Becoming the Luna

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

The belt digs into my wrists, chafing it raw with every slight movement.

"I've always wanted to do that."  He murmurs to me, slowly unbuttoning the white shirt that I have on and ripping it off, the soft material gives way under his cruel grip and I could already feel the welts rising on my skin from having a cloth get torn off my body.

The white vest underneath my shirt goes next and it doesn't get any gentle treatment as he practically rips it off my body, again and dives in, kissing and nibbling down my exposed chest.

I hate my body for reacting to this onslaught, tears dripping out of the corners of my tightly shut eyes, I bite my lips hard to distract myself from the sensation of Tyrone's slimy tongue laving over a nipple.

I clench my fists so that my wrongly tied wrists get chafed harder and I can concentrate on the pain of my skin ripping and not Tyrone nibbling and sucking on another nipple.

He must have noticed my lack of response at one one point and this doesn't sit well with the bully because he cruelly bites the nipple that he was previously sucking on, hard and a scream of pain rips out of my throat.

He takes off his shirt impatiently and goes for the delicate button holding my high waisted pants up.

"So soft, so tiny." He murmurs, hands inching towards my waist to grasp it.

My heart's sinks as he makes his way slowly but surely to my silk pants, tears drip down into my ears as I start to lose hope, even if somehow Virgil or Dale manages to find me, it'll be too late.

I slowly open my eyes, staring unseeingly at the ceiling above me as I feel the buttons get undone, Tyrone makes a choked sound, probably from seeing the garters that I have on and I stop clenching my fists.

He starts dragging the zipper down but doesn't get that far, a loud booming sound crashes through the room, the broken in door ricocheting off the wall.

Tyrone freezes and in the split second that realization dawns on him, he gets bodily slammed off me, loudly thudding against the far wall.

My eyes barely follow the flurry of movement that happens next, I think punches get exchanged but what I'm sure of is that someone gets on the bed beside me but my eyes remain fixed on the ceiling, the wide expanse of white the only thing keeping my sanity intact.

"Oh my God, Hayden." Dale's raspy voice floats to me, his deft fingers swiftly undoing the belt strapped around my wrists, gently caressing the bruised skin.

My head slowly turns to the side at the sound of his voice but I can't seem to focus on him, his familiar bright green eyes are filled with rage and pain but I stare at him like I can't recognize him.

"Hayden?" He calls my name with obvious terror in his low voice, gathering me up to him and at the feel of his body all of my thoughts that he couldn't possibly be real fades away.

"D-Dale." I gasp his name on a sob, breathing deeply for the first time since the drug started to kick in, the tears breaking free.

"Shh baby, it's okay, you're okay." He reassures me and I bury my face in his chest, sobbing loudly, now that I have started I couldn't stop, I'm crying so hard that my shoulders heave and shake from the effort.

A loud cracking sound alerts me to the fact that we are not alone in the room and that if Dane is with me then someone else ripped Tyrone off me, I turn my head to the side still cradled in Dale's arms to see Virgil holding Tyrone against the wall.

His previously broken nose is broken again and by the same person too, if the thick red blood running down his face to his shirtless torso is any indication.

The look in Virgil's glazed blue eyes makes me shiver, he looks like he wants to rip Tyrone's head off, a fist clenches and unclenches by his side like it wants to follow through with the plan.

Tyrone laughs at this, a crazed look in the murky depths of his dark eyes. "Damn, you had to come in and ruin a good time." Tyrone taunts around the hand wrapped around his neck, lifting a hand to wipe the blood off his face. "Had to hit the bitch a couple times when he tried acting up." He adds smugly, obviously digging his own grave.

My eyes widen at his words and I let out a small involuntary whimper, Dale's arms tightens around me but I wasn't expecting Virgil's reaction, the lights in his electric blue eyes go out leaving his eyes dead and predatory like that of a wild beast's.

He still hasn't said a word all through Tyrone's ranting and the buff boy dangling off the ground was starting to realize that just maybe he had bitten off more than he could swallow.

I see a faint sadistic smile on Virgil's face just before he leans forward and head bashes Tyrone so hard that his head ricochets against the wall, an inhuman howl of pain leaving him.

I let out a gasp of shock, is Virgil okay?

"Shit." Dale swears in a low voice, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, his arms firmly wrapped around me. "The idiot."

I vaguely wonder what Dale's is going on about but I'm more interested in knowing if Virgil is hurt but Dale won't let me look.

A bright flash illuminates the room and no matter how hard I try to see what's going on Dale doesn't let me, murmuring soft words of endearments to distract me.

Nothing can distract me though from the series of wet ripping sounds that instantly fills the room making me more worried, there's another scream of terror from the door and I wondered who it could be.

There's a short spell of silence after this and then the faint sounds of water rushing from another room I hadn't seen yet, all the while Dale has me up tightly against his chest like he wants to protect me from the rest of the world.

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