Becoming the King of A New Filthy World

Chapter 265 265: Picking Up Ellie!

Power stone guys☺️☺️☺️


[Ellie's POV]

The resonating chime of the final bell marked the conclusion of yet another day at the esteemed institution. With a graceful swiftness, I gathered my belongings and prepared to depart from the sanctuary of the classroom.

A sense of purpose propelled me forward as I traversed the winding corridors, making my way towards the ornate school gate.

Ever the diligent student of social graces, I endeavored to summon the courage to engage in conversation with a few of my classmates, yearning to establish friendships that would harmoniously intertwine with the tapestry of my life.

However, my efforts were met with a disheartening reality. The glances directed my way were tainted with overt suspicion, as if my presence alone posed a threat to the delicate equilibrium of their social hierarchy.

Undeterred by the absence of companionship, I reminded myself that I had a steadfast ally in my brother.

His unwavering support provided solace in the face of such rejection, and it was this knowledge that emboldened me to persevere.

As I navigated the corridors, a silent yearning pulsed within me, urging me to hasten towards the school gate. The desire to reunite with my brother, to bask in his reassuring presence, became an all-consuming force.

Yet, my noble lineage demanded that I comport myself with an air of discreet elegance, even in the public sphere.

Thus, I suppressed the impulse to dash forward, instead maintaining a measured pace, mindful of the watchful eyes that followed my every move.

"I must hasten back to our abode," I mused, a sense of duty guiding my steps. "I have promised to personally attend to my brother's needs, forsaking the assistance of our diligent household staff." With a wistful smile, I envisioned the scene that awaited me upon my return.

My brother, engrossed in his scholarly pursuits, would invariably neglect his own sustenance until I lovingly fed him. It was a responsibility I embraced willingly, for my brother, despite his brilliance, was not particularly adept at the practicalities of daily life.

Lost in the realms of books and knowledge, he often became oblivious to the most basic of bodily needs. And so, it fell upon me to ensure his well-being, to provide him with nourishment and care.

Within the hallowed halls of our ancestral home, the division of labor became strikingly evident. As the future heir to the illustrious count's household, my brother was exempt from the burdens of domesticity.

From the break of dawn, diligent maids would enter my chambers, deftly undressing me from my nightclothes and adorning me in garments befitting my status.

The opulent dining table would be adorned with a cornucopia of culinary delights, each dish tailored to my whims and desires. Meanwhile, my brother would revel in the privilege of having his every wish promptly fulfilled, without lifting a finger.

In stark contrast, I was entrusted with the more mundane tasks of daily living. The responsibilities of tending to my own chores, performing simple household duties such as cleaning and meal preparation, rested squarely upon my shoulders.

It was as if my mother, in her wisdom, foresaw a time when her presence would no longer grace the halls of our grand abode. With foresight and maternal love, she instilled within me the skills necessary to navigate the domestic realm, to be self-reliant when required.

And so, despite my noble lineage, I possessed a measure of confidence in the culinary arts and domestic tasks. Through years of diligent practice, I honed my abilities, ensuring that no matter the circumstances, I would be capable of nourishing both body and soul.

The fruits of my culinary endeavors were not in vain. My brother, appreciative of my efforts, delighted in savoring the dishes I lovingly concocted.

The satisfaction that washed over me as he savored each morsel was immeasurable. It was a testament to the bond we shared, the unspoken understanding between siblings, where the act of nourishing his body was an extension of nurturing his spirit.

"Henceforth, I shall assume complete responsibility for my brother's well-being," I declared, my voice filled with determination as I pondered the prospect of caring for him on a daily basis.

The idea filled me with a profound sense of joy and contentment, for I cherished every opportunity to nurture and support my beloved sibling.

Even after departing from the ornate school gate, I endeavored to maintain the demeanor of a lady attending a prestigious aristocratic institution, walking with a gracious and dignified stride.

The bustling streets surrounding me seemed to fade into the background as I immersed myself in the thoughts of the task that lay ahead.

However, my contemplation was momentarily interrupted by a gentle honk emanating from a passing carriage on the adjacent road.

Refusing to let my composure waver, I feigned ignorance and continued on my path, determined not to be swayed by external distractions. Yet, fate had other plans for me that day.

As if guided by some unseen force, the carriage that had emitted the honk came to a halt at my side. With a sense of intrigue and curiosity, I turned my attention towards it, only to find the window sliding open, revealing a familiar voice.

"Ellie, what occupies your thoughts as you stroll about in such a manner?" my brother's voice rang out, brimming with a mix of amusement and concern.

Startled and elated by his unexpected presence, I exclaimed with genuine delight, "Brother!"

A wide smile spread across my face as I approached the carriage, my steps infused with an undeniable sense of excitement and anticipation.

Without hesitation, I entered the carriage, finding solace in the comforting embrace of my dear brother.

"You fool. It's unbecoming... Other ladies might witness it," he chided gently, his words laced with a hint of disapproval.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle🏰 . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. 🏰

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