Becoming the Luna

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

"It wasn't difficult to get all the information I needed from her, of what you looked like, where you lived, your name and a hundred and one other things I could I gone the rest of my life without knowing."

I don't grace him with a reply, glaring at him from behind the curtain fall of my hair.

"I thought she was too drunk when she said you were a boy but I guess even the wild ones could swing both ways, although, looking at you now I can believe that you'd make more than one person question their sexuality."

He steps away when he doesn't find anything in my pockets and I sigh inaudibly, he had no idea that I had called for help.

"But even so, managing to get the two future Alphas wrapped around your finger? That's mind-blowing, considering you're male and human but I've seen stranger things."

"How do you think they'd react if I sent them a couple fingers or maybe the whole arm?" He questions psychotically, his beady black eyes glittering with insanity.

"No, no, then you'd finish too fast, I need to compose myself." He mutters darkly to himself, tugging on his shaggy black hair with knobbly fingers, glasses back in place.

I just ignore his monologue, closing my eyes to his ranting and praying that they got here before sadistic serial killer over there decides to cart me off to his cave home deep in the woods.

"She said you lived just by the woods which would have been the perfect crime scene but it would be expected that your Alphas would move you to somewhere safer but fate has brought you back to me" he trails off, his eyes glittering again. "Do you know how long I've waited to set my eyes on an Alpha, to feel their life's blood heat up my skin and watch the light go out of their eyes"

I tune out his depraved ranting, terror drilling deep into my skin down to my bones, Virgil and Dale were in danger maybe even more than I was.

I nearly bite my tongue when I hear his voice beside my ear, startled by the unseen action. "They're coming, aren't they?" He whispers creepily and goosebumps crawl up my body.

I still don't say anything or make any movement, staring at him with blank eyes.

"You've got moxie, I'll give you that but we should leave them a welcome gift yes? A couple broken ribs?" He suggests, wrapping his hands around my body and applying pressure enough to make my eyes water.

"A dislocated shoulder perhaps?" He drawls, taking one hand away to tug on my tied up wrists.

I let out a muffled sound of pain at this, closing my eyes tight.

"Or I could go all out and do both, they should be pulling up right about now, good thing I left a welcome party out for them."

A bone chilling howl erupts at his words and my eyes fly open only to see him staring at me, his hands move absently to my hair.

"Maybe I could keep you around, I've always wanted a younger brother." He muses and bile climbs up my throat so fast that I have to struggle to not throw up in my mouth.

"But for now, you're going to help me out." He gets up and leans forward, ripping off the duct tape wrapped around my face.

I gasp at the burning sensation, my face sticking to the sheets.

"Bless Werewolf hearing." He mutters darkly, tugging on my wrists again.

There's no holding back the scream of pain that boils out of my throat, my arms on fire.

"I'll need you to go higher than that." He growls to me, ripping off his glasses and pushing his hair back so that the claw marks running down one side of his face shows clearly.

My throat feels raw after the second scream, my arms so sore that even without any pressure applied to the, hot darts of pain still shoot up my arms.

I pant breathlessly, sob stained gasps falling out of my lips as my vision goes blurry with tears.

"There!" He proclaims. "There no way they couldn't have heard that, now to move you." He says to himself, reaching forward to pick me up.

A crashing sound stops him in his tracks and the look of honest surprise on his gruesome features is almost comical, my eyes immediately dart to the spot where the crashing sounds had come from to see Virgil rolling in.

"You fucking pyschopath!!" I hear Dale's voice yell from somewhere outside the house and I heave a sigh of relief, adrenaline wearing off and the tears pouring hard and fast now

He had broken through a window and before Alexis can recover from his initial shock, he gets a savage punch to the face.

They move out of my line of sight and I hear the sounds of feet pattering in, the bed dips beside me and I blink away tears to see Virgil staring at me with bright blue eyes, stars dancing in them.

"Vir-Vi" hiccup! 

"Shh, it's okay, you're fine." He shushes me.

"Hold him back!" I hear a man's voice say, it sounded like it came from a distance.

Groans of pain get grunted and I hear thuds to accompany the sounds, then the sounds of creaking joints and - hopefully not what I think - breaking bones.

"For fuck's sake." The same voice says again. "How hard can it be to restrain one boy."

Loud growling erupt but I can hear nothing but a slight scuffle which ends as abruptly as the terrifying growling.

"I'll need to cut you lose." Virgil starts to say but the panic in my eyes is enough to keep him right where he is beside me.

"I'm on it!" I hear Jaxon's voice say and I see a muscle tick in Virgil's jaw but he doesn't protest.

The bed dips on the other side but I don't dare to look in that direction, any little movement could send me spiralling down into a cavern of pain.

I feel Dale's reassuring fingers in my hair and that's enough to make my eyes slip shut, I'm exhausted.

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