Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 115: Side Effect

Chapter 115: Side Effect

When Yin Bai thought of the noise of the cracking sound of the spiritual energy being heard by everyone. He really meant everyone in the restaurant.

The room that they had was private as Yin Fu and Gao Lan Mei valued their privacy. Given the way she ate, it's really concerning if beings ended up just staring at her while she piled up plates after plates.

The initially closed room was now opened by those shameless enough to peak.

Due to the gathering of the spiritual energy around him, that was foggy, somehow it looked solid enough to touch, it did not only gather the attention of the higher degree martial cultivators but other mortals as well.

Yin Fu stared at his grandson in a lotus position, who was now trying to break through to Immortal Martial Degree. Two degrees just because of a pill that was supposed to be an antidote.

"I think you made a mistake," he asked Gao Lan Mei who also looked at Yin Bai concerned. Was she regretting accidentally giving the pill to increase ranks?

Shaking her head, "It's the right one." she affirmed but still frowned, "Its a side effect." For Gao Lan Mei, it's a positive side effect but since she did not expect it, they were in the wrong place to have a cultivator breakthrough two ranks in one go.

That was just like cheating a cheat while you are telling the world who was the culprit. Nevertheless, for her, it's useless for others since there was a recipe for a sham to execute properly. So it would not work for everyone who just felt like trying.

It's getting a lot of attention. However, it was taboo to stop a cultivator from breaking through. It's either you get killed due to revenge by the cultivator who failed because of intervening or one gets hurt because of the repulse of the condensed spiritual energy.

Yin Fu surprised, "Side effect?" after blurted that out he laughed, not even caring that he was being heard by others since both he and Gao Lan Mei moved near the door to give space to Yin Bai.

This was the best side effect ever that he was able to see in his entire life. He really wanted to see more of the side-effect. Though he wanted to know if there were more pills left in the jade bottle, Gao Lan Mei already took it back so he would just shamelessly ask later.

He was very sure that the rest who were in the restaurant were anxious to experience this 'side effect'. He also wanted to see how Gao Lan Mei could get out of this situation since she was still offering them a proposition.

"Boom! Boom!" Yin Bai was able to pass the last barrier to breakthrough to Immortal Martial Degree.

His senses were sharper and he felt strong enough to take down anyone given that he was also not wearing a cultivation restriction talisman in the Mortal Domain.

He was so delighted with the breakthrough that he immediately came close to Gao Lan Mei to bow, but before he was able to do so, he was halted by her. Her eyes looked at him intently, her hand made a small gesture asking him to look at her back which was facing the door.

"My, my, my! What sorcery have you done to create this commotion?" a very arrogant voice from the crowd outside the room said. Then adding, "This prince was eating peacefully but was interrupted by you!" the prince said, due to his voice being close, Gao Lan Mei could tell that he almost right behind her.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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