Becoming the Luna

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

I just shake my head at this obvious tactic and I decide that I'm done with whatever game she's playing.

"What do you want, Elise?" I ask in exasperation. "We've got a hiking field trip tomorrow and I need to not be here anymore." I tell her plainly.

Her face morphs into one of pure disdain but she manages to tamper it. "I-I'm sorry." She says contritely. "It's just I've never really had friends before" She starts to carefully say, pouring out drinks for the both of us.

I listen blandly, not pointing out her hench girls, I didn't want to prolong the conversation any more than was necessary.

"So this is really new for me and I appreciate you being nice even though I'm such a horrible person." She layers it on thick and hands me the second glass of punch, taking the second one for herself.

I collect it from her wearily, wondering what she could be planning now. "Sure." I mumble half heartedly, pushing back my wild hair with a hand.

She takes a very obvious sip of her drink but I just stare blankly at her, refusing to be goaded. Uncomfortable silence falls and I keep staring at her, not planning on shouldering the responsibility of holding the conversation.

"So, how do you feel about Werewolves?" She blurts out. "You don't like the punch?" She asks curiously, moving closer. "I could always get you water if that is what you would prefer."

I wave a hand to dissuade her. "No, no, it's fine." I smile tightly, dropping the glass in the tray. "I'm just not in the mood for a drink."

She moves even closer and I inch backwards, giving her a look. "I feel just fine about Werewolves." I tag on stiffly, swinging my head around in search of Mae.

"That's good." She murmurs, her voice dropping an octave and I feel my skin crawl when she moves close enough to trap me against the arm of the couch. "How do you feel about me?" She asks in a sultry voice, lifting a hand to touch me.

I slap her hand away, disgust evident in my voice. "Like driving my knee into your jaw." I bite out to her.

She just laughs blissfully, placing both hands around me so that she hovers over me, the tiny top she has on straining against her boobs.

I really want to kick her away but I wasn't interested in hitting a girl. "Get off me, Elise." I tell her coldly.

"Just a moment more" She starts to say, a knock interrupting her and her smile widens.

I just stare blankly at her, figuring out her plan so it's no surprise when Virgil steps in with a box in his hands which drops when he gets a good look at what's going on.

Elise turns to him with a gloating expression on her face and I use her distraction to push her away with her face, feeling a morbid satisfaction when she topples over to the couch.

"I'd appreciate it if you stop dragging me into your shit." I tell her plainly, Virgil just watches on in amusement which immediately disappears.

"You came here alone?" He scolds me, ignoring Elise who looks like she might like to cry.

"Of course not, Mrs Hall dragged Mae off somewhere, we should go save her."

We don't need to do that though because Mrs Hall flounces out with an unhappy Mae on her tail, ignorant of what had gone down. "Oh? Virgil? What a surprise to see you here!" She exclaims in fake surprise.

"Um, you asked me to bring that?" Virgil says in a desert dry voice, pointing at the discarded box on the ground.

"Y'all are horrible actors and I'm getting the fuck out of this madhouse." Mae mutters, beelining for the open door. "Not to mention horrible planners" She continues muttering, evidently upset.

Mrs Hall's perky expression falls to a cold and cruel one and I step backwards in Virgil's direction who doesn't hesitate to tuck me under an arm.

"Y-You" Elise stutters, obviously very stunned at Virgil's reaction.

"Yes, me, Elise." I humor her. "Let me point out the flaws in your silly plan, you're well, you and I'm gay." I give her a smile that doesn't reach my eyes, enjoying the way her and her mom's mouth drop comically.

"Thank you for the playdate, Elise." I say sarcastically, turning around to get the hell out as well. "And my mom said to tell you to lose her number." I toss to her mom.

Mrs Hall's gasp elicits a snicker from Mae who's still waiting for us at the door.

"Well, you guys sure took your time." Mae complains when we finally make our way down the stairs. "I was nearly going colorblind in that colorless place."

"White is a color, Mae." I point out to her, holding Virgil's hand.

"That's probably what Mrs Hall's interior designer told her." She scoffs.

I laugh, relieved that this farce with Elise was finally over without anyone getting hurt, at least this time I could be cold to her without any inhibitions.

"Did you bump into my dad on the fourth floor?" Virgil asks worriedly.

I look up at him curiously. "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Did he um, say anything to you?"

I frown slightly but shrug. "Not really, he just asked if I was looking for my mom, is something wrong?"

"No." He says with a distant look in his eyes.

I let it go, Virgil usually opened about certain things on his own, prodding him was just going to push him away.

We get back to my apartment without event and I'm waiting patiently for Virgil to scold me but he just calmly stares at me watching me beat myself up mentally.

"Shana?" Mae says with barely contained excitement, holding her phone right against her ear. "Come over, ASAP!" She snickers and I huddle into myself, groaning inaudibly. "Come with ice cream, Hayden will pay."

Shana would definitely scold my ears off and the thought of that was even worse than Elise's shitty plan.

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