Becoming the Luna

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

"Oh hi, darling." My mom greets me at the door to my Grammy's house. "Shana, Maggie is waiting for you in the second receiving room, where's Virgil and Dale?" She frowns.

I clench my teeth at her question. "They said they'll be by later." I say nonchalantly even though there's a bruise on my heart.

Nicole and Julia had shown up this morning that they were all going on a double date, it was while we were eating breakfast and I didn't even wait a moment to see Virgil's blank expression or Dale's guilty eyes, I just made my way up the stairs to cry to Apple.

"Okay, see you all later." Shana waves, making her way across the room.

"Hayden? Are you okay?" My mom asks in worry and even though I want to tell her, I decide to not tell her.

Shana had said really hurtful things to them this morning and even though I'm also mad at them it hurt too, knowing my mom she'll definitely do worse.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I murmur, clutching Apple. I couldn't leave her back at the beach house because we would be gone for a couple days at least.

"I almost forgot, Mrs Nolan is here, she's helping Maggie out with the preparations for Shana's birthday ball."

"Oh that's nice." I hum distractedly, I had met Mrs Nolan a lot of times but that was when I was way younger, the beautiful woman had an accent that always made it fun to listen to her talk.

"She brought Yanis too." She adds with a smirk and I startle.

"What! I thought he was in Greece!" I exclaim.

"We'll he's back for the long summer break and is so excited to see you again."

My eyes go wide at this, Yanis is Mrs. Nolan only child and I saw him a lot when his mother came over but that was years ago, he got sent to a fancy boarding school in Greece to attend high school.

"Where is he?" I ask with barely contained excitement, we were really close because we would end up spending the days I would come over to visit my Grammy together and he would carefully teach me French that I would forget right after.

"Calm down, baby." My mom shakes her head. "He has been pacing around in your old playroom, want me to hold on to Apple for you?"

"Yes please." I say quickly, handing her to my mom before hurrying in the direction of my old playroom.

I hadn't been there ever since he left, there was no need to anyway, I would just end up missing him.

As I hurry, I wonder how he would look like now after nearly five years of his absence, the last time I had seen him, he still had his ridiculous thick glasses and his bowl style haircut.

He was always so nervous and shied away from people so we fit right in together, while he preferred to read large books on philosophy that no doubt worsened his vision, I would lie curled up with my head on his legs reading my paperback novels.

He was the only who never complained if I didn't want to talk unlike the other children I had play dates with, it also helped that his mom and my Grammy are really close so we got to spend a lot of time together.

I fling open the door when I get to my old playroom and see him standing with his back to me, no doubt staring out the window and thinking up on theories.

He's way taller now but then everyone got taller, except me. He's wearing skinny, black jeans and a stylish top which is weird because usually favored slacks and shirts that he would tuck in severely.

"Yanis!!" I squeal in excitement, running all out to meet him.

He whips around at the sound of my voice. "Mon minou!" He says, catching me in time.

I grin wider at this, my eyes shut in happiness. "I can't believe you still remember that." I shake my head at the pet name and then... Wow!

I open my eyes to look at him, I'm way shorter than him so he's lifting me up with his arms so that we're face to face and... Wow! Did I say that before?

"W-What happened to you?" I ask in shock, he is - pardon my French, I don't speak it - hot. "Where are your glasses? What happened to your hair?"

He just grins at me, still holding me off the ground and I blink furiously in realization. "When did you get stronger?" I demand, the last time we had met, I could sit on him and he wouldn't be able to get up and now he's holding me off the ground so effortlessly.

"It's the air in Greece." He teases, eyeing me up and down. "Plus, contacts are way convenient and my hair cut was ludicrous."

"I thought you didn't care about that because it's too, what's the word? Trifling?"

"Well I grew up." He says, carefully placing me on the ground. He crouches a bit after this and squints at me. "Is it me, Hay? Or did you grow taller?"

"Ha ha, very funny." I roll my eyes, smacking him on the head, I try to keep a serious face but I can't help the grin that keeps forming.

"I've missed you, you just disappeared without warning and the next thing I hear is that you've been shipped to Greece." I complain pettishly.

He rubs his neck nervously, this new haircut makes how good looking he is impossible to ignore and the contacts give a compelling glow to his olive eyes.

"I didn't know about it either, there I was looking forward to our next play date and the next thing I know, I'm on a private jet to an island in Greece." He leans forward. "And I did miss you too, there was no one to listen to my wild theories."

I give him a look. "So that was the only reason why? Ouch."

He pulls me into another hug again and unsurprisingly my feet don't touch the ground. "You know that's not true, so what did I miss?"

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