Becoming the Luna

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Hayden hums under his breath as he prepares the watering can, it's just like his mom to plant actual flowers in vases on the front porch and forget about their existence.

He could have just easily gotten rid of them but he had gotten attached to the colorful plants and it wasn't raining often enough for them anymore so he had to look for another alternative.

He hadn't even known that they owned a watering can, AirPods in his ears as he comes around the house from the back with said watering can that had been previously filled.

He nearly drops the small metal container on his feet when he comes around to the front and sees moving trucks, someone or some people were moving into the house beside him!

It's so shocking because almost all of Hayden's life, he doesn't think he had ever seen the next house get lived in.

He continues his journey to water the plants, trying to not look like a nosy neighbor unabashedly staring at them.

As he absently waters the plants, he wonders if they are Werewolves, they most likely are, humans were put off by Pine Creek because something always seems off about the town like there was something no one was telling you.

Unless you knew about them, you couldn't comfortably be a local, most humans gave up after a couple of years and moved out again.

He could barely catch a proper glimpse of the actual family moving in, the number of people moving around too much.

"Stop standing in my way, Dream." Darian tells off his younger brother, easily hoisting several boxes piled on top of one another, arms bulging from the strain.

Dream just gives him a blank look. "Stop following me around." He fires back, helping with the smaller and more delicate things that couldn't be carried at once.

"Stop bullying your baby brother and take those boxes up to the rooms upstairs." Dia throws over her shoulders.

"He's a baby alright." Darian scoffs, doing as his mom had directed.

Dream hadn't told anyone about who he had bumped into a few days ago, it didn't make any sense for him to plus it would just make his mom and older brother increase his social limitations, he really didn't need that.

He had caught a glimpse of someone watering plants in the next house and he wondered what kind of family lived there, he hoped his mom would let him visit sometimes.

The house on the other side was unoccupied, which was just fine with him, at least he had a neighbor.

"If I have to carry another box up, my arms are going to fall out." Deidre complains, flopping on a covered couch.

"Lazy idiot." Darian grumbles under his breath, passing by on another trip for boxes, shirt off and muscles gleaming, blue eyes unhappy.

"You want to talk, dickhead." Deidre rounds on him. "You ghosted when it was time to pack so you might want to put a cork in it."

He just gives her a smug smile. "Mom? DD is lazing around." He tattles.

"You asshat." She curses, throwing him a pillow which he effortlessly catches, dropping it and making his way out.

Dia comes down with Dream on her tail, her face weary. "Deidre?"

"Mom, I'm exhausted, we've been on the bloody road for almost two days and it's not like we're leaving anytime soon."

Dia's face softens at this.

"Plus you look beat, you should take a break, shower, and take a nap, the rooms are more or less ready." Dream adds, gently massaging her shoulder, he accomplishes this by standing on the stairs while she stands on the ground.

Deidre snickers at this earning a glare from her brother.

Dia considers this, they did deserve some rest. "When Darian comes back with the last of the boxes we can stop for the day, just help me take the covers off the chairs, we can always put them back again if we need to dust." She says kindly, patting Dream's cheeks and making her way up the stairs again.

"We're also going to pay the neighbors a visit!" Deidre calls up to her mom who just waves her away, most likely going to take a shower and nap.

"Do you think that included me?" Dream asks hopefully.

"I don't see why not." Deidre shrugs, she didn't feel the incessant need to hide her brother from the rest of the world and was the only one who stood up for him when the time came.

"Mom says we can take a break, muscle head." She tags on when Darian makes his way in. "And put on a shirt, I don't want to see your scrawny chest." 

"Because it's not for you." He drawls smugly, winking at Dream who just makes a face of disgust and trips him.

"We're going to pay the neighbors a visit," Deidre says when he comes out again without the boxes and ruffling the dust out of his tousled dark brown hair.

"Yeah, we just need to clean up first, you interested?" Dream asks, pulling his sweaty shirt away from his body and lifting a hand to pull off the scrunchie holding up his long straight hair, the blonde tips touching his neck.

"No, I'm not joining you sissies in doing any of that, I'm going to check out the town."

"I don't care what you want to do." Deidre starts up the stairs to her room.

"Try to not get in trouble." Dream adds, slowly trudging past a shirtless Darian to get up to his bedroom that was at the other end of the hallway.

Darian had chosen the bedroom on the ground floor or more like their mom made him pick that one because he always played pranks on his youngest sibling.

He just rolls his eyes and makes his way to his room. "You're not the boss of me."

Dream just laughs as he makes his way up the stairs, he was already exhausted but even that couldn't take away the excitement of making new friends.

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