Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 118: Strange eyes

Chapter 118: Strange eyes

Chen Yun Ming's Manor was not far and he made sure that everyone was comfortable. There were more than a dozen experts who accepted his invitation and that made him ecstatic. It's just a downside that Xi Jun joined as well.

Aside from the fact that he did not like anyone related to Wei Jiayi, the man was shameless enough to approach 'Merchant Lan' like they were old acquaintances.

He would just be patient and try to avoid Xi Jun as much as he could. There should be some opportunity later to talk to Merchant Lan regarding cooperation.

"Hic! Merchant Lan, you have strange eyes, what are they made off? Its the first time I see it. Hic!" Xi Jun asked curiously after he hiccuped due to his drunkenness. Despite this, he could still walk straight with no assistance.

His face moving closer to Gao Lan Mei to better stare at her dark red eyes, but she moved back to again hide behind Yin Bai making him a shield again.

Gao Lan Mei narrowed her eyes at Xi Jun, then covered her nose with her hand, "You stink of wine. Stay away." She said with a frown, then waved her hand to shoo him.

Not happy to be shooed away, drunk Xi Jun scowled at them and his hand reaching to Gao Lan Mei, but he was pulled away by a man by the shoulder making him halt.

"Moron! Don't bother our Brother Lan!" The man next to Xi Jun said then gave him a slap on the back of his head. "You also should not ask people that!"

The man was just as tall as Gao Lan Mei. He was wearing a purple robe laced with black, a falcon carved jade pendant hung at his waist tied to the belt. The same falcon carve was hanging from Xi Jun's gourd that was now on his hip.

Features handsome on a more feminine side, but what's more noticeable was the scar from his chin that passed through his neck, the end was not seen as it was already hidden by his robe that would make anyone stare for long. Gao Lan Mei could guess that the long scar was from a thin sword due to the thickness of it.

Being able to live after that type of injury was a blessing from the Underworld. It's better to say that the Underworld did not want to welcome him.

His long hair black tied loosely at his back, some strands wildly sticking out of the tie. Skin a darker shade of caramel probably due to continuous exposure to the sun. Gao Lan Mei could bet that if this man pretended to be a woman, it would work. The scar might even get him a lot of pity if he disguised himself as a woman.

Though the man was reprimanding Xi Jun, his face was still smiling like he was enjoying the banter with a drunk friend.

He was the type of friend that if given a chance, would allow these shameless antics, then retell this to everyone he knew just for fun or probably use it as blackmail. 

Xi Jun massaged the part that was hit, "Who's a moron? You're a moron! Your whole family is a moron!" said with hostility, then moved closer to the man. "You wanna fight? Bring it on!" Then cracked his knuckles to prepare a good punch.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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