Becoming the Luna

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Dream happily makes his way out of the bakery, unknowing of the interested eyes focused on him.

He was too busy planning how to make the most of his short trip to the old lady who sold antiques, Mrs. Jacobs, without making his mom suspicious.

There was a pet store just a couple of stores away from the antique store and that was his greatest enemy but this was his last trip anyway so he had nothing to lose.

He carefully crossed the street, remembering his mom's warnings plus he was too focused on getting the muffins to Mrs. Jacobs do he would have quality time to stare at the animals through the windows.

He could have gone in but the owner was a Werewolf and he had to be careful while hanging around him or he would find out about his status.

He would still have to pass by the pet store to get to Mrs. Jacobs antique store but that was fine, there was no way he could pass by without stealing a glance, he really shouldn't have.

Dale walks up the street, coffee in hand as he moves with quick strides to his favorite pet shop, thoughts disorganized and mind absent.

Hands shaking as he brings his scalding coffee to his mouth, uncaring if it burns him because after years of fucking through college it took just a phone call from his best friend to realize that he might be gay.

He wasn't looking in front of him, something he started to do after Hayden, the future simply wasn't worth it anymore.

The smaller figure hits before the high-pitched squeal reach his ears, his coffee gets thrown out of his hands and he's glad that it doesn't splash on anyone.

The person he had bumped into didn't have something so minuscule to lose and he reached for the cutesy box at the same time that he steadied the... girl?

He looks down into captivating blue-gray eyes - maybe he's bi after all.

Blonde hair packed in a messy ponytail and cherry plum lips, Dale notes, his thoughts flat-lining as a sweet smell of honey and jasmines? Hits him.

All this while, Dream was panicking, he had been specially warned to stay away from Alphas but how was he supposed to know that one would be walking by this very street, they were so rare if only he hadn't been distracted staring into the pet store.

He should step away, apologize and grab his box of muffins that are luckily unscathed, and makes away before the Alpha finds out what he was, apparently they had really sharp sense of smells so while the full effect of his scent wouldn't hit him, it would be enough to let him know what Dream was.

But he can't move, hands against a well-formed chest as he gapes into leaf green eyes, a fresh scent of mint and spring swirling around him plus that blasted hand on his hip was fogging up his brain functions.

Dale steps away first, shaking his head like it was muddied, which it was with that mouth-watering scent but he wasn't an asshole to ogle a girl he bumped into in public. 

"I'm so sorry miss, I wasn't looking, are you okay?" He asks in concern, holding out the box.

Dream blinks, momentarily confused - girl? - weird. "I-I'm fi-fine, I-I j-just I-I mean" Oh wow, Dream, would it kill you to make a complete sentence?

"You know what" he finally huffs, laughing a bit in nervousness. "I'm sorry for bumping into you too and um" He gestures in the direction of the Alpha's split coffee. "... spilling your coffee." He takes the box from the Alpha's outstretched hands and smiles up at him. "And, I'm a man, nice meeting you stranger." He tags on, quickly making his way down the street as fast as he can without breaking into a run because that wouldn't seem very polite.

Dale's jaw drops as hard as his coffee as he watches his acquaintance make their way down the street in a hurry, head bowed.

She's a boy?... "Fuck me." He mutters to himself, pushing a hand through his hair.

He burst into the pet shop, needing his daily dose of serotonin that even a frothy cup of coffee couldn't give him, dogs and now

"Niall, man, you wouldn't guess what the fuck just happened to me" He immediately starts to say as soon as he gets in the shop.

Dream had never walked away from someone so fast in his entire life, he had to lean on the exterior of Mrs. Jacobs store to catch his breath because the man he just saw took it away with him.

It would make a lot of sense why Alpha's were rare because if he had to bump into someone like that more than once a week he would have to be put on life support from how often his heart would malfunction.

Hair as dark as night and eyes so green yeah, no, Dream wasn't doing that to himself.

Not only was he leaving Brenwich City in a couple of days but it was also a one in a hundred chance that they met, it definitely wouldn't happen again.

He sighs miserably as he peels himself off the wall to make his way inside the store, this is exactly the reason why he's going to die alone because his expectation is just way too high, well that and he never goes out, unless it's too give old ladies, muffins.

"Dream, darling, it's so nice to see you." The adorable, little old lady says with a sweet smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Jacobs, I'm sorry I'm late, we had a morning rush at the bakery." He starts to explain as soon as he makes his way inside the vintage shop filled with knick-knacks.

"It's fine, love, you really don't have to, I could always make my way across the street, Lord knows I need the exercise." She chuckled at herself, white, wispy bun bobbing.

Dream just smiles absently, mind very far away, deep voice on repeat in his head and an imprinted hand on his left hip.

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