Becoming the Luna

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

There's an obvious difference between both Pack House's which Deidre notices as soon as they step in.

"Hey, Erin, what a surprise to find you here." A young man walks out of a connecting hallway, well-built body rippling under his shirt as he swipes across an iPad in his hands.

Erin just gives him the evil eye, touching a stray lock of hair that had wandered into her face and tugging on her blouse, her cheeks red.

"I texted you to say I was bringing the new residents over?" She reminds sarcastically.

He looks up at this point, blond locks falling in his bright blue eyes as he levels are a stare through his glasses. "You did? I knew I was supposed to be here but I couldn't remember why" He muses to himself. "Well thanks, Hello, you must be the new residents, I'm Ian, the secretary of the Crimson Pack, please come along with me." He tells them blankly, dismissing Erin without a second thought.

Deidre winces at the horrified expression on Erin's face, it was obvious she had a thing for the other secretary and was horrible at hiding it.

She appraises him as they make their way down the hallway, she could understand why Erin would get all flustered.

"The Alpha is a bit of a recluse so if you don't mind the Head Beta will take care of your meeting." He explains absently and Darian wonders what the guy is constantly typing into the pad.

"I don't mind at all." Dia replies politely, a little out of sorts with the laid back air around the place, a 180-degree turnaround from the previous Pack House.

They stop their journey in front of a double door.

"Get off my table, Leon." A voice scolds someone from the inside.

The response of whoever had been scolded is muffled and Darian shares a look with his sister who shrugs, Dia just bites her lip nervously, uncomfortable with the unprofessionalism.

Ian just pushes open the door to reveal a red-haired man trying to push someone off his table, the person in question had blond hair with dark highlights a lazy look on his face as he refuses to budge.

"Ian, thank fuck you're here, please get your twin off my table, why is he even in here? I thought I specifically stated that he shouldn't be allowed in while I'm worki oh no." Jaxon trails off in horror, finally looking up to see Ian standing at the door of his office with the new residents.

"Hello?" Dia greets nervously into the pin-drop silence.

"I think I like this place." Diedre grins, earning a dark look from her mom.

Soon, they all settle down at another part of the room that has cozy couches and a welcoming air.

Ian brings them tea and cute little cupcakes that Dia thinks is nice but could have been better.

She's definitely surprised, not expecting the good-looking young man with the jarring Ted hair that looks like he doesn't get enough sleep to be the Head Beta, he must be really good to have gotten that position so young.

Darian just keeps his eyes on the redhead, watching him push his tousled red hair behind one ear as he listens intently to his mom explain where they lived before and why they moved.

He didn't even bat an eyelid at Dream's absence, telling them that whatever was convenient for them was fine.

"You don't have to live at the Pack Just because you choose to join this Pack" He was saying nicely, giving stern looks to the secretary's twin who kept staring at him like he wanted to take a bit out of him.

"You don't have to do anything really, you can opt out of Pack runs and meetings, you're free to choose." He explains kindly.

Dia sighs in relief at this, her major worry was how to explain Dream's constant absence and the Dark Moon Pack seemed like they would make all the things Jaxon had just mentioned mandatory.

"But I would like to contribute to the Pack, just not through the conventional ways." She says.

Jaxon thinks this over a bit, ignoring Leon who's playing with his hair with a tattooed hand, keeping up with the Werewolf was a chore but only Jaxon seemed to have any semblance of control over him so he was stuck with him more often than he liked.

He studies the new residents, they're a nice family and if he thinks their mom looks too young for them, he keeps this to himself.

He looks at the firstborn, Darian who has a menacing look in his dark blue eyes as he coolly takes everything in and an idea hits him.

"Well, some people offer to babysit the pups sometimes during their free days or join the Warriors"

"Warriors?" Darian speaks up for the first time. "Isn't that a little archaic?"

Jaxon just smiles, noting that Leon stiffens, his dad had taxed him to be the leader of the Warriors as the previous leader was retiring and even though Leon seemed to act embarrassed about it, he was awfully protective of them.

"Maybe but we have our reasons for reviving them plus it's purely optional, it's not like you're expected to fight actual battles..."

"You are." Leon cuts Jaxon off, a dangerous glint in his eyes which is a stark opposite to his lazy expression on his face. "This puts most people off so you might be better babysitting pups." He tags on casually.

Darian's already dark look darkens and a vein ticks on his jaw. "Fine, I might be interested, I just hope there isn't a uniform or some shit." He mutters.

Leon smirks slightly, he just might not mind the Werewolf. "No, we have matching tats." He grins without humor.

An expressive look of distaste settles on Darian's face. "I'll pass."

"I'm sorry, Leon is just messing with you and I appreciate your help." Jaxon speaks up. "I believe that'll be all, you can meet with Leon, Darian, he's the leader of the warriors."

Darian was getting lost listen to Jaxon talk again until the rest of his words hit him and he turned to see the annoying Werewolf give him a smug look. "Why am I not surprised?" He mutters darkly.

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