Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 173: Take your time

Chapter 173: Take your time

(Warning: Explicit and offending content ahead)

"Eh? No, we are not compatible." She said it was not a big deal. 

Shaking his head, he buried it into the juncture of her neck, mouth opening to bite her in threat, "Compatible or not, I do not care. You can only dual cultivate with me." He said firmly, voice muffled as he spoke,  teeth still biting her neck like a show of ownership and possession. She could feel his fangs deeper than the rest. 

Biting but not breaking the skin. He sounded like a sulking child who got his favourite toy stolen and now just got it back. 

She did not know how to respond to that, and she had already given up the idea of double repair with someone else, who was not her husband since earlier. 

It was a very sacred act that couldn't be just done with anyone. 

"I will not let your neck go until you promise." He said again because of her silence, still biting her neck. Wei Jiayi felt helpless. He will burn anyone who ever dared to get close to them right now.

She found him acting this way funny, but it also made her feel the warmth of happiness, that he wanted her so much, which was forcing him to act this way.  Was it stupid on her part, to feel this way? Men were really dangerous.

His teeth biting her skin made her moist down to her core. To make matters worse, his tongue started licking her too. His hand groping her chest and the other touching her inner thigh. 

Giving up she said, "Fine. I promise." Then circled her arms around him as a welcome gesture. 

Wei Jiayi grinned, releasing her neck but still continued to lick and kiss the part where he had bitten to ease the pain. 

He liked to imprint his mark and smell on her skin so no one else would get close. This was the first time he had welcomed his predatory side and the beast was liking it too much. 

Growling lightly, he bit her earlobe, as a small punishment for considering double repair with anyone else. 

"Wei Jiayi look at me." She commanded, so he did. Gao Lan Mei looked into his eyes, steadily holding his gaze. 

"Ask me to kiss you" Wei Jiayi insisted under his breath. His lips were so close, it would be so easy to remove the distance. 

She Nodded her head breathlessly, unable to speak. Instead of telling him what she wanted, her hands reached to his face, pulling him down, her lips touching his. 

Not showing any sign of refusal as she did want him, enjoying the way he gave all the attention to her. The way he only looked at her, whenever she was with him. Wanted him so much that she ended up lying to herself. That was because she had not understood what she really felt. 

Gao Lan Mei then decided to throw her emotions along with her worry, outside the window and just enjoy after reaping the benefits. Their union could become beneficial.

His eyes bulged and he groaned from her action, completely still allowing her to rub her mouth along his. When her tongue dipped in, he finally lost it and took control passionately responding. 

Both their bodies on fire and Gao Lan Mei could feel the wonderful current from his every touch loving it, craving for the next in action,  wanting some more. 

She aggressively responded, struggling to get in control as well. But Wei Jiayi always ended up winning the fight of dominance, especially whenever he growled or purred against her skin that made shivers run down her spine with delight every time. 

The rest of their clothes were discarded, who knew when. She could feel the heat of his skin against her. 

His hardness so near to her womanhood that made her near nervous to subconsciously push him away. "Stop," she said breathlessly, really meant for him to slow down. 

He groaned, "Wife! What now? You want me to stop You cannot keep on changing your mind I may not be able to stop later" he said with unmasked pain, "Wait Give me a minute I will just" he said closing his eyes while gritting his teeth trying to calm down. 

"Alright, take your time" said then pushing Wei Jiayi onto his back then straddle his waist, raking her hands across his chest, making him groan in bliss, "Tell me when you can continue," she added, taking him by surprise.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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