Becoming the Luna

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

I had slept a lot during the day so it's no surprise when I wake up later at night, wide eyes unblinking as I stare into the darkness.

Virgil has his arms under my sweater as usual, face buried in my neck as he curls against me.

It's pretty late, at least that's what my inner clock tells me and I know I should go back to sleep and not bother Virgil but something drags my eyes to the windows.

The fixed glass is tightly locked to block out the cold but the curtains had been drawn, an advantage of living on the third floor was that you could appreciate the scenery and not risk someone looking into your bedroom.

I stare into the distance for a few precious seconds before my vision clicks, white particles floating outside, it's well lighted outside so I can clearly see

It's snowing!

My eyes go even wider and I squeal silently, the first snow!

Without hesitation, I gently slip my hands in Virgil's hair and rub his scalp.

"V? V!" I shake him slightly, squirming against his hold. "Wake up! V?" I whine, dragging out his name.

He wakes up easily, always a light sleeper. "What baby? What's wrong?"

His deep sleepy voice makes goosebumps pop on my skin but I don't dwell on that. "It's snowing, V!" I exclaim happily, grabbing his face and grinning down at him.

He curses under his breath, sitting up. "It's" He glances at the clock beside him. "Fucking midnight, love, please go back to bed." He groans but I'm already hopping off the bed and putting on the lights.

"It's the first snow." I say importantly, giddy as I hurry to the wardrobe to get out our padded coats. "We have to go see it."

He rolls on his face and groans again, sweatshirt riding up his hard body. "Then we'll look at it through the window." 

"No!" I disagree petulantly, getting inside my coat and slipping on a furry cap and mittens. "It has to be outside." I insist, coming over to the bed to tug on his arm. "Come on, it'll be fun."

He doesn't budge an inch but he turns his sleepy face in my direction. "You know what will be fun, love?" He drawls, one eye closed. "Tying you to the bed so I can get some bloody sleep."

"V?" I whine, giving him puppy eyes. "Please, I even got earmuffs for you." 

He gives me a look but sits up, taking the coat from my hands and bending forward slightly to let me place the earmuffs on.

"Thank youuuu!" I squeal happily, taking his hand and pulling him out of the room.

"How are you so fucking energetic?" He demands in disbelief, jogging slightly to keep up with my enthusiastic skipping steps.

"It's snowing!" I exclaim blissfully, my cheeks red with exertion.

"I know, you said that before." He says fondly.

The stairs are dimly lit, empty and quiet from how late it is.

I skid across the foyer, already overheated from the amount of thick clothes I had on.

I dash head first into the gently falling snow, happy giggles leaving my mouth.

"Careful, Hay, you don't want to slip on the wet ground." Virgil scolds, hurrying after me.

"Open your mouth." I invite cheekily, slightly dizzy from spinning around a little before Virgil had caught me, efficiently putting an end to my circular movements.

"I don't want snow in my mouth." He grumbles.

I hiccup, tongue out as I drop my head down to look at him. "What?"

He locks gazes with me, stepping forward. "You're a crazy person that kicks me in the face when I try to help you change and drags me out of bed at midnight to eat snow." He snorts at this point, wrapping his arms around my

"So you'll open your mouth?" I prompt slyly, throwing my arms around his neck and looking up at him with ruddy cheeks.

"Nope, I'll just take the snow from"he leans forward. "" 

I slip my eyes shut against the falling snow when his lips meet mine, the warmth of his mouth welcome against mine that had gotten cold from the melting snow in my mouth.

"Hayden?" He breaks off and I open my eyes, slightly disoriented.

"Hmm? What?" I ask in confusion.

"You're grinning." He shakes his head fondly. "How am I supposed to kiss you if you keep grinning."

"Ah, you complain too much." I scold him, leaning on my tiptoes to kiss him again.

"Now you're the one smiling." I pout to him, a couple seconds into the kiss.

He just pulls me into a hug, laughing so hard his shoulders quake. "Let's get back inside before you catch a cold."

I hold tightly to his arm as we make our way slowly up the floors, nose cold and cheeks warm.

"Thank you, V." I murmur in a soft voice when we get back in the house.

"Hmm?" He glances at me. "Why?"

"For coming to see the snow with me." I say, watching him when he carefully closes the door behind us.

His reply is to pick me up and make for my room. "My pleasure, baby." He kisses my cheek when he places me on the ground beside the bed. "Now please sleep or I'm locking you in the bathroom." 

I know he'll never do that but the dark tone of his voice is enough to make me shrink and nod seriously.

We take off our coats that still have flecks of melting snow, I'm not surprised when he goes through the trouble of hanging them up, taking off his earmuffs.

I choose to leave the cap on, giving him the wet mittens, I'm feeling colder with each passing minute so it's the best option.

I snuggle into him and smile at his sharp intake of breath. 

"Your nose is ice cold." He complains, squirming.

"Love' you." I mumble with a faint smile, closing my eyes.

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