Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 141: Something is amiss

Chapter 141: Something is amiss

Wei Jiayi stood leisurely at the Concubine Li's courtyard, as he quietly observed and occasionally looked around.

Four female servants were waiting outside patiently with heads bowed low, then another four were trying to go inside Li Huan's room, who was only pushed out.

"Ah!" some of them shouted when Li Huan violently threw a small table to one of them. The table hit one of the servant's legs but the master did not seem to care at all.

"Get out! Stay away!" Li Huan shouted loudly with indignation. "I told all of you! I do not want to see anyone!" She said before sobbing loudly.

Wei Jiayi's brows twitched with the sound and found it the most annoying sound of his lifetime.

'Something is amiss.' He thought to himself while rubbing his chin.

"You! What are you doing here? Can't you see what's going on? Aren't you going to help?!" A female servant suddenly shouted at him like he was one of them.  

Wei Jiayi said with a smirk, "Help? What makes you think I want to help?" Finding the idea laughable. He then just looked at the female servant coldly. The servant did not even look at him when she shouted. How disrespectful.

The servant being ignorant spoke again with taunting, "Then why are you here? Aren't you the expert to remove Concubine Li's curse? We cannot pay you if you are not going to do your job right." The female servant looked so young, annoyed and upset. She kept on whispering gibberish words like she was talking to herself. "Whatever!" She then picked up the table from Li Huan's room and tried to return it.

Wei Jiayi's face turned black, but he did not move. 'Does that servant think I am a Caster to remove curses?' In the current world, there were many types of Martial Cultivators that had a specialization class.

Cultivators that were specialized in spells and rituals were called Casters. Then those who used their spirit for beast summoning, Tamers. Finally, those with pure brutal strength or spiritual weapons were Warriors.

All of them required spiritual energy, but there was another type of cultivators that were blessed and not restricted by any class. They were more like a race of beings that were said to be descendants of gods and they were called the race of Keepers.

Why they were called like that? Wei Jiayi did not know. He was only aware that the specialization class did not exist for that race of beings.

"I said stay away!" Li Huan shouted again full of anger. Due to her anger, Wei Jiayi saw her silhouette as she pulled one ignorant servant's hair and dragged her inside.

"Help! Somebody help me!" the poor servant screamed, but strangely no one moved to help and she was dragged inside by Li Huan. Wei Jiayi then suddenly realized something was really not right.

If Li Huan had cursed madness, she would not be able to look at anyone. So how come she was just acting like a spoiled brat now, who was throwing tantrum for not getting what she wanted.  

Wei Jiayi couldn't help but looked around and found that the original four servants now were only three. He then kicked one of the female servants, who fell but did not react at all, eyes remaining open, dazed.

Looking at the rest that seemed to be the same too, even the resident doctor. 'Mei Mei!' he concluded as he gritted his teeth with annoyance. 'Who are you dressed up to now?'

He swiftly approached the room where Li Huan was. The room was a mess, vases were broken, chairs and tables were unorganized. There was also a strong stench of blood in the room, that made Wei Jiayi alarmed and worried at the same time.

The bed drapes were also on the floor, some of the pillows were torn to shreds as well. Everything looked trashed and Li Huan was nowhere to be seen. That was also the same for the young servant whom she dragged by the hair.

"Oh! Welcome your highness!" a voice said from the room. "You should really stay away. Seriously." He couldn't determine if the speaker of the voice was far or near. He just knew who owned it.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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