allies arrived, as the lady elf said. They quickly sent their army in as they saw how Kyros and the team managed to buy enough time to eliminate the siege beasts.

Many of the archers began to attack, and the arrows covered the sky as they flew down on the Brimstone Beast.

"Form ranks! We'll buy you more time!" Listrel shouted as she kept fighting.

The elves did as commanded and began to form their ranks and shot the enemies in an organized manner.

Listrel and Lea retreated as the lines were formed and the Brimstone Beast was being pushed back.

"Where is Kyros?" Mechiel asked the lady elf.

"Hail, Lady Champion! Lord Miracle? He's still fighting deep within the ranks. His wild battle had been stopping more of the enemies from surrounding you. Our arrows cannot reach them yet."

"Relax, Mechiel." Lea arrived and sat down nearby.

"How many of your forces are dead?" Lea asked.

"...We lost some eighteen."

"Hmp... To few. Bring me their bodies. I will feast on them." Lea answered.

The elves nearby were stunned.

"Oh? Do you hesitate at my request? What use do the dead have? I can save more of you in the battles if you give me those corpses. I am a Dark and Death Dependent being. They can live on in me." Lea laughed.

"But Lord Miracle..."

"Lord Miracle is a freak. He looks like a Dark or Death Dependent being, but his actually the opposite. This vampire girl is also the same. But I need to feed. Think of it as paying for my services. Would you rather I kill some of you?" Lea sneered.

"Still so barbaric, Lea? Lady Elf, I hear that you were the one who found and saved us. So please do as this imp says."

"IMP?!" Lea glared.


Suddenly, an explosion occurred right on the battlefield.

Kyros had to fly with all his might, and his charred form could be seen.

"Lord Kyros!" Mechiel shouted.

"Focus on saving him. That kid's pretty reckless..." Listrel shook her head.

Kyros was bleeding all around him. If not for Calaminus casting Time magic that somehow prevented the enemies from charging in and giving time for Kyros to flee, he would have died.

His arms had been burnt down to the stomp.

"... Ouch." Kyros cursed as he fled.

"Wow. It was the first time I saw someone spontaneously combust. You're amazing." Calaminus chuckled.

"Whatever, smarty pants. The fact remains that I managed to absorb a bit of Brimstone. I just need to harness it. Maybe create a Core out of it?" Kyros wondered as he flew just below the rain of arrows that struck those who were wildly approaching.

Kyros's wings finally gave way, and he crashed to the ground and rolled all the way towards where Mechiel and the rest were.


Listrel used her Force to create a wall that Kyros crashed into.

"What exactly are you doing?" Listrel asked.

"Couldn't you have caught me more gently?" Kyros cursed.

"You're full of Brimstone. I can't." Listrel chuckled.

"I was doing this." Kyros raised his right arm. Though it was a burnt stomp, a small spark of energy suddenly formed.

"Brimstone!" Listrel and Lea exclaimed.

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