Becoming the Luna

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

AUTHOR'S NOTE (Important!!)

Hi everyone(^^), thank you for staying with me through the first volume, I appreciate all of your wonderful support.

I just want to say a couple of important things before the volume begins, I promise this won't take long.

Firstly, and most importantly, there will be a lot of mature content in this volume, amongst other upsetting themes, appropriate warnings will still be placed in due time.

Also, the characters are older so there will be subtle or outright differences to show this but nothing too extravagant.

The writing style is a lot different but I will try my best to retain its cuteness.

Thank you all once more and I hope you enjoy the story!!!

PS: Surprise everyone!!! There's a vol. 2, yes that was my surprise. ^^


The bell above the door dings

"Chick-enee welcomes you to Snowflake's"

"Mom, you're scaring away the customers." Hayden sighs to his mom in exasperation, coming around the counter to rescue the person that had walked in.

"I'm not." She replies, affronted, her wings on her distended waist. "How am I supposed to do my job if you keep interrupting, huh?" She asks, the chicken crown style headband she had on bobbing.

"Um, did I come at a bad time?" The customer asks, clearly uncomfortable as she tightens her grip on her leather bag.

"Not at all." Hayden gives her a nervous smile. "Mom, why don't you check up on Apple? I think she's tearing up your boxes."

"Again?!" Renee huffs, throwing her wings up, she was about done with the cat. "That's it! I'm cooking her for dinner!" She announces, the yellow beak strapped to her nose bobbing.

Hayden turns back to the customer with another anxious smile, noting that the poor lady looked like she was about to bolt, eyeing the door subtly from the corner of her eye.

"Welcome to Hay's Bookstore, I'm Hayden, why don't you walk around and see if there's anything you'd like." He says politely.

She just watches Renee waddle away in a full chicken costume, a skeptical look on her face but the adorable young man is enough to get her mind back on track. "O-Of course, I'm Riana. I just moved in and I stay in Paper District."

"Nice to meet you, Riana." He says nicely.

Hayden just moves back to his spot behind the counter, the area around Pine Creek's entrance had earned the name Paper District, aptly named for how people never seemed to make roots there, living there was fickle and short-lasting.

"Oh? You don't plan to stay very long?" He asked, he still couldn't tell from looks alone if people were Werewolves so he pretended like they didn't exist to strangers even if they were being nosy about it.

He wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't though, Paper District housed all of the humans in Pine Creek as well as some Werewolves.

Hayden watches Riana walk around the bookstore, there were signs indicating which genre was located at what aisle and he noted that she went into the historical romance section.

"Come again, Riana." Hayden waved with a wide smile when the dark hair lady made her way towards the exit with her package filled with paperback novels, mostly of the historical romance kind.

"Of course!" Riana waved back, an easy smile on her bright face.

The bookstore was located far out from Paper District and more to the middle of the town where the locals were but she had been recommended the place by someone in Paper District and she decided that it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

She was quite glad that she did, laughing out loud when she got to her car about the weird but bright and lovely bookstore, she hadn't planned on staying at Pine Creek long but she just might, if she kept on bumping into people like Hayden and his mom that was dressed up as a chicken?

Crashing sounds made Hayden hurry around the counter again, going in the backroom to see his mom on her back, Apple proudly sitting on her and licking her paw, discarded and upset boxes all around them.

"What the fuck? What happened?" Hayden asks in mortification, watching in exasperation as his mom tries to roll over to her feet to no avail, the huge girth of her costume stopping her. "This is exactly why I ban you from the store." Hayden explains slowly like he was talking to a five-year-old, swatting away Apple who hisses at him when he tries to move her from her victorious position.

The cat was unhappy, she had finally defeated the mean human that always chased her around and wore her itchy clothes, and here was the fluffy-haired human she actually liked, moving her away.

"I thought that was because I kept moving the signs around." Renee grins, latching onto her son who easily pulls her up, chicken costume and all.

Hayden goes rigid in shock, letting go of his mother accidentally who flops back on the ground with an outraged yelp. "That was you??! I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, that I was going crazy, why would you do that?" He asks in disbelief.

"Did you have to drop me so hard though?" Renee grumbles, rubbing the side of her head.

"Mom?" Hayden calls threateningly.

"Alright, I'm sorry, I just wanted the signs to match with the cupboards, I had no idea what they meant, I don't know novel genres."

Hayden just gives her a look full of disbelief, helping her up the second time. "That's it, I've had enough, thanks for stopping by mom, and please get out of that chicken suit, it's hurting my eyes, where do you even find these ridiculous outfits?" He huffs absently, starting to rearrange the fallen boxes.

Renee just shrugged, she wasn't telling or knowing Hayden he would find a way to stop it. "I just do."

"Uh-huh." Hayden mumbles with heavy doses of disbelief. "Sure, now please go help Julia at the Pack House or something, you don't apply to be a nanny and then ghost on her because the children bite."

"But they do." Renee whines, rubbing her hand at the memory of a particularly nasty bite, the white, feathery wings bumping against each other.

"They're Werewolves, it's what they do, now go." He tags on sternly, voice soft, knowing that she probably only came over because she missed him.

She didn't fancy the bookstore because Hayden was at it most of the time, all weekdays actually and a half-day on Saturday, for someone that has had the full attention of her only child it was a little hard to adapt to even though it had been almost two years since the book store opened.

"Fine." Renee agrees in a grumble, squeezing through the door and then waddling her way out of the store carefully so she didn't hit any book stands or chairs.

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