Becoming the Luna

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

"Are you all okay?" My mom asks in worry when we make our way in.

We all affirm that we're fine, although I keep wondering how Dale had gotten hurt but he hadn't been lying when he said he was fine because I can barely catch a glimpse of it after a couple minutes.

"So" My mom trails off, playing with my hair, she insists I sit near her. "I'll call Mr. Everett tomorrow." She says decisively.

"That's the only option." Shana says seriously. "I'll move into the Pack House too so I can keep you company, Virgil and Dale would most likely get even busier after this."

I smile gratefully at her, edgy about having to move into a new place filled with people I didn't know.

We all settle on the couch, a heavy silence hanging in the cool air until a shrill sound from Shana's phone breaks the silence.

It's pretty late already so we all glance at her, surprised that she's getting a call, she looks equally surprised too until she glances at her phone to see who is calling. "Oh, it's Mae." She murmurs with a faint smile on her face, quickly picking up the call.

My mom just brings the popcorn close and the cooling, buttery snack is the perfect thing for my damp mood.

"Yeah, I'm at Hayden's house, why?" Shana asks into her phone, there's a short spell of silence. "Y...yes, we're all here oh okay I'll put it on loudspeaker then." Her interaction with Mae has all of us turning our head to look in her direction.

She takes the phone from her ear and taps the screen and Mae's voice fills the room.

"Hey, guys!" Mae says cheerily and we all mumble our replies.

"I'm at the Pack Clinic, right now."

"Is something wrong? Is someone hurt?" Shana asks quickly, worry furrowing her brows.

"No, babe that's not why my mom was called here." She says reassuringly and I watch Shana's cheeks flush with interest at the name calling.

Mae's mom was strangely a licensed doctor, it was a little weird and not weird at the same time. 

"I have something really cool to tell you guys, although Virgil's and Dale's dad's should call them real soon."

"What?" I prompt.

"The rogue Werewolves are being made to go rogue, artificially."

'Wait what??!'

I scream mentally as we all fall quiet, similar expressions of 'what the fuck?!' on everyone's faces.

"Oh wow." My mom murmurs.

"What do you mean?" Dale asks earnestly.

"My mom found a strain of something strange in the bloodstream of a rogue Werewolf that had been captured, she just managed to get a sufficient amount not long ago to be tested at the labs to see what it is so I'm not sure myself" her voice goes dim for a while and then she comes back on. "I'm sorry about that, my mom is calling me right now, I'll come over tomorrow but right now I need to help her go make magic handcuffs!..." She says quickly the line going dead.

"Did I hear that last part wrong?" Shana mutters with a frown.

"I don't think so." I say blankly, trying to process another major event happening one after another. "Who would be so cruel?" I finally blurt out, clenching my fists in outrage.

Sure, I didn't want to get hurt or want any of the people I loved to get hurt but these are poor innocent people who definitely had people who loved them being made into mindless killing machines.

"I have no idea." Virgil frowned.

"Well, we'll find out more tomorrow." My mom says, getting up. "It's pretty late and we all have early days tomorrow."

"I'll text Mae that we'll be at the Pack House tomorrow, she's moving too, this street is much too dangerous now." Shana says while my mom shoos us to the air beds.

I flop on the bouncy beds, my mind filled to the brim with whirling thoughts.

"Will you be safe in your room?" I ask quickly, shooting to a sitting position when she picks up the popcorn bucket and starts to make her way out.

"Yeah." She replies. "I'll make sure to keep the doors locked and the windows are too high for any rogue Werewolf to break in."

"Unless it's Leon that's doing the breaking in." Dale mutters darkly.

"You seem to want a matching gash on your other arm." Virgil quipped, getting comfortable in between Shana and I.

"A what now?" I ask in confusion.

"I'll be fine, goodnight kids." My mom says cheerily, flashing us warm smiles.

"Why would Leon want to break in?" Shana asks the question on my mind and I whip my head to the side to see Dale looking up at the ceiling, his eyes flashing gold.

"He just allowed the idiot to get under his skin." Virgil drawled, uninterested.

"Says the one that broke down a tree." Dale scoffs.

I just blink in shock, blindsided. "What?"

"At least I wasn't dumb enough to try to take him on, the idiot is the youngest ever to be ranked a warrior."

"Which he said he wasn't interested in because he thought they were lame." Shana chirps in while I just listen with interest. "And that he didn't like their matching tattoos."

I snicker at this, it seemed like exactly something that Leon would do.

It is pretty late, almost midnight so we start to doze off, no doubt the others had a stressful day ahead of them, I wanted to help too but I wasn't exactly sure how to.

Sighing heavily, I tuck the covers closer and slip my eyes shut, there was hope now because if it was someone that was behind it then they could be stopped and the rogue Werewolves could be fixed, hopefully.

I don't even flinch when they both roll over to me and curl into my side, I'd been expecting it even. Virgil and Dale are obviously both fast asleep and I had a feeling they wouldn't be here when I wake up but that was fine because they would always come back.

But what would I do when the time came for me to choose? They always made it pretty obvious that I had to and I just keep stalling, choosing meant I was going to lose one and I'm a little bit selfish.

Choosing was going to hurt...

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