Becoming the Luna

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

"Dinner you say?" Renee says when she walks into the kitchen to find Hayden baking up another batch of cookies, an apron around his slender body.

"Yes, mom." He affirms, swatting her hand away when she dips a finger in the chocolate mix. "I was thinking we could gift them more cookies"

"I'm sorry what?" Renee cuts him off. "I thought it was for me." She whines on a pout.

"You'll get sick if you eat them all, besides you can always have as much as you want to eat, now could you please answer the door." He says when a knock alerts his attention.

"Fine." Renee agrees unhappily in a loose top and jean shorts, wet hair packed up in a lazy bun.

She opens the door to see a cute young man staring up at her, mesmerizing blue-gray eyes fixed on her in surprise.

"Hello, you must be Hayden's mom, I'm Dream, your new neighbor." He explains cheerily, a smile on his face.

Renee blinks in surprise, Dream in person is actually adorably beautiful and slender? How the hell did he fit all those cookies inside of him?

"Yes, I am." She responds with a smile. "I just came back and it's nice to have new neighbors, do you want to come in?" She asks when he doesn't make anymore to come in even though she gestures him to. "I'm Renee by the way."

Dream just smiles, happy that Hayden's mom wasn't some stuck up and cold lady but seeing how her son turned out it's hard to imagine her as that. "Oh no, thank you, Mrs. Renee"

"Just Renee please." She cuts him off with a wink, stopping herself from cooing when he blinks in confusion."

"Oh? Alright, I just came to ask if you would still be able to make it to dinner."

"But of course, what time?"

"7 pm, thank you." He gives her a wide smile, tongue sticking out a bit.

Renee doesn't think twice about taking a picture of the wholesome smile, blowing him a kiss when he gets stunned by her actions. "See you by 7 pm Dream, say hi to your mom for me."

"Sure?" Dream mutters, still slightly shaken - had had Renee just taken a picture of him? - he thinks to himself as he makes his way back to his house.

"Baby! I've got a new screensaver." Renee hurries to the living room to see Hayden sitting.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asks, confused. "Who was at the door?"


"You took a picture of him?!" Hayden demands, mortified for his mom.

"Yes" she replies uncertainly. "Is that illegal?" She asks fearfully.

"No." Hayden sighs heavily. "What time is dinner?"

"7 pm"

Sun sets soon and then they're leaving the house. 

"Apple should be okay." Hayden mutters to himself. "We'll only be gone a couple hours, mom?" He calls out when he comes out of the kitchen with the cookies. "Aren't you ready yet? It's already time."

"I'm sorry." Renee pants slightly with exertion, her lacy top swirling around her. "I couldn't find my left shoe." She huffs, blowing a stray wisp of hair out of her face.

Hayden holds his breath almost scared to look down, he groans and rubs a hand through his short curls, she is still missing a leg. "Let me guess, you didn't find it?" Hr asks dryly.

"Yes! How did you know? I've searched everywhere, I just can't imagine where it would have gone." Renee says unhappily, still searching around the living room.

Hayden takes in deep breaths, reminding himself that he loved his mom. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere, and don't lose the second leg." He says to her, making his way to her room which is on the ground floor.

He wasn't about to tell his mom because he knew she would only find a way to lose the extra pairs too, it was her favorite pair of flats to wear so naturally they got missing just as often.

He had bought identical pairs just for situations like this so he just picks a left shoe out of his hidden stash and makes his way out again.

"How do you find them so fast?" She asks in awe, shaking her head when he hands the shoe to her. "Thank you, baby." She smiles gently at him, leaning over to wear her shoe.

"You're welcome, mom, now let's get going, we're already late." He hurries her out the door, making sure it was locked behind them so they wouldn't get a mini-battle between Apple and any number of raccoons that wandered in.

A pretty lady answers the door to Renee's knock and beams at them. 

"You must be our neighbors, please come in, I'm Mrs. Micall but please call me, Dia, the children are already seated in the dining room."

"Hi, Dia, I'm Renee, and thank you for inviting us over for dinner."

"And you must be Hayden, my kids told me a lot about you."

"Hello, Mrs. Micall." Hayden greets quietly, clutching his package of cookies protectively in his hands.

"It's not common to find humans who know about us and I'm"

"Cookies!!!" Dream's squeal carries from a different room in the house followed by the quiet pattering of feet as he follows his Kern sense of smell to the living room. "Oh? Hay! You brought cookies? Hi, Renee!" He greets excitedly, beelining for Hayden without as much as a glance at his mom's stern expression.

He just pulls him into a hug and tugs him to hurry up, most likely heading for the dining room so he could steal some cookies before his mom put a stop to desert before meals.

"Don't eat any cookies, Dream!" Dia scolds sternly. "At least not before dinner."

A loud whine accompanies her request. "Yes, mom." His pouty voice replies hers.

"I'm sorry about Dream, he can be really impulsive"

Renee had just been watching the adorable Werewolf with a fond smile. "He's fine, he's adorable really, I don't mind."

Dia sighs audibly, happy to make a friend that seems close to her age.

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