Becoming the Luna

Chapter 225

Chapter 225


"What's a mating bite?" Hayden asks into the darkness, head resting on Virgil's chest.

Virgil stiffens at this, eyes flying open, he noticed that Hayden had been distracted all evening, was this what had been bothering him?"

Virgil gently rubs his scalp with the arm thrown under him. "It's a thing that Werewolves do."

Hayden hums at this, he knew what it was, at least if all the fiction he had consumed when he went through a Werewolf phase was accurate.

He couldn't believe he hadn't thought much about it, well he probably should have but it felt weird bringing it up to his friends and he didn't hang around the Pack House to get that kind of information.

But Dream had asked him earlier today why he doesn't have one yet and now he can't stop thinking about it.

"Oh," Hayden mutters, face falling. "You didn't give me one because I'm not a Werewolf?" He asks innocently.

Virgil chokes at this, the reason he hadn't was because 'mating bites' weren't just glorified hickeys but actually hurt and bled, he wasn't going to do that to Hayden who didn't have advanced healing abilities.

And as much as he would love to share a deeper bond with the one he loves, the stakes were just too high, he wasn't sure he could stop after one bite.

"No, no..." He starts to refute.

Hayden unconsciously distances himself, he's been overthinking all day but he can't help it. "I-Is that why you won't make love to me either?"

Virgil shrivels up at this, heart stopping at the pain in his lover's voice, he had been so absorbed in his guilt circle that he didn't see how the distance was hurting him.

"No, baby, no." He places both hands on Hayden's face and kisses him gently in the dark. "I'm just wary of..." He trails off, nervous.

"I'm not made of glass..." Hayden counters, slightly ticked off.

"But what if I do something wrong, if I held your wrist the wrong way, I could snap it."

Hayden forces himself to take a deep breath for his husband's sake, Virgil truly sounded terrified.

He places his hands on the palms on his face. "You won't." He says gently, with shining trust.

Virgil snatches his hands back. "You shouldn't trust me so much." He huffs out a breath, sitting up in the dark and facing away to drop his head in his hands. "Not when I would like to tie you up and nibble my name on your skin."

Hayden's breath hitches but he doesn't back down - why would he? This is exactly what he wanted! - he gets up as well and plasters himself against Virgil's broad back.

"I'd like that." He says in a soft but firm voice.

One moment, he's gently tracing figures against Virgil's back and the next he's flat on his back.

The wind knocked out of him and his lips coerced into a dizzying kiss, he couldn't complain though, arching into the kiss.

He feels the top he has on get yanked up but Virgil doesn't take it off all the way, instead, letting it tangle up around Hayden's wrists like a makeshift rope.

The kiss is unlike the usual tooth rottenly sweet and slow kisses he got regularly, almost constantly, he didn't mind those at all but this was different and he'll agree that he likes this just as much or maybe even more.

With Virgil driving his tongue so hard into his mouth like he wants him to choke on it, hands firmly gripping his hips through his shorts.

Virgil breaks off the kiss just when he's about to drown, swiping a tongue across Hayden's lips just for the fun of it and the tiny captivating sound that falls past Hayden's lips.

A hand gets buried in his hair as Virgil kisses down the side of his face and jaw, delicate, dark little kisses that were a promise of things to come.

"Ah!" He gasps, moaning softly when Virgil locks over a strip of his neck and bites down, not hard enough to break skin but definitely enough to bruise.

His eyes water when his hair gets tugged on, arching slightly with a louder loan when Virgil decides to bite down on the same spot before going up to claim his lips again.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Virgil breaks off the kiss again to ask.

Hayden gives him a look of disbelief, panting harshly. "I can't believe you're still asking that."

Virgil just gives him a small smirk with a mischievous look on his face which although the room is pretty much dim, Hayden sees clearly like his teeth glow in the dark.

Virgil surges forward, warm hands sliding up his body as another hickey gets bitten into the sensitive skin of his neck.

He supposed he could explain now why Virgil always have him hickeys with bites before they even got together, it was a Werewolf thing.

The sharp sensation of pleasure that streaked through him whenever the careful bites happened was enough to keep him on his toes for an actual mating bite.

For some reason he feels like the right time for one of those is right at the brink of an orgasm, he should really stop reading books set in A/B/O Universes.

The wet kisses trail lower, down his collar bones which get lavished in similar attention as his neck.

He shivers when that hot wet mouth fits over a nipple, obscene slurping filling up the room and intensifying the splatter of red that's enveloping Hayden's body.

"A-aah! V-Virgil! It's t-too much!" He moans out when Virgil doesn't give him respite, sucking harder down on his abused nipple.

His hands twitch helplessly above his head, the inability to use the was a mix between titillating and driving him crazy.

Virgil lets the nipple plop out and Hayden takes a deep breath with freezes in his throat when Virgil looks up at him, a hand coming up to rub the spit covered and now swollen and sensitive nipple.

This causes him to jerk ever so slightly, shocks careening through the rest of his body from that one small body part.

"You said you weren't made of glass." Virgil reminds him, an undertone of a pout in his voice.

Hayden isn't sure if to laugh or cry in disbelief, it was like giving a child permission to braid your hair and when you complain they're tangling it, they wave your approval to do as they wished with your hair in their face.

"Yes." He breaths out, fingers twitching.

He can swear he sees Virgil grin before swooping down again on the same poor nipple, a hand reaching out to tug on the other so it wouldn't feel neglected.

Hayden squeezes his eyes shut, scissoring his leg from the tumultuous sensations, biting down on his lips to keep from sobbing outright from how good it felt.

Was this a kink that he was unaware of? Because he feels like Virgil spent way too much time sucking on his nipples until he's sure they're not just sore and bruised but also swollen.

He doesn't give him a break even when he reaches for the lube and drizzles it over his hole, licking sensuously over his other nipple as the finger rubbing over his hole matches his actions.

A particularly hard suck when a finger slips in, making Hayden shake and cry out.

Virgil untangles the sweater around his arms and he throws his arms around him, relieved to touch him.

He sniffs quietly, bracing himself when a leg gets pushed upwards to his body, he can still feel his chest throb, hissing in sensitivity when Virgil presses their bodies together to gently kiss him as he slowly pushes the head in.

"I love you." He whispers against his lips and Hayden can feel his heart shiver, smiling widely although his entire body is throbbing and damp.

The relief is so great that he can imagine why he hadn't done this earlier, carrying around the worry of a lack of intimacy in his relationship, this is also his fault and he wouldn't have spent the last couple weeks in emotional pain if he had just opened up.

It wasn't that easy but he was willing to learn and give it a try, he could feel the love in his heart bloom and threaten to spill over but he manages to compress it into eight letters and then some.

"I love you too." He relaxes, waiting patiently for Virgil to fit them together.

"Uhn!" He chokes when Virgil slams in, head swimming, he wasn't sure what he had expected but it was definitely not that.

He's not complaining at all though, fitting their mouth together as he kisses Virgil with all he has, Virgil returns the favor, giving him time to adjust.

"Ready? My precious piece of glass?" Virgil murmurs against his lips.

Hayden almost laughs but lying sweaty on your bed while your husband is balls deep in you isn't exactly a humorous setting.


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